Douglas E. Bobinmyer (Obituary ~ 10/27/16)
Douglas E. Bobinmyer Jan. 23, 1949 - Oct. 24, 2016 NORTH PLATTE, Neb. -- Douglas E. Bobinmyer died Monday, Oct. 24, 2016, in North Platte. He was born Jan. 23, 1949, in McCook, Neb,. to Doug and Wilma (Kleidosty) Bobinmyer. In 1967, Doug enlisted in the U.S. ... -
McCook hosts Northwest for Friday's playoff opener (High School Sports ~ 10/27/16)
The accomplishments of the Class B No. 4 McCook Bison are well-documented this season... -
Rodeo team rules region (College Sports ~ 10/27/16)
It's not a bad start... -
Arapahoe school ready for $14 million in upgrades (Local News ~ 10/27/16)
ARAPAHOE, Neb. -- The superintendent of the Arapahoe Public Schools District is pleased that a $14,165,000 new construction and renovation project will address handicap accessibility and safety concerns at the schools in Arapahoe. "Our biggest concerns are ADA compliance, fire codes and security," Dr. ... -
First Congregational plans 'International Food Fair' Nov. 5
(Local News ~ 10/27/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The Women's Fellowship of First Congregational Church in McCook plans its 29th annual "International Food Fair and Bake Sale" on Saturday, Nov. 5, at the church at 212 East E Street. The bake sale is scheduled from 9 a.m. until 1:30 p.m., and the food booths will be open from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m...
'Bridge' program boosts for success for college freshmen
(Local News ~ 10/27/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- A new program is helping McCook Community College students get a leg up on their college career. The "Bridge to Success" program, launched in August at MCC, allows incoming freshmen to arrive on campus two weeks early, move into the residence halls and set up their rooms while taking a foundational English course to help bridge high school skills to college. ...
... in memory of Adam (Local News ~ 10/27/16)
Logan Roepke, left, and Jacob Fritsche of the Common Scents Greenhouse, rural McCook, plant a Colorado blue spruce on the south side of the McCook Senior High tennis courts Tuesday afternoon. This spruce, along with 24 other blue spruces and Austrian pines planted this week around the perimeter of the tennis courts, have been donated to McCook Public Schools by the Joyce and Darrel Potthoff family in memory of their son, Adam. ... -
Station has right reaction to being part of the story
(Editorial ~ 10/27/16)
It's every reporter's nightmare. No, not making a mistake in a story, that's a serious issue, but something that can usually be corrected in the next news cycle, if not sooner. This is something worse: Becoming part of the story. That's the situation NTV News found itself in this week, when a mistrial was declared after the Kearney television station inadvertently aired video footage of potential jurors in a Norton County murder trial...
Panic in the park
(Column ~ 10/27/16)
Oh man, I'm in trouble! The school sent out a mass email the other day warning kids of wearing clown masks to school on Halloween and kindly stated that making someone suffer anxiety for a few laughs is not acceptable. Oh geez, apparently the school has no idea how our house works on Halloween because we thoroughly enjoy scaring each other and the more anxious one of us gets, the more laughs we get. Is it mean? Ya, sorta. But is it funny? Totally!...