Riener, Keller engagement (Engagement ~ 10/07/16)
Riener, Keller Jessica Ann Riener and Landon Mitchell Keller of Pensacola Fla., announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the bride-to-be are Mr. and Mrs. Karol "Cork" Riener of Herndon, Kan. and the late Patricia (Marintzer) Riener... -
Clark birthday (Birthdays ~ 10/07/16)
86th birthday The family of Glora Clark of McCook is requesting a card shower in honor of her 86th birthday on Friday, Oct. 14. Cards of congratulations will reach her at 1012 West L, McCook, NE 69001. -
Vernon birthday (Birthdays ~ 10/07/16)
101th birthday Florine Vernon of Oberlin, Kan. will turn 101 years on Sunday, Oct. 16, 2016. Her family is requesting a card shower in honor of her birthday. Cards of congratulations will reach her at 203 S. York, Oberlin, KS, 67749. -
Dodson anniversary (Anniversary ~ 10/07/16)
60th anniversary The family of Duane and Beverly Dodson of Maywood, Neb., is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 60th wedding anniversary on Friday, Oct. 14. They were married in 1956 in Valentine, Neb. Duane is a long-time board member of McCook Public Power District. ... -
Keith anniversary (Anniversary ~ 10/07/16)
50th anniversary The family of Byron and Carolyn (Reiners) Keith of Penokee, Kan., is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 50th wedding anniversary on Sunday, Oct. 16, 2016. They were married in 1966 at St. John's Lutheran Church in Ash Creek, Neb. ... -
Early Southwest Nebraska history (Column ~ 10/07/16)
We took a Harley circling trip through some central Sandhills communities this last weekend and I can state for a fact that rural Nebraska is alive and well! I saw towns that I had never visited and with the exception of Kearney, all were smaller in population than McCook but just as vibrant and dedicated to preserving a lifestyle that we all enjoy here on the western side of the state... -
Siegfried birth (Births ~ 10/07/16)
Joseph Benedict Siegfried Cody and Shelby Siegfried of McCook announce the birth of their son, Joseph Benedict Siegfried, born Sept. 6, 2016, at Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital in Hastings, Neb. He weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces and measured 20.5 inches long. ... -
Kramer birth (Births ~ 10/07/16)
Brooks Frederick Kramer Beau and Mandi Kramer of Wauneta, Neb., announce the birth of their son, Brooks Frederick Kramer, born Aug. 21, 2016, at Community Hospital of McCook. He weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces and measured 20.5 inches long. He has one sister, Marlee Fae, 4. Grandparents are Bruce and Kathy Kramer and Kevin and Denise Janicek, all of Wauneta. Great-grandparent is Joan Kitt of Wauneta... -
Evans birth (Births ~ 10/07/16)
Adelyn Grace Evans Mark Evans and Ashley Long of Cambridge, Neb., announce the birth of their daughter, Adelyn Grace Evans, born Sept. 26, 2016, at Community Hospital of McCook. She weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces and measured 19 inches long. Her siblings are Isaac, 9, Cole, 7, Cash, 6, Connor, 5 and Alivia, 3. Grandparents are Doug and Mary Palmer and Warren and Pat Evans. Great-grandparents are Carolyn O'Brien, June Palmer and Marlin and Louan Meyer... -
Kent Duane Martin (Obituary ~ 10/07/16)
Kent Duane Martin Jan. 23, 1953 - Oct. 1, 2016 KEARNEY, Neb. -- Kent Duane Martin, 63, of Kearney, died at home on Oct. 1, 2016. He was born on Jan. 23, 1953, to Harold 'Andy' and Helen Martin (Kircher) of Danbury, Neb. Kent graduated from Beaver Valley High School in 1972... -
Cool cats run away with RPAC (High School Sports ~ 10/07/16)
ARAPAHOE, Neb. -- They were stone cold killers when it came to conquering the Arapahoe Golf Course on a chilly Thursday afternoon... -
Tigers lead pack again, Falcons finish second (High School Sports ~ 10/07/16)
ARAPAHOE, Neb. -- Even the pace-setting golf cart wasn't staying too far ahead of Dundy County-Stratton's Madison Lambley Thursday afternoon... -
Lady Bison head to state ready to make more memories (High School Sports ~ 10/07/16)
Golf may be an individual sport, but the state-bound McCook Lady Bison have plenty of good things to say about their team... -
Chase County, Southern Valley/Alma still alive in C-6 district softball (High School Sports ~ 10/07/16)
COZAD, Neb. -- Chase County and Southern Valley/Alma both went 2-1 on opening day at the C-6 district softball tournament in Cozad... -
Bison take broom to 'Maids, Swedes (High School Sports ~ 10/07/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- After a marathon eight-match challenge last week, the McCook Bison were happy to make quick work of two volleyball tests from Gothenburg and Lexington Thursday night... -
Lady Bison end season with loss in districts
(High School Sports ~ 10/07/16)
SCOTTSBUFF, Neb. -- If you're looking for a happy final story about B-6 district softball...
Plea reached in heroin, meth case
(Local News ~ 10/07/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- A plea agreement was reached last month with an Oberlin woman facing seven drug and driving violations, including felony allegations for possession of heroin and methamphetamine. The plea deal admitted guilt to misdemeanor offenses for attempted possession of meth and driving on a suspended license...
Brand committee moving online
(Local News ~ 10/07/16)
Lincoln Neb.-- October 7, 2016 -- The Nebraska Brand Committee received approval from the Nebraska State Board of Records for the development of a complete end to end software solution that will revolutionize the industry. Incorporating this innovation, never done before in the state, will exponentially improve efficiencies within the committee which is still using a paper process. The solution will include the ability to collect fees online, record cattle metrics and track brand inspections...
Annual Halloween Parade Oct. 29
(Local News ~ 10/07/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The McCook Area Chamber of Commerce and McCook Gazette are co-sponsoring with the Halloween Kiddie Parade on Saturday, Oct. 29 for "trick or treaters." Participants will meet in front of the Keystone at 402 Norris Ave., where the parade will begin at 10 a.m...
Another road trip
(Column ~ 10/07/16)
I'm leaving later this morning (Thursday) on a road trip I've been thinking about doing for years but never have and now since I'm retired, there's no need to put it off any longer. My final destination will be Arkansas so I can visit my boys, Michael and Will, for my birthday tomorrow but I'm going to get there differently than I have before. ...
Testing scores to be explored by school board
(Local News ~ 10/07/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- How the testing scores of students in the McCook School District stand up to state averages will be discussed at the regular McCook School Board meeting Monday, 6:30 p.m. at the junior high conference room. Superintendent Grant Norgaard will talk with the board on the district's 2016 "report card" that includes statistics from the Nebraska State Assessment tests, five-year trend of scores and other data...
Aggies arena is going to the dogs this weekend (Local News ~ 10/07/16)
Mary Crawford, NCTA News Service Curtis, Neb. -- A good dog can take the place of one or two people when working around cattle, say dog handlers who use stock dogs for sorting and moving livestock with low stress method on the farm or ranch. Novice and skilled dog handlers, alike, can gain tips from a veteran stock dog rancher on Saturday, and then get a chance to test those skills on Sunday at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture livestock arena... -
Police chief: wearing 'killer clown' mask not good idea right now (Local News ~ 10/07/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- McCook Police Chief Ike Brown hopes that locally no one wanders around with a "killer clown" or a "creepy clown" or an "evil clown" mask and costume, and that no one over-reacts if they spot one. During "Coffee with a Cop" this morning, Brown said that the nationwide trend of wearing clown masks and costumes to scare or terrorize people is "gaining lots of traction" among kids generally of junior high age. ... -
Savor the season (Weekend Menu ~ 10/07/16)
Spice things up this season with some uniquely delicious recipe options that are perfect for most any meal occasion. Serve Beet, Feta and Walnut Scones for brunch or as an accompaniment to soups or salads. Starting with Aunt Nellie's Pickled Beets cuts time and adds flavor... -
McCook starts district play with 47-0 demolition (High School Sports ~ 10/07/16)
HASTINGS, Neb. -- The B-7 district is in trouble. Specifically, everyone but McCook...