Worried about the news? Open up a good book
(Editorial ~ 10/20/16)
Major outlets seized on Donald Trump's offhand remark that he would cross the concession bridge when he came to it, leading nearly every story this morning with speculation over a possible coupe. We're involved in a land war in Iraq to retake Mosul from ISIS forces, and Turkey just killed 200 of our Syrian Kurdish allies north of Aleppo...
That blasted water bottle game
(Column ~ 10/20/16)
So this new water bottle game? Driving me nuts! People with kids probably know what I'm talking about. This stupid new game where kids flip a half empty water bottle out in front of them and try to make it land straight up on its bottom. They flip it and flip it and flip it, over and over and over on the pavement or kitchen floor or table. They yell "Ohhhhhh!" and fist bump when it finally lands standing up, after the 237th time of flipping it...
Kudos to Hayes Center-Maywood volleyball team
(Letter to the Editor ~ 10/20/16)
First, thanks for the great coverage of the RPAC volleyball tournament! Gabe is doing an excellent job. Second, I would like to send a huge SHOUT OUT to the Hayes Center Maywood volleyball team! The highlight of my evening Tuesday night during the RPAC Championship game was sitting behind members of this team and watching them cheer on their fellow West Side RPAC team the Dundy County Tigers! I've followed the Lady Wolves all season and they have struggled to get the wins but they have consistently improved. ...
On the record
(Other Record ~ 10/20/16)
This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society. Police activity Activity log...
Honor roll students at St. Patrick School
(Community News ~ 10/20/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- Honor roll students at St. Patrick School for the first quarter are: St. Patrick Scholars (Must have "A" in 6 core subjects and no core grade below 95%. Students cannot have any grade in any subject C- or below) 5th grade-Evan Mai 6th grade-Natalie Roberts...
Bison close out regular season at home against Lexington (High School Sports ~ 10/20/16)
Say it with me: the final week of the regular season is upon us... -
NU spikers will honor champs
(High School Sports ~ 10/20/16)
As part of the N Club Weekend of Champions Celebration, Nebraska will honor three teams at Friday night's match against Wisconsin -- the 1986, 1996 and 2006 Nebraska volleyball teams...
Area football finales start tonight
(High School Sports ~ 10/20/16)
Regular-season finales starting tonight do not mean area football teams are finished for 2016...
Knights triumph in final big test (Community Sports ~ 10/20/16)
The St. Patrick Junior High volleyball team won its season finale in two sets over the Southwest Roughriders on Tuesday... -
Who smokes best? (Local News ~ 10/20/16)
Red Willow Western Rural Fire Department firefighter Bill Patras serves Bob Logan of rural McCook his and his wife Barb's doubled-stuffed and twice-baked potato during the RWW fire department's first-ever "smoke-off" among firefighters Sunday afternoon. ... -
'Tiger's Eye' (Local News ~ 10/20/16)
McCook Beauty Academy student Korin Jackson models "Tiger's Eye" make-up designed by fellow student Raquel Garcia during the school's theatrical make-up class. Judged on their creativity and execution, "Tiger's Eye" won first place, followed in second place by "Galaxy Skull" created by Cheyenne Beegle and modeled, also, by Korin, and in third place by "Triangular Sparkle" created by Caitlin Hiatt and modeled by Dani Johnson. Judges were Tayler Brown, Kendra Weintz and Jill McCorkle... -
Open house set for visiting Joy Curtis, former Oz Tex owner
(Local News ~ 10/20/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- Joy Curtis of Bunbury, Australia, formerly of McCook, will make a vacation stop in McCook next week, and friends plan an open house to allow everyone to stop by and visit. Joy and her husband, Clive, operated the "Oz Tex" doughnut and lunch shop in McCook for 121⁄2 years, until they returned to Australia in May 2012. Clive died earlier this year, in March...
The nose knows (Local News ~ 10/20/16)
Gus Daffer is a black-and-tan bloodhound who tracks and recovers wounded deer. He and Shawn Daffer of rural Indianola offer their services to hunters who have shot their "trophy deer" and lost its trail. To learn more about certified blood tracking dogs and Shawn and Chareese Daffer's bloodhounds named Gus-Gus and Annie, see the hunter's guide in today's edition... -
Gladys L. Heater (Obituary ~ 10/20/16)
Gladys Lucille Raichart Heater Feb. 6, 1920 - Oct. 16, 2016 McCOOK, Neb. -- Gladys Lucille Raichart Heater was born Feb. 6, 1920, at home on a homestead north of Max, Neb., to Boyd and Clara E (Green) Raichart. She passed away at the Hillcrest Nursing Home in McCook on Oct. 16, 2016... -
Community Hospital Health Foundation gearing up for Hospice banquet
(Local News ~ 10/20/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- With a continuing showing of support, residents of the McCook area will gather at the KC Hall Sunday evening, Nov. 13, for the 19th "An Evening for Hospice" hosted by Community Hospital Health Foundation. The purpose of the event is to raise funds for the special care that is provided to families by the team of nurses, physicians, social workers and members of the clergy...