Eustice birth
(Births ~ 11/29/01)
Tracy and Lisa Eustace of Newton, Kan., announce the birth of a daughter, Madeline Mae, on Thursday, Oct. 25, 2001. She weighed 8 pounds 3 ounces. Grandparents are Jon and Pat Burkey of McCook. Great-grandparents are Leo and Nellie McConville of McCook...
Udayan birth
(Births ~ 11/29/01)
Michael and Heather (Harmon) Udayan of Phoenix, Ariz., announce the birth of a son, Benjamin Sebastian, on Oct. 9, 2001. He has one brother, Aaron, and one sister, Stephanie. Grandparents are Mike and Jeanne Harmon of McCook. Great-grandparents are Lewis "Bud" and Betty Harmon of McCook...
Conference center would boost economy
(Column ~ 11/29/01)
Economic growth happens in many ways. The most obvious way is when a community lands a large employer ... such as when Valmont and the Work Ethic Camp came to McCook, and, more recently, when Wal-Mart announced it had selected North Platte as the site for a large, new distribution center...
Mercury poisoning
(Column ~ 11/29/01)
Dear Editor, According to a recent release to the Associated Press, an alliance of law firms have filed law suites to force pharmaceutical companies to study whether or not vaccines containing trace amounts of mercury poison may be causing autism and other brain damage in young babies and children. ...
Priceless gift
(Column ~ 11/29/01)
Dear Editor, Kidney and urinary tract diseases effect 20 million Americans and directly causes more than 95,000 deaths each year. When the kidneys no longer function well enough to sustain life, this is called ESRD or End Stage Renal Disease. There is only one cure for this disease and that is a kidney transplant. ...
Did they see it coming?
(Column ~ 11/29/01)
Dear Editor, People have called and asked, are the McCook Schools broke? The people need to call the members of the school board or Mr. Burkey or Mr. Datas.The main question is, How long have the schools known about the levy going down to 1.00? Did the schools prepare for what is about to happen? Are there going to be more cuts and where will the be?...
'When' irrelevant
(Column ~ 11/29/01)
I am commenting on the terminal generation comment on the Opinion page of the Tuesday, Nov. 20 Gazette. I agree that no one who believes should try to predict the end of the world. It may come in my lifetime, it may not. However, reading the obituaries does not make me lose heart in the fact that Jesus will come soon...
A revolting development (Column ~ 11/29/01)
I'm revolting ... OK, let me rephrase that, I am planning a revolt. I guess maybe I've said it one too many times to be believed, but I am here again, to say that one of the least pleasurable things I can think of is sports. Was it the fact that I admitted to being a Husker fan? Could it be that I once again opened my mouth one too many times? Whatever the circumstances, I find myself once again knee-deep in ...well, things I know nothing about and have never had any desire to learn... -
C.V 'Babe' Fidler
(Obituary ~ 11/29/01)
C.V. 'Babe' Fidler GRANT -- C.V. "Babe" Fidler, 81, died Wednesday (Nov. 28, 2001) at the Perkins County Community Hospital in Grant. He was born Oct. 13, 1920, at Freedom to Merle and Louise (Koltch) Fidler. He grew up in McCook and graduated from McCook High School in 1940. ...