Late summer ceremony unites Bender and Barger (Other Record ~ 11/23/01)
OMAHA -- Jessica Marie Bender of Omaha and Travis Benjamin Barger of Culbertson were united in marriage on Aug. 31, 2001, at St. Leo's Catholic Church in Omaha. The Revs. Harold Buse and Ronald Holmes officiated the evening ceremony. Parents of the couple are Therese Knowles Bender of Omaha, and William and RanDee Barger of Culbertson. ... -
Couple exchanges vows in New Orleans (Other Record ~ 11/23/01)
NEW ORLEANS, La. -- Kathryn Lynn Tadlock of Nashville, Tenn., formerly of Arapahoe, and Jerry Dean Davis of Nashville, formerly of McCook, were united in marriage on Oct. 1, 2001, at the House of Broel at New Orleans, La. The ceremony was officiated by the Rev. Bonnie Broel... -
Peters, Beideck wed (Other Record ~ 11/23/01)
CULBERTSON -- Lisa Amber Peters and Joshua Mark Beideck, both of McCook, were united in marriage on June 23, 2001, at the United Methodist Church of Culbertson with the Rev. Dan Spearow officiating. Parents of the couple are Mike and Pat Peters of McCook, Dr. Emanuel and Kathy Beyer of Benkelman, and Mark and Bodell Beideck of Culbertson. Grandparents are Floyd and Elaine Peters of Mesa, Ariz., Wayne and LaVerna Ely of McCook, and Jerry and Jean Beideck of McCook... -
Bruner birth
(Births ~ 11/23/01)
John and Abbey Bruner of Sioux Falls, S.D., announce the birth of a son, Blake Lucas, on Friday, Nov. 9, 2001, at Sioux Valley Hospital in Sioux Falls, S.D. He weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces. He has one brother, Dylan, age two years. Grandparents are John and Ginger Bruner, and Gary and Ruth Lucas, all of McCook...
Harris birth
(Births ~ 11/23/01)
Mark and Jennifer Harris of Lincoln announce the birth of a son, Colton Manning, on Friday, Nov. 2, 2001, at Lincoln. Grandparents are J.T. and Karen Harris of McCook and Lincoln, Peggy and Larry Gerke of Wheatland, Wyo., and Tom and Marilyn Manning of Fairmont. Great-grandparents are Eleanor and John T. Harris of Opelika, Ala., formerly of McCook...
Here's hoping for a traditional Christmas season
(Column ~ 11/23/01)
Shoppers were lining up all over the country before daybreak today to take advantage of early-morning Christmas bargains. Security guards reported being scratched and jostled, and before the morning is over, there are bound to be fights over the last Harry Potter toy or "Shrek" video...
Herbert Vaughn
(Obituary ~ 11/23/01)
Herbert Vaughn OBERLIN -- Herbert Vaughn, 86, died Thursday (Nov. 22, 2001) at Decatur County Hospital in Oberlin. He was born March 27, 1915, in Sheridan County, Kan., to William Howard and Nellie E. (McClain) Vaughn. He was raised in Hoxie, Kan., and graduated from Hoxie High School in 1935. On March 3, 1935, he married Nelda L. Rhodes at Oberlin. They lived in Selden, Kan., Hoxie, Dresden, Kan., and Oberlin. He was a farmer...
Carl H. 'Shippee' Welborn
(Obituary ~ 11/23/01)
Carl H. 'Shippee' Welborn NORTON, Kan. -- Carl Hugh "Shippee" Welborn died Thursday, (Nov. 22, 2001) at the Andbe Home in Norton. He was born Feb. 24, 1919, at Lebanon to Lawrence M. and Auretta (Daffer) Welborn. He was raised on the family farm east of Lebanon, attended elementary school at District 5 and graduated from Lebanon High School...
Luella M. Schmidt
(Obituary ~ 11/23/01)
Luella M. Schmidt CAMBRIDGE -- Luella M. Schmidt, 75, of Bartley, died Friday (Nov. 23, 2001) at the Cambridge Manor. She was born Aug. 26, 1926, at Cambridge to Charles and Agnes (Karash) Purvis. She grew up at Cambridge. On April 5, 1943, she married Kenneth Schmidt at Oberlin. They made their home farming north of Indianola, and retired to Bartley in 1975...
Thanksgiving in action
(Column ~ 11/23/01)
That should be of no surprise to anyone who has experienced the generosity of residents of McCook, Southwest Nebraska and Northwest Kansas. Ileen Lenhart and Janet Fletcher helped organize the nondenominational Thanksgiving dinner, held at St. Alban's Parish Hall...
Cattle as business
(Column ~ 11/23/01)
Dear Editor, I have been in the cattle business all of my life. I have run big corporate ranches and I have done agribusiness consulting work, primarily for cattlemen for the past six years in 26 states and 6 foreign countries. I have a number of agribusiness inventions (21 U.S. ...
Help find solutions
(Column ~ 11/23/01)
Dear Editor, The recent letter to the editor from Gary Malone about the beef checkoff contains some serious errors. Important checkoff facts include that Dr. Ron Ward, a researcher from the University of Florida, has done studies which conclude that the return to producers as a result of the checkoff is substantial. He calculates that producers receive about $5 for every $1 invested in the program in the form of higher prices than would have been received had there not been a checkoff...
Search for safe, abundant city water continues
(Column ~ 11/23/01)
We had hoped to write a few words about the Colorado-Nebraska game in this space, but now we're afraid that's all that would appear. Blank space. The only positive point we can make about the 62-36 loss is that we won't have to play Oklahoma again this year...
The forgotten flood of '42 (Column ~ 11/23/01)
McCook City council OK'd several beer licenses and billiard hall licenses in April 1942. Those applying for On Sale and Off Sale retail beer licenses in McCook were William A. Hanke, 112 West B; G.E. Mitchell, 111 Main; Henry Dinges, 113 West B; George Chinn, 311 Main; E.C. Hanke, 406 Main; George L. Harris & Rex E. Scott, 113 Main; Alex Pl Gochis, 110 Main... -
What are you thankful for? (Column ~ 11/23/01)
Well, we've lived through another Thanksgiving, with Christmas not far behind, and we always go through the same sales job every year. We're reminded of all the things we should be thankful for and how truly lucky we are to be who we are. It's the ego nature of human beings in general and Americans in particular to be thankful without, for a moment, thinking about all those poor souls out there who don't have very much to be thankful for at all. ... -
Norma Peterson
Norma Peterson
Norma Peterson
(Obituary ~ 11/23/01)
Norma Peterson HAYES CENTER -- Norma Jean Nitsch was born at White on July 10, 1932, to Carl L. and Leona E. (Lewin) Nitsch. She attended elementary school in rural Hayes County and graduated from Hayes Center High School in 1949. Norma lost a courageous battle with cancer on Wednesday (Nov. ...