Chaplaski, Rummel birth
(Births ~ 11/13/01)
Mike Chaplaski and Kristy Rummel of Mccook announce the birth of a daughter, Michaela Kristin, on Monday, Nov. 12, 2001. She weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces. She has two siblings, Dalyon Rummel, age 5 years, and Jalisa Rummel, age 2 years. Grandparents are Kay Rummel of Ludell, Kan., and RoxyLea Rummel of Speed, Kan...
Beavers birth
(Births ~ 11/13/01)
Chadd and Jennifer Beavers of McCook announce the birth of a son, Adam Joseph, on Thursday, November 1, 2001, at Cambridge Memorial Hospital. He weighed 8 pounds 2 ounces. He has one brother, Jason. Grandparents are Dennis and Mavis Beavers of Cozad. His great-grandmother is Lucille Gilster of Kearney...
Monday's quake demonstration of awesome power
(Column ~ 11/13/01)
Can you believe it? An earthquake in the Golden Plains of Southwest Nebraska and Northwest Kansas! Centered in Decatur County, the Monday evening quake caused a shudder felt in Oberlin, McCook and the surrounding countryside. According to Red Willow County Sheriff Gene Mahon, the earthquake was measured as about a magnitude 3. That is at a level which is detectable on the earth's surface, but far below the levels of the terrible quakes which have struck other parts of the world...
Education Week observed
(Column ~ 11/13/01)
Dear Editor, Nov. 11-17 will mark the 80th annual observance of American Education Week-a time for saluting our public schools and the relationships between teachers, students and parents. The theme of this year's celebration, "Together: Making Public Schools Great for Every Child," reflects our combined commitment to get all students to learn and succeed. ...
Here's to athletes who give it all (Column ~ 11/13/01)
Call me crazy, but if someone offered me courtside seats for every game Michael Jordan competes in, from now through his next three retirements, I'd have to decline. If I won a sweepstakes and received season tickets to any NFL stadium in the country, I'd have to give them away. Professional sports are fine, but for the real thrill of victory, there's nothing like high school or college athletics...