Scoring my Emmy picks: How'd I do?
(Column ~ 09/26/12)
The Emmy Awards were handed out this past Sunday night, and while there were a fair share of surprises this year, there were many absolute non-shockers. ("The Daily Show" won its 853rd straight Variety Series trophy, for example.) Even though I've been trying to see as many of the new shows as I can for my Fall Preview review series, I do have a little breathing room (but not much, as the new CBS dramas "Vegas" and "Elementary" are up next week; mark your calendars appropriately), so I figured it would be a good chance for me to take stock of how well I did in my picks.. ...
Stephen Lee Tomlinson (Obituary ~ 09/26/12)
Stephen Lee Tomlinson March 27, 1939 - Sept. 25, 2012 BEAVER CITY, Nebraska -- Stephen Lee Tomlinson, 73, of Beaver City, died Tuesday (Sept. 25, 2012), at Good Samaritan Hospital at Kearney, Nebraska. He was born March 27, 1939 at Indianapolis, Indiana, to Robert and Eleanor (Kennedy) Tomlinson... -
Carolyn J. Robarchek (Obituary ~ 09/26/12)
Carolyn J. Robarchek July 10, 1932 - Sept. 24, 2012 GERING, Nebrasaka --With gratitude to God, Carolyn J. Robarchek passed away peacefully after her long battle with Alzheimer's. She is at peace, whole again and in a better place. Her funeral service will be on Friday, Sept. ... -
Zachary Adam 'Zach' Messinger (Obituary ~ 09/26/12)
Zachary Adam 'Zach' Messinger April 30, 1991 -- Sept. 23, 2012 LONGMONT, Colorado -- Zachary Adam "Zach" Messinger passed away Sept. 23, 2012, at the age of 21. Zach was born April 30, 1991 to Lance F. and Cheryl A. (Boetger) Messinger in Longmont, Colorado. Zach grew up in Longmont attending Central Elementary, Westview Middle, and Longmont High Schools where he graduated in 2009. While attending Longmont High, Zach played on the varsity soccer team. He also played club soccer... -
On the record
(Local News ~ 09/26/12)
This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society. Police activity Activity log...
Kerrey visits the hospital (Community News ~ 09/26/12)
Courtesy photo Molly Garcia, RN, Community Hospital Director of Surgery and Jim Ulrich, Community Hospital President and CEO, show former Senator Bob Kerrey one of the three operating suites in Community Hospital's new surgery wing during a hospital tour on Friday afternoon. Kerrey, a senate candidate, was in McCook as part of his senate campaign... -
Sorority pledges at UNK include local students
(Community News ~ 09/26/12)
KEARNEY, Nebraska -- Sororities at the University of Nebraska at Kearney have announced the names of 138 fall pledges The number of students signed up for recruitment was up 21 percent from last year, and the number of students who received bids was up by 12 percent, according to Erin Christensen, assistant director of Greek Affairs...
'Fess up or you'll all pay
(Column ~ 09/26/12)
Although I did find myself using many of the parenting tools my parents employed when raising me, there were exceptions. The shame game was one of them, as was the "why can't you be more like..." gambit. Name-calling also was taboo. Another technique I eschewed was the oft-applied "'fess up or you all pay."...
Hillcrest's silent auction bake sales to benefit Alzheimer's Memory walk
(Local News ~ 09/26/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- A silent auction bake sale will be at Hillcrest Nursing Home to raise funds for Alzheimer's Memory Walk Oct. 6. Anyone wishing to donate baked goods can deliver them to the center by 8 a.m. The highest bidder will be called at 4 p.m., at which time they can come and pick up their items. ...
Committee seeks public input on future of downtown McCook
(Local News ~ 09/26/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The McCook Downtown Planning Steering Committee will coordinate a public hearing Wednesday in an effort to gather input that will assist in determining how to spend an anticipated $350,000 CDBG grant for downtown revitalization. The meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. at the Heritage Senior Center...
Stratton festival
(Local News ~ 09/26/12)
STRATTON, Nebraska -- The last Saturday in September is a day of tradition in Stratton, Nebraska. Thirty-eight years ago a small group of people decided to have a free barbeque and street dance. Eventually, the Stratton Recreation Club was formed to fund and organize the annual event. Through the years, a craft fair was added to the day as well as team penning, a parade, a melodrama and many other events that have come and gone through the years...
MHS Class of '47
(Local News ~ 09/26/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The McCook High School Class of 1947 will gather at 6:30 p.m., Friday at 1602 Norris Ave. Family and friends of the class are also invited to attend.
Food fair
(Local News ~ 09/26/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- For a quarter of a century, the Women's Fellowship of First Congregational Church in McCook, Nebraska, has hosted its annual "International Food Fair and Bake Sale," to raise funds for Fellowship projects. The 25th annual food fair will be Saturday, Oct. 6, at the church at 212 East E in McCook...
Instructor's quilting legacy is on display this weekend (Local News ~ 09/26/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- When her children were nearly finished with high school Janet Bamesberger's daughter thought her mother might need a project to occupy all her newly found spare time. She began all those crafting projects she never had time for as a mother of four. Then one day in her crafting pursuits, she was sitting in a class in Oberlin when she contracted a life-altering "affliction" -- she was bitten by the "Quilting Bug" and it is highly contagious... -
Hillcrest Trustees criticize paper for stories on facility
(Local News ~ 09/26/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Holding a newspaper clipping with the headline, "Hillcrest woes add up to an increase in county budget," Hillcrest Board of Trustee Jim Howard lambasted the McCook Daily Gazette for what he perceived as inaccurate and faulty reporting...
'Nasty weed' flourishes south of Barnett Park (Local News ~ 09/26/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Red Willow County, Nebraska, weed control superintendent Bill Elliott told county commissioners during their weekly meeting Monday morning that he and Tim Smith of Benkelman, coordinator of the Southwest Weed Management Area, will work to control thistles and phragmites growing on the south side of the Republican River near McCook's Barnett Park... -
Great Plains Futurity coming to Kiplinger Arena (Local News ~ 09/26/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The Central Plains Reining Horse Association plans its "Great Plains Futurity" for the first time at the Kiplinger Arena on the Red Willow County fairgrounds in McCook, Nebraska. Sherman Tegtmeier of Bennington, Nebraska, CPRHA president, said he's excited about bringing the futurity to the Kiplinger. ... -
Audit shows positive cash flow at Hillcrest
(Local News ~ 09/26/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- A yearly audit on Medicare and Medicaid at Hillcrest Nursing Home shows an increase in assets. Administrator Colinda Nappa told the board of trustees at their regular meeting Tuesday that the independent audit shows net assets for 2012 at $3.214 million, compared to $2.943 million in 2011...
Stephen Kelley Theobald (Obituary ~ 09/26/12)
Stephen Kelley Theobald Dec. 24, 1948 - Sept. 24, 2012 BEAVER CITY, Nebraska -- Stephen Kelley Theobald, 63, of Beaver City, died Monday (Sept. 24, 2012), at Phelps Memorial Hospital in Holdrege, Nebraska. He was born Dec. 24, 1948, at McCook, Nebraska, to Carlton "Bootie" and Carol (Harrold) Theobald...