Time to develop a strategic plan for the State of Nebraska (Editorial ~ 09/12/12)
Guest editorial -
LRNRD bracing for water shortage in 2013
(Letter to the Editor ~ 09/12/12)
Editor, We have recently had a number of calls from producers inquiring about water allocations and supplies for next year. Our rules and regulations have the next allocation period beginning on Jan. 1, 2013 and ending on Dec. 31, 2017. The allocation will be 45 acre inches for that 5 year period. ...
Farm security
(Letter to the Editor ~ 09/12/12)
Editor, In any business or operation some level of certainty is always beneficial. That certainty provides a basis to make short term and long term plans, assess investments into the business or needed changes to an operation. My farming operation is no different!...
Build refineries
(Letter to the Editor ~ 09/12/12)
Editor: In 1984, Kansas had 13 refineries. Now, three. Build refineries in Alaska, Canada, North Dakota, etc. Why pipe oil to Texas for export or haul back as fuel? Abolish retirement ($) for every elected official. If the budget doesn't balance, dock their pay, same percent...
School district passes safety audit
(Local News ~ 09/12/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The McCook School district passed the annual safety audit with flying colors. McCook Public Schools business manager Rick Haney told the McCook School Board at its regular meeting Monday that the safety auditor told him that McCook schools was one of the safest he's been through and would like to nominate the school for an award...
Reining event to make debut at Heritage Days
(Local News ~ 09/12/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The Red Willow County Visitors Committee approved grant funding last week that will help bring a national reining event to this year's Heritage Days activities. The 2012 Central Plains Reining Horse Association was approved during the committee's monthly meeting to receive $1,500 from the visitor's committee for the event, which is anticipated to draw from a five state area...
Shhh.... MCC intern learning today's 'new library' (Local News ~ 09/12/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- One year ago, Charles Skilling III, a graduate of Southwest High School, was getting ready for his freshman year at McCook Community College where he wanted to study accounting, maybe finance. If you would have asked him to define a librarian, he admits his answer probably would have reflected the clichéd image of a white-haired woman looking through thick glasses telling you to "Shhh."... -
Former commissioner applauds county board for hanging tough on the new jail (Local News ~ 09/12/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- A former Red Willow County, Nebraska, commissioner -- a self-professed "hard-head" -- praised a retired nursing home administrator, thanked the current board for its "tough" stand on the new jail and wondered outloud how they can get all their work done in three hours each week, when he addressed commissioners at their weekly meeting -- yep, less than three hours long -- Monday morning... -
Lieutenant Governor addresses SPUCC Tuesday night in McCook
(Local News ~ 09/12/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Members of the South Platte United Chambers of Commerce (SPUCC) met in McCook Tuesday. The organization, which was formed in 1934 with 140 representatives of community clubs, commercial and service clubs and chambers of commerce from 24 towns in South Central and Southwest Nebraska, continues to work to further the economic and social welfare of the area...
Pawnee Free Trappers rendezvous this weekend, just west of McCook (Local News ~ 09/12/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The Pawnee Free Trappers 2012 Fall Rendezvous is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 15-16, just west of McCook. The event features an assortment of range competitions, primitive attire and tin tipi camping. Scheduled competitions include muzzleloading rifle, pistol, shotgun, knife and hawk, and archery... -
Nebraska public schools will be ranked in 2014
(Local News ~ 09/12/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- New state legislation will have the Nebraska Department of Education rank schools beginning in 2014. McCook Superintendent Grant Norgaard spoke about the legislation during the regular school board meeting Monday night. The new ranking system "may cause some nervousness" for some schools across Nebraska, he said...
Mildred Sughroue (Obituary ~ 09/12/12)
Mildred Sughroue Feb. 21, 1911 - Sept. 10, 2012 McCOOK, Nebraska -- Mildred M. Sughroue, former longtime resident of McCook and Denver, Colorado, passed away Monday, Sept. 10, 2012 at Eldorado Manor in Trenton. She was 101 years old. Mildred was born in Indianola, Nebraska, on Feb. ... -
On the record
(Community News ~ 09/12/12)
This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society. Police activity Activity log...
Husker ticket raffle (Community News ~ 09/12/12)
Connie Jo Discoe/McCook Daily Gazette Val Fuller of McCook, Nebraska, third from the left, accepts tickets to a University of Nebraska Husker football game from Al Cuellar, president of the McCook Educational Foundation. Proceeds from the raffle of the tickets will help the MEA fund its scholarship program. The tickets were provided by First Central Bank, McCook. MEA representatives at the ticket presentation were, from left, Jason Loop, Ruth Ann Hackenkamp, Pat Marvin and Warren Everts... -
Southwest Alumni discuss scholarships
(Community News ~ 09/12/12)
The Bartley, TwinValley and Southwest Alumni was called to order by President Ryann Proud on Saturday evening, May 26, at 7 p.m. Members joined in for the salute to the Flag, followed by the singing of the National Anthem. After singing the Doxology members enjoyed a wonderful meal served by the group called A Pig in a Bag...
Holding back the darkness
(Column ~ 09/12/12)
This week marks my 15th year in the McCook Daily Gazette newsroom. To say that I was a "cub reporter" when I first walked through the door would be a gross overstatement. As it was 15 years ago, there are eight desks in the newsroom, assembled in two groups of four, each desk designated for specific daily duties: city desk, local desk, feature desk, sports desk, etc. The newsroom is a beehive of activity on an ordinary day. There are some days, however, that are anything but ordinary...
William "Bill" Rolla Van Wormer
(Obituary ~ 09/12/12)
William "Bill" Rolla Van Wormer Nov. 9, 1953 - Sept. 8, 2012 EUGENE, Oregon -- William "Bill" Rolla Van Wormer passed away Saturday, Sept. 8, 2012. He was 58 years old. He was born Nov. 9, 1953, at Mount Shasta, California, to Jack and Margaret Doreen (Bundy) Van Wormer...
Stanley Cohen (Obituary ~ 09/12/12)
Stanley Cohen Nov. 8, 1943 - Sept. 11, 2012 McCOOK, Nebraska -- Stanley Cohen, 68, died in his home in McCook. Services are pending. Carpenter Breland Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.