Raymond Laverne Brooks (Obituary ~ 09/14/12)
Raymond Laverne Brooks Oct. 16, 1932 - Aug. 4, 2012 ALAMOGORDO, New Mexico -- Raymond Laverne Brooks passed away Aug. 4, 2012, in Alamogordo, New Mexico. He was born in McCook, Nebraska to Cletus and Ruth Brooks on Oct. 16, 1932. He served in the United States Army while attending the University of Nebraska, where he graduated with a Bachelors of Science degree in Business after his military service in Panama. He retired from Texas Instruments in Dallas, Texas, after 27 years of dedicated work... -
On the record
(Local News ~ 09/14/12)
This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society. Police activity Activity log...
'Reformed Procrastinator' featured speaker Sept. 21
(Community News ~ 09/14/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The Christian Women's Club will meet Friday, Sept. 21 at the First Congregational Church, 212 East Street with the theme, "It's About Time." The speaker will be Marcia Johnson, a "reformed procrastinator" who will give timely tips to help people cope. ...
Frontier history program presented at Oberlin
(Community News ~ 09/14/12)
OBERLIN, Kansas -- Oberlin Arts and Humanities Commission will present Marla Matkin on Saturday, Sept. 29, 2012, at 7:30 pm at the Oberlin Gateway center. Ms. Matkin is a lifelong Kansan whose great-grandparents homesteaded in SW Kansas in the 1870's...
Japhe and Kamla wedding (Wedding ~ 09/14/12)
NAVARRE BEACH, Florida -- Jenalle Lee Japhe of Las Animas, Colorado, and Micah Kane Kamla of McCook, Nebraska, were united in marriage Sept. 1, 2012, at Navarre Beach, Florida. Parents of the bride are Shawn and James Japhet of Las Animas. Grandparents are Lyle and Carolyn Japhet of Pueblo, Colorado, the late Connie Japhet, Joyce Larsen of Fowler, Colorado and the late Chris Larsen... -
Beran, Uerling wedding (Wedding ~ 09/14/12)
ST. PETE BEACH, Florida -- Jaclyn Beran, originally from Ord, Nebraska, and Andrew Uerling of McCook, Nebraska, were married Feb. 10, 2012, at St. John Vianney Catholic Church in St. Pete Beach, Florida, with the Rev. Jack Copenhaver officiating. Parents of the bride are Dale and LeAnn Beran of Ord. Grandparents are Irene Beran and Geneva Edghill, the late William (Bill) Beran and Ardith and Bob Edghill, all of Ord... -
Hayes anniversary (Anniversary ~ 09/14/12)
60th anniversary The family of Richard (Dick) and Yvonna Hayes of Cambridge, Nebraska, is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple's 60th wedding anniversary. They were married Sept. 23, 1952, in Orafino, Nebraska. Their family includes children, David and Linda Hayes of Goldsboro, North Caroline, Dallas and Teresa Hayes of McCook, Nebraska, Sue and Dann Nelms of Benkelman, Nebraska, 11 grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren and one step-great-grandchild. ... -
Newcomb birthday (Birthdays ~ 09/14/12)
80th birthday The family of Arlene (Gramm) Newcomb, of Bartley, Nebraska, is requesting a card shower in honor of her 80th birthday Sept. 20. Her family includes her husband, Bob Newcomb of Bartley; children, Doug Newcomb of Stratton, Nebraska, Gary Newcomb of Bartley, Larry and Shari Newcomb of Brush, Colorado, Craig and Trista Newcomb of Bertrand, Nebraska, four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach her at P.O. Box 112, Bartley, NE 69020... -
Kobza birth (Births ~ 09/14/12)
Brensen Andrew Kobza Kris and Alisha (Liess) Kobza of Gering, Nebraska, announce the birth of their son, Brensen Andrew Kobza, who was born Aug.10, 2012, at Regional West in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. He weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce and measured 21 inches long. ... -
Kompus birthday (Birthdays ~ 09/14/12)
93rd birthday The family of Vivian Kompus of Benkelman, Nebraska, is requesting a card shower in honor of her 93rd birthday Sept. 23. Cards of congratulations will reach her at P.O. Box 405, Benkelman, NE 69021. -
When The Lights Go Out (Column ~ 09/14/12)
Dear Friend, INTRO What will cause the lights to go out, in the U.S. and around the world? What is it that will soon cause Bible Prophecy to be fulfilled in very specific ways, so that people will recognize, that the God who caused 40 different men, over a period of 1500 years to foretell, with amazing accuracy, what would happen in the future, to the minutest detail? "Holy men of old, spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit! II Peter 3:19-21. ... -
Nelms birthday (Birthdays ~ 09/14/12)
80th birthday The family of Dona Jo Ann Nelms is hosting an open house and card shower in honor of birthday Sept. 22. The open house is Sunday, Sept. 23, 2-4 p.m. at the Bartley Legion Hall on Main Street in Bartley, Nebraska. Cards of congratulations will reach her at 399403 U.S. Highway 6, Indianola, NE 69034... -
Wallace Fall Festival includes Country Christian artist
(Local News ~ 09/14/12)
WALLACE, Nebraska -- Everyone attending the Wallace Fall Festival this year will have a special treat in store when they attend Cowboy Church at 6 p.m.CT on Sunday Sept. 16 at the Wallace Town Park. Before the concert everyone is invited to attend the community wide potluck. Bring something to eat to share and enjoy the evening of fun, food, fellowship and great entertainment. Bring your friends too!!...
Larson, Matas engagement (Engagement ~ 09/14/12)
Larson, Matas Tracy Ann Larson and Timothy Paul Matas announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Raymond Larson, of Ewing, Nebraska and Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Raymond Matas, of Abilene, Kansas. The bride-to-be is a 1997 graduate of Ewing High School. She works as an office manager for Columbus Metal Industries... -
Nielsen, Luedtke engagment (Engagement ~ 09/14/12)
Nielsen, Luedtke Allie Nielsen of Omaha, Nebraska and Tad Luedtke of Lincoln, Nebraska, announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the bride to be are Sean and Kathy Brenner and Scott Nielsen, all of Omaha. Grandparents are JoAnn Nielsen and Melody Bartrem both of Omaha... -
Your questions have answers
(Column ~ 09/14/12)
Does God exist? Is Christianity true/the only way to God? Am I living the life God wants? Does God love me? Whether these are questions of apologetics or something more personal and individual they are questions being asked every day. There was a time when, as a Christian I was appalled that a person would dare even ask such questions. ...
Doctor, doctor (Column ~ 09/14/12)
It was that time of year once again, time for my annual physical; and I had been dreading it as badly as one can dread anything. But my dread was for reasons beyond the obvious. You know, those backless gowns, horrible vinyl examination tables, and being put into positions -- literally -- that rob you of all dignity (When I complain about these things to my wife she says that only after I have had a mammogram and my ankles in the stirrups will she begin to feel sorry for me; she makes a valid point).. ... -
Reichert birth (Births ~ 09/14/12)
Addisyn Sophia Reichert Samantha Stuck and Chris Reichert of McCook, Nebraska, announce the birth of their daughter, Addisyn Sophia Reichert, who was born Aug. 15, 2012 at Cambridge, Nebraska. She weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces and measured 23 inches long. Grandparents are Pam and Ron Stuck of Holbrook, Nebraska, and Pam and Richard Reichert of Benkelman, Nebraska... -
Bethel Missionary Church presents Desmond in concert
(Local News ~ 09/14/12)
CULBERTSON, Nebraska -- Steve Desmond, a Christian vocalist from Greeley, Colorado, will bring a gospel concert at 10 a.m., Sunday, to Bethel Missionary Church, in Culbertson. Desmond's musical style ranges from southern gospel, classical Gaither, contemporary Christian and praise and worship. As a recording artist, Desmond produces gospel music albums and distributes them at his concerts...
Pope names ninth Bishop to the Diocese of Lincoln
(Features ~ 09/14/12)
LINCOLN, Nebraska -- Pope Benedict XVI has named Bishop James D. Conley, S.T.L., 57, auxiliary bishop of Denver, the ninth Bishop of Lincoln, Nebraska, and accepted the resignation of Bishop Fabian W. Bruskewitz, 77, from the pastoral governance of the Diocese of Lincoln...
How Boys State affected me
(Column ~ 09/14/12)
Boys State was created in 1935 to counteract a project underway in the 1930's called Young Pioneer Camps, which were promoted by the Fascist party to attract high school students. At these camps the Fascist Part would advocate the virtues of the Fascist system and the uselessness of Democracy. ...
The Romneys
(Letter to the Editor ~ 09/14/12)
Dear Editor, Tampa, Florida and Charlotte, North Carolina are a long way from Nebraska. Yet television and the Internet bring events like the Republican National Convention and the Democratic National Convention directly to us. When I was growing up in Denver in the 1940s and early 1950s, we depended on newspapers and radio as sources of information. My maternal grandfather worked for the Rocky Mountain News, so we paid close attention to what it said. There was no Internet or Wikipedia...
Beautiful facility
(Letter to the Editor ~ 09/14/12)
Editor, Taking the Hillcrest open house tour Sept. 13, was a wonderful experience and the facility is beautiful. (Thank you Peggy Rogers.) The first thought that comes to mind -- Hillcrest is a home that reflects uncondidtional love by its staff for residents and family because I see this every time I slip in the back door to get a garden tool. ...
Red Splendor ribbon cutting (Local News ~ 09/14/12)
Hillcrest Nursing Home resident Donovan Jones pauses for a quiet moment in the new "Red Splendor Garden" at the nursing home, while Hillcrest administrator Colinda Nappa (with the scissors), nursing home officials and representatives of the McCook, Nebraska, Area Chamber of Commerce and McCook Cordials cut the ribbon on the nursing home's newly-renovated 100 wing Thursday afternoon. ... -
How was your flight?
(Local News ~ 09/14/12)
Airport commission wants to know.
CASA disc golf tourney Saturday
(Local News ~ 09/14/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Court Appointed Special Advocates will coordinate their third annual Disc Golf Tournament, Saturday, Sept. 15, at Kelley Park in McCook. The fund-raising event is open to the public and registration begins at 9 a.m. at the lower shelter house...
Art contest
(Local News ~ 09/14/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Hillcrest Nursing Home received 40 entries in its recent art contest, conducted in conjunction with the facility's open house celebration Thursday. All of the entries will be displayed through Sept. 18, in the sun porch. The winning entries will be displayed for the next six months...
County agenda
(Local News ~ 09/14/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The Red Willow County Board of Commissioners will meet at 9 a.m., Monday, in the Commissioners' room in the Red Willow County Courthouse. Among the agenda items is the financial report from the Fair Board for Jan. 1-June 30, 2012...
Honor business
(Local News ~ 09/14/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- McCook Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors voted Horse Creek Inn as the 4th quarter honor business. According to Chamber Director Tacie Fawver, "Perry (Strombeck) is always so willing to donate or discount rooms when we have people coming in for events." The chamber will be contacting Horse Creek Inn to set up a time to present the award some time in early October...
Compact call year likely
(Local News ~ 09/14/12)
CURTIS, Nebraska -- The possibility of a "Compact Call Year" for 2013 is very likely. The impact of that compact call year designation is not completely known at this time. Streamflow through the rest of the fall and early winter can minimize that impact. In the absence of those flows, it is very likely that some curtailment of surface water and ground water may be needed for the 2013 crop year...
'Hillside Perk' (Local News ~ 09/14/12)
Carpenter Kent Grafel of Grafel Construction, Culbertson, Nebraska, works in "the dungeon," while "the tower" of a 1930's-era gas station on Highway 6 and 34 in Culbertson awaits repurposing into the drive-through window of "The Hillside Perk" -- a drive-through coffee shop with dine-in seating -- several blocks east of the community's "Hillside Park." Five Culbertson couples are having fun renovating the former gas station with the oh-so-eye-catching turret that Culbertson and area history buffs are thrilled they're saving. ... -
Friends, family and strangers turn out to honor Vietnam Veteran (Local News ~ 09/14/12)
Above, from left, Jennifer Warwick shares a moment with her father, Vietnam Veteran William "Bill" Warwick of Cambridge, as he holds the hand of his wife, Wanda Warwick, just following a Silver Star presentation at the Armed Forces Reserve Center in McCook last weekend. ... -
Making A House Into A Home (Local News ~ 09/14/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The long-vacant house at 511 E. Sixth St., is getting a second chance to be a home, thanks to the McCook Economic Development Corporation, countless volunteer hours and generous auction-goers. The interior of the house, left vacant some 28 years ago, is in surprisingly good condition, and will undergo aggressive rehabilitation before being put on the market for qualified first-time home buyers... -
Talent contest added to Heritage Days festivities
(Local News ~ 09/14/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- With less than two weeks to go before the first event for Heritage Days, the McCook Area Chamber of Commerce staff and committee volunteers are energetically finalizing plans. Director Tacie Fawver updated the chamber board of directors on events, booths, parade entries, and entertainment planned for the celebration scheduled for Sept. 26 through 30...
City ready to approve sewer, water rate hikes
(Local News ~ 09/14/12)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The McCook City Council will consider granting third and final approval for a 1.75 percent water rate increase and a 3.25 percent sewer rate increase. The rate adjustments will go into effect with bills dated Oct. 1, 2012, and will be considered during the council's regularly scheduled meeting, Monday evening, 7:30 p.m., at Memorial Auditorium...
The hourglass is half full, or is it half empty?
(Column ~ 09/14/12)
After finishing up a rather uneventful dinner last night Declan asked if he had time to play on his laptop before bedtime. It tends to make cleanup a little easier after dinner if Declan has some sort of a distraction, so I agreed to 15 minutes. "Fifteen minutes! Yay!" he chirped excitedly, the exact opposite of the response I was expecting from him...