October ceremony unites Trenton couple (Other Record ~ 04/22/02)
Tara Suzanne Paprocki and Michael Brandon Cole, both of Trenton, were united in marriage Oct. 6, 2001, at the Red Willow County Ag Complex in McCook with Pastor Judy Carlson officiating. Parents of the couple are Greg and Peggy Fyn of Culbertson, Ron and Annette Paprocki of Griffith, Ill., Madelyn McKain of McCook, Gene and Vicki McKain of Trenton and the late Don Cole... -
Monzon 50th anniversary (Other Record ~ 04/22/02)
The family of Victor and Mary Ellen Monzon are hosting a card shower in honor of the couple's 50th wedding anniversary on April 23. Children of the couple include Debra and Kevin Hayes of Kafilor, Alaska; Pam and Gary Hartwell; Michelle and Kent Clapp and Greg Monzon, all of McCook; Jeanne Moody of Benkelman: and Vicki and Gary Pevoteaux of Pratt, Kan. The couple has 18 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach them at 1111 E. Fifth, McCook, NE 69001... -
Kogl 25th anniversary (Other Record ~ 04/22/02)
The family of John and Rhonda Kogl is hosting a card shower in honor of the couple's 25th wedding anniversary April 23. Their children are Rebecca of Kearney and Kristen of Omaha. John is formerly of Culbertson. Cards of congratulations will reach the couple at 138 W. Fifth Avenue, Holdrege, NE 68949... -
Phillips 50th anniversary (Other Record ~ 04/22/02)
The family of Preston and Shirley (Wood) Phillips is hosting a card shower in honor of the couple's 50th wedding anniversary April 20. Their children are Dennis and Marty Peterson of Cambridge, Steve Phillips of Gillette, Wyo., and Jim and Noelle Phillips of Rapid City, S.D. Cards of congratulations will reach the couple at Route 3, Box 189, Cambridge, NE 69022... -
Wilson, Lyster (Other Record ~ 04/22/02)
Heidi Marie Wilson and Brian Lyster, both of Aurora, Colo., announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the couple are Rick and Jane Wilson and Maridee Lyster, all of Aurora. Grandparents of the prospective bridegroom are Donajean Sensel of Culbertson and the late Norris Sensel. The bride-to-be is employed at J.R. Misken Inc. The prospective bridegroom is employed by Federal Express and Rooms With A View. A June 22, 2002, ceremony is planned at Holy Love Lutheran Church in Aurora... -
Maris, Greene (Other Record ~ 04/22/02)
Erica J. Maris of Wauneta and Aaron P. Greene of Imperial, announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the couple are Roger and Elizabeth Maris of Wauneta and Tim and Jacqualine Greene of Imperial. The bride-to-be is employed as a nursing assistant at Heritage of Wauneta Nursing Home. The prospective bridegroom is employed at Chase 3000 in Imperial. A June 29, 2002, ceremony is planned at Imperial Bible Church in Imperial... -
Hollander, Brodersen (Other Record ~ 04/22/02)
Sheila Hollander of Sumner and Michael Brodersen of McCook, announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the couple are Steve and Sharon Hollander of Sumner and Max and Carol Brodersen of McCook. The bride-to-be is a 1995 graduate of Sumner-Eddyville-Miller High School and a 2001 graduate of the University of Nebraska at Kearney with a degree in psychology. ... -
Getting, Stritt (Other Record ~ 04/22/02)
Jamie Getting and Mark Stritt announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the couple are Charles and Joanne Getting of Sheldon, Iowa and Tom and Nanci Stritt of Indianola. The bride-to-be is a 1995 graduate of Sheldon High School of Sheldon, Iowa, and a 1999 graduate of the University of Nebraska Medical Center with a bachelor of science degree in nursing. ... -
Hanson 50th anniversary (Other Record ~ 04/22/02)
The family of Dean and Shirley Hanson is hosting a card shower in honor of the couple's 50th wedding anniversary April 28. Cards of congratulations will reach the couple at P.O. Box 182, Hayes Center, NE 69032. -
Donna Mae (Latta) Grosse
(Obituary ~ 04/22/02)
GREELEY, Colo. -- Donna Mae (Latta) Grosse, 75, died Wednesday (April 17, 2002) at Greeley, Colo. She was born August 27, 1926, at Trenton, to Albert M. and Zelma B. (Harding) Latta and taught at rural schools after graduating from high school. On Sept. 26, 1946, she married Morton "Bud" Grosse at Stratton and ran a grocery store in Stratton for 23 years...
Robert Leo 'Bob' Vontz
(Obituary ~ 04/22/02)
Robert Leo "Bob" Vontz, McCook, born February 17, 1930, passed away Saturday, April 20, 2002. He married Dorothy Kircher at St. Catherine's Catholic Church in Indianola on February 3, 1951. Bob served in the US Navy during the Korean Conflict and worked many years for the McCook School System, retiring 7 years ago. ...
Melanie Jean Lee
(Obituary ~ 04/22/02)
Melanie Jean Lee, 37, died Sunday (April 21, 2002) at her home in McCook. She was born July 17, 1964, to James M. and Erma J. (Adams) Lee at Columbus. She began school at Vernal, Utah and graduated from High School at South Jordan, Utah in 1983. She moved to McCook in 1994, where she has spent the remainder of her life...
Committing the perfect crime (Column ~ 04/22/02)
One of the first things we learned as rookie police officers in the Tulsa Police Academy was how easy it is to commit the "perfect" crime. Perfect in the sense that there's no way the perpetrator can get caught. With the technological advances we've seen in the past couple of decades, especially DNA testing, it's not nearly as easy as it used to be but it's certainly still possible. In fact, it only requires three steps... -
What's wrong with Nebraska (Column ~ 04/22/02)
The McCook Daily Gazette was celebrating its 18th birthday as a daily newspaper on July 1, 1942. In that same issue, the Gazette was advertising for an apprentice ... "Boy or young man, 16 years or older, wanted to learn the printing trade. Fine opportunity for industrious youth. Permanent position."... -
Early, pre-1900, McCook physicians (Column ~ 04/22/02)
In McCook's early years, there were a number of medical men in the community. For instance, in 1890 there were at least eight persons who answered to the name of Doctor. At least half of these persons did not have regular "Medical School backed credentials." In those days most of these "Medical Men" were often welcomed into the Medical fraternity, regardless of formal credentials, though even then there was still a distinction between "regular" and "irregular" members... -
Where's the best spot on a TV dial? Off!
(Column ~ 04/22/02)
OK, Golden Plains area -- consider yourselves challenged. We are asking you to make a simple change in your lifestyle. This change will help you fight obesity, improve communication skills and increase productivity. The change is not costly; it may even save you some money. It does not require a lot of physical exertion -- it's as easy as the click of a button. We are challenging you to turn off your TV!...
Destroyed trust
(Column ~ 04/22/02)
School administrators appear to be proud of what the "mock disaster" drill "accomplished." The only thing this drill accomplished was to alienate students and destroy their trust in the system that is in place to educate and train them. Even if the plan came from the students who dramatized the "disaster," the adults who announced the names, "broadcast" the events, and participated in the activities, should have known the horrible effects it would have on these children and put a stop to it.. ...
(Column ~ 04/22/02)
Dear Editor: I am a sophomore at McCook. Last Wednesday we were called into an assembly for reasons unknown to us at that time. As you and everybody else knows by now, the report that two of our fellow students died in a car accident on Wednesday morning was false...
Senators ready for landmark action on taxes
(Column ~ 04/22/02)
After haggling over spending cuts and tax increases throughout the 2002 legislative session, it's now beginning to look like Nebraska's state senators are ready to take landmark action on the state's tax system in 2003. "We have to have a major broadening of the sales tax," says State Sen. Tom Baker, who is back at his farm in Trenton following adjournment of the legislature on Friday...
Losing trust
(Column ~ 04/22/02)
Dear Editor, I heard of the mock disaster put on by the McCook school, police department and EMT's after speaking to my parents who live in McCook. I then read the articles in your paper, including the editorial from a student. I have been a police officer in Lincoln for the past 13 years. ...
Donna LaVone Allen
(Obituary ~ 04/22/02)
OMAHA -- Donna LaVone Allen, 65, died Wednesday (April 17, 2002) at Clarkson Hospital in Omaha. She was born March 11, 1937, to Ivan and Helen (Cotton) Allen at Cambridge. She graduated from Cambridge High School and received a teaching certificate from McCook Junior College...