Congratulations! Bison soon jumping into NCAA (High School Sports ~ 03/19/20)
McCook High senior Brolin Morgan is set to sign with the Chadron State College NCAA Division II track and field program, MHS officials announced recently. An official signing cermony at MHS has been postponed unfortunately due to recent health events. The Gazette plans on including more in an upcoming edition. Brolin’s a three-sport Bison athlete and dance team member besides her other busy school activities... -
Best of bowling from McCook
(Community Sports ~ 03/19/20)
Latest results from TJ’s Family Fun Center where Terry Sides and Ron Maris led the league whether it was game or series scratch play. Burton Well Drilling remains firmly entrenched as the league-leading team. Men’s Major Burton Well Drilling 249-111...
Leagues stopped; bowling still open for now
(Community Sports ~ 03/19/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — Both bowling and pool league seasons at TJ’s Family Fun Center are being stopped for two weeks, the center confirmed on Wednesday. A representative said plans following this stoppage would depend on how the concerns about COVID-19 corona virus continue to develop...
Social distancing not all bad, but we had fun... (High School Sports ~ 03/19/20)
We should be all smartly avoiding group hugs and hanging too close these days, but crowds clearly had fun during the recent Gazette-area winter sports season .There were new scenes like McCook basketball coach Joe Imus (above) and his Bison cheering on a fast-paced 75-42 opening win over Valentine on Dec. ... -
Courthouse closed, still fully staffed
(Local News ~ 03/19/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — While the Red Willow County Courthouse is fully staffed, it is being closed to the public as a precaution in light of the coronavirus pandemic. Members of the public who want to participate in the weekly board meetings should call 308.345.1552 to transferred to the Board room’s conference phone...
Community deals with COVID-19 threat
(Local News ~ 03/19/20)
McCOOK, Neb. -- More and more preventative measures are taking hold as local governmental offices and businesses and offices adjust operations to deal with the COVID-19 virus threat. Red Willow County The Red Willow County Courthouse is closed, but anyone with business can conduct in by telephone, web or email or call for an appointment. (See accompanying story)...
McCook Pantry still in operation; alters methods to provide service (Local News ~ 03/19/20)
McCOOK, Neb. —The McCook Pantry is well stocked so far, “but we can always use donations,” one volunteer said. However, the way volunteers distribute the food has changed, in light of recommendations from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention to help contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus... -
Culbertson Mobile Pantry even changing procedure
(Local News ~ 03/19/20)
CULBERTSON, Neb. — In light of the need to “keep your distance” and “limit your exposure” during the ongoing coronavirus situation, the Food Bank of the Heartland in Omaha is arranging a different procedure for its Mobile Pantrys, including an event Saturday, March 28, in Stratton...
Hospital locking doors at 5 p.m.
(Local News ~ 03/19/20)
McCook, Neb. — Beginning Tuesday, Community Hospital began locking the main entrance doors at 5 PM Monday through Friday, and throughout the weekend. When the front doors are locked, patients should enter through the emergency room entrance. Signs will be posted...
Health care partners get update, plan strategy
(Local News ~ 03/19/20)
McCook, Neb. —Healthcare partners from the area met at Community Hospital on Friday to discuss COVID-19 preparations, planning, messaging and resource ideas. Individuals were present from area nursing homes, the health department, EMS, assisted living facilities, clinic, hospital, a local durable medical provider and a pharmacy...
Curtis, Trenton clinics offer guidance on coronavirus
(Local News ~ 03/19/20)
The Curtis Medical Center and Trenton Medical Clinic have issued the following guidance on the COVID-19 Pandemic During this time we ask that no patients walk into the clinic unless they have previously called. For medication refills please contact your pharmacy who will contact us if needed...
Hospital urges public to contact SWPHD about COVID-19 cases
(Local News ~ 03/19/20)
McCOOK, Neb. -- Community Hospital requests no calls be made to the hospital about positive or potential COVID-19 cases in the area. The hospital cannot disclose this information. It is important that phones lines be kept available for healthcare operations and emergencies. Anyone with concerns or questions about COVID-19 and their health should contact the Southwest Nebraska Public Health Department at 308-345-4223...
Hospital offers online bill pay, health records
(Local News ~ 03/19/20)
McCOOK, Neb. —With the COVID-19 Pandemic and the public being asked to lesson public contact, Community Hospital reminds patients of online resources which are available to pay hospital bills and access some medical records. The Community Hospital Patient Accounts department has this message for the public:...
- State Veterans Affairs official to visit next week (Local News ~ 03/19/20)
Keeping history from repeating itself (Letter to the Editor ~ 03/19/20)
The state of Nebraska and the nation finds themselves in a unique moment in history where proper decisions about public health are potentially at odds with societal norms. It has been a century since the last global pandemic and it only takes a walk through an old country cemetery in Nebraska to realize the serious nature of that historical moment. ... -
Protect your mental health as well as physical
(Editorial ~ 03/19/20)
We’re part of the problem; we admit it. We’d rather pass along good news, and we do, when it’s available. But we owe it to our readers to relay the truth, and a lot of the truth is bad news in recent days. But the choice of reading a paper or watching television or scanning online news sites is ultimately up to consumers who decide how much time to devote to the activity...
Families coming together a special occasion
(Letter to the Editor ~ 03/19/20)
My great uncle Val Blakley gathered my mother's family together at my wedding reception in August 1954. He explained that they needed to remember the joining together of our family at a wedding was a special occasion. He pointed out that it was a peaceful gathering...
Samantha Hawke (Obituary ~ 03/19/20)