Incumbents, challengers file for office
(Local News ~ 03/12/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — The only local race in Red Willow County in the primary election May 12 will be for District 2 county commissioner. In the general election Nov. 3, McCook council member incumbent Jerry Calvin will be challenged by Darcy Rambali and Dawson Brunswick...
'Hunchback' carries message for 21st century (Local News ~ 03/12/20)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The story is set in 1482 Paris and written in 1831, but it’s hard not see a message for 21st century America. With elaborate wooden sets, the Southwest Nebraska Community Theatre production of “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” also elicits a sense of sadness with the knowledge that the wooden spire and forest of beams were destroyed in a 2019 fire -- even the lead roof is mentioned in the production...