Baseball games today move from Colby to McCook (College Sports ~ 03/10/20)
The McCook Community College baseball team has moved its scheduled game Tuesday from Colby to McCook. The two teams will play a nine-inning game Tuesday (March 10) starting at 4 p.m. at the Jaycees Sports Complex. Colby is 9-10 on the season. MCC is 12-9. The two teams played in McCook Feb. 16 with the Indians coming out on top 8-6... -
Bison leader taking her cheer to new realm (High School Sports ~ 03/10/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — She was clearly in a dark place that tested Kayla Borland’s confidence and coordination. Smoke rose from nearby grills. Voices could be heard everywhere along with approaching footsteps of Bison. An occassional scream echoed across the scene... -
County board hears concerns over roads, bridges
(Local News ~ 03/10/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — Red Willow County commissioners talked about roads and bridges at their weekly meeting Monday morning. Drivers are concerned with the condition of “the lake road” in eastern Red Willow County and a country road that seems to be used “as a race track” in western Red Willow County. And reports on 2019 bridge inspections indicate that bridges need new load postings and attention to debris and erosion...
Preliminary hearing April 6 for McCook man
(Local News ~ 03/10/20)
BEAVER CITY, Neb. — A two-hour preliminary hearing is set for 2 p.m. April 6 for Joseph Baumbach, 59, McCook, who faces felony charges of manufacturing child pornography and tampering with physical evidence. He could be sentenced for up to 52 years in prison if convicted...
County looks to refinance jail debt (Local News ~ 03/10/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — Keeping a close eye on activities and events that affect U.S. stock and bond markets, Red Willow County commissioners Monday morning authorized the bonding company D.A. Davidson, of Omaha, to prepare documents and continue analysis of re-financing the bonds sold in 2013 to build the new county jail... -
Board delays purchase of activities bus
(Local News ~ 03/10/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — Citing the need for a compression test, the McCook Board of Education tabled the purchase of a used coach bus for student transportation. Instead, the $146,850 purchase of the 56-passenger, 2007 motor coach, with a wheel chair lift, will be taken up at a future meeting, after a compression test is done on the vehicle, said Superintendent Grant Norgaard at the regular meeting Monday night...
Morgan Elizabeth Rodgers (Obituary ~ 03/10/20)
Morgan Elizabeth Rodgers March 16, 1999 - Feb. 16, 2020 LINCOLN, Neb. — Morgan Elizabeth Rodgers was born to Matt and Carla Rodgers on March 16, 1999, in Denver, Colo., The family moved to Texas in 2000, and was expanded in 2001 when sister, Kailee, was born... -
MCC hosting Inter-high Day Wednesday
(Local News ~ 03/10/20)
McCOOK, Neb. -- More than 250 of the brightest and best students from 15 area high schools will be in McCook Wednesday for the annual Inter-high Day Scholastic Competition. Nearly $30,000 in scholarships and free tuition credits are up for grabs at this annual competition...
Home again and back at work
(Column ~ 03/10/20)
The good news is that hospitalization recovery is over and the home phase has kicked in. Grannie Annie and I are back home to McCook assisted by a vivacious daughter. All is well that ends well! Three weeks past surgery I asked the heart doctor why this simple man from Western Nebraska was chosen to have a life altering surgery such I had gone through promising to add fifteen to twenty years to an already long life? His thoughtful answer included other vital organs in good shape, a mind not affected by dementia (you may argue) and little history of cancer in the family. ...
Messersmith anniversary (Anniversary ~ 03/10/20)
50th anniversary The family of Steve and Beth Messersmith of Curtis, Neb., is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple’s 50th wedding anniversary on Friday, March 13, 2020. They were married in Hayes Center on March 13, 1970. They have spent their entire lives in Southwest Nebraska, watching and participating in the lives of their four boys and all of their grandchildren. ... -
Tax bill must pass
(Letter to the Editor ~ 03/10/20)
Dear Editor, LB 974, the bill to reduce property tax and change the school formula, is near the goal line, and needs to pass. How bad are Nebraska's property taxes? Two good friends have moved to Texas in the last 4 months, both citing Nebraska’s tax situation...
Don't 'Bloomberg' Nebraska's property tax problem
(Letter to the Editor ~ 03/10/20)
Michael Bloomberg’s ill-fated presidential campaign is the latest evidence that simply spending money—even sometimes extraordinary amounts of money—cannot solve all problems. And if Bloomberg’s $500 million campaign to win American Samoa sounds silly, you might want to check out what the Nebraska Legislature’s been doing about your property taxes. ...
MCC women make all-Region South team
(College Sports ~ 03/10/20)
Two McCook Community College women’s basketball players have been named to the All- Region IX South Team. Sophomores Makenna Bodette (Colorado Springs) and freshman Carla Torrubia Cano (Melilla Spain) were both selected to the squad. In addition Bodette was one of five players named to the all-defensive team...
Balanced Eagles set to tangle with Tigers at state (High School Sports ~ 03/10/20)
LINCOLN, Neb. — Few teams likely bring better balance into Lincoln this week than Southern Valley’s boys and their four double-figure scorers. Junior Clayton Berry brings the top average of 13.8 points per game as Southern Valley (19-5) meets Class D-1 No. 3 Osmond (24-1) at Lincoln East High School Thursday afternoon...