Bison make extra drama, but Cozad prevails (High School Sports ~ 08/29/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — Enjoy the narrow escapes for now, Bison foes, because everyone should now see what McCook coach Jason Cochran has always known. “We’re getting there,” Cochran said following a dramatic 9-6, eight-inning loss to visiting Cozad Tuesday night... -
Medicaid expansion issue ready to go to voters in November
(Editorial ~ 08/29/18)
The United States isn’t a pure democracy, but is instead a republic or representative democracy, depending on whom you ask. Most laws are created through debate and compromise by leaders elected to do just that. In other cases, the decision is made directly by the people — such as the recent execution of Carey Dean Moore, which was conducted after Nebraska voters overturned a decision by the Unicameral to eliminate capital punishment in the state...
Moderat alcohol consumption dangerous? Not so fast
(Letter to the Editor ~ 08/29/18)
Last week, another attempt to demonize moderate alcohol consumption hit the presses. A new study published in The Lancet claimed that not only was alcohol unsafe to drink at any level, but it was responsible for 2.8 million deaths worldwide every year...
Lawmaker gets firsthand look at county budget struggle (Local News ~ 08/29/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — As Nebraska Sen. Dan Hughes waited for his time slot on the agenda of the Red Willow County commissioners meeting Monday morning, he witnessed commissioners’ struggle to make a new budget balance. A transfer from the county’s $1.9 million inheritance tax fund would take a bit of the hurt off of a tax levy increase, commissioners figured, and commissioner Steve Downer said, “It doesn’t hurt anything to use the inheritance tax fund when we’re trying to offset increases.”... -
Commissioners set levies on subdivisions
(Local News ~ 08/29/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — At their weekly meeting Monday morning, Red Willow County commissioners adopted resolutions allocating final levies and tax dollars for subdivisions subject to the county levy: Danbury Cemetery: Taxes allocated, $3,745; levy rate, $0.007425...
High speed internet auction includes Southwest Nebraska sites
(Local News ~ 08/29/18)
WASHINGTON — A total of 8,900 rural Nebraska homes and small businesses will gain access to high-speed Internet service for the first time through the Federal Communications Commission’s Connect America Fund Phase II auction, the results of which were released today...
Eagles blank Blue Hill, Dragons scorch 'Horns
(High School Sports ~ 08/29/18)
BLUE HILL, Neb. — Southern Valley surrendered just four hits and broke away from Blue Hill for a 9-0 softball victory Tuesday evening. Coach Brad Reaves’ Eagles are now 6-2 this season following another dominating win. Southern Valley only led 1-0 until a three-run third made it 4-0...
Hospital board OKs $15 million loan toward building project
(Local News ~ 08/29/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — The Community Hospital board of directors approved a $15 million loan to pay for part of the upcoming building project, after $3 million of funds already in hand are used. The construction loan from Thayer County Bank will be financed by a compilation of correspondent banks in Nebraska, including MNB Bank in McCook, Thayer County Bank, First State Bank, Bankers Bank of the West, Core Bank, Frontier Bank, Sioux Falls SD and Plattsmouth State Bank. ...
Eagles erase 2-0 deficit to reach 2-0
(High School Sports ~ 08/29/18)
OTHENBURG, Neb. — Down two sets, Southern Valley rallied to reach 2-0 this season with a five-set comeback win over the Gothenburg Swedes Tuesday evening. Gothenburg delivered 25-21 and 25-20 opening victories. However, the Eagles showed why they’ve reached two consecutive state volleyball tournaments...
Indians sweep road match with Wyoming foe (College Sports ~ 08/29/18)
TORRINGTON, Wyo. -- The McCook Community College Lady Indian volleyball team swept three games on the road Tuesday picking up a straight set-win over Eastern Wyoming 25-19, 25-14, 25-17. Freshman Faith Simpson (Wauneta-Palisade) had 13 kills to lead the Indian hitters... -
Bison JV football team blanks Bulldogs
(High School Sports ~ 08/29/18)
NORTH PLATTE, Neb. — McCook’s dominating defense carried into the junior varsity opener with a 13-0 shutout of host North Platte on Monday. Quarterback Mark Arp helped deliver more than enough offense as threw a 17-yard touchdown pass to Ty Stevens...
McCook softball invite on Saturday (High School Sports ~ 08/29/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — The annual McCook Softball Tournament takes place Saturday at the Jaycees Complex. First round McCook vs. Chadron, 9 a.m., southeast field North Platte vs. Gering, 9 a.m., southwest field Holdrege vs. Gothenburg, 10:45 a.m., southeast field... -
Interim hearing on red cedars Friday
(Column ~ 08/29/18)
This week the committee I serve as chair of, Natural Resources, is hosting its first interim hearing of the fall. Committees hold interim hearings as a result of a legislative resolution that was passed during the previous session authorizing the committee to study an issue. ...