Twins ready to 'motor' down new paths (Community Sports ~ 08/01/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — Twins are known to fight for their own identities, gripe about sharing the same birthday and grow tired with twin-like questions. None of that describes brothers Derek or Logan Greenlee. Discovering their differences might inspire cricket chirping noises if any actually lived in Logan’s healthy head of “lettuce” and rapidly-growing beard... -
Doris Lavina Rauch (Obituary ~ 08/01/18)
Doris Lavina Rauch Nov. 15, 1931 - July 27, 2018 AURORA, Colo. — Doris Lavina Rauch, 86, of Parker, Colo., died Friday (July 27, 2018), in Aurora. She was born in Arapahoe, Neb., on Nov. 15, 1931, to August Albert (Babe) and Maude Edith (King) Breinig. She graduated from Arapahoe High School and married Darrel Eugene Rauch of Cambridge, Neb. They moved to Denver, Colo. and owned an auto repair shop... -
Building activity tops $300,000 for July
(Local News ~ 08/01/18)
McCOOK, Neb. —Over $300,000 in new building took place in the City of McCook in July. The majority of that was a new commercial office building at $280,000. Other building included a commercial remodel at $5,000; demo of a house, $8,900; roofing/decks, $27,205; fences, $4,499; carports, $4,710; signs, $2,000; and egress windows, $1,000...
Lasting lessons: Don't give up; become a beef industry advocate (Local News ~ 08/01/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — Livestock judge Kenzie Freeman handed senior beef showmen the microphone Friday afternoon and put them on the spot with one question: What is the one lesson you’ve learned showing cattle? G O’Dea said he’s learned to “Stick with it … don’t give up.” Allison Rippe said, “You’re gonna have bad days, but you can’t quit. Have patience.” Jake O’Dea said, “Always try to get better. Big strides, little strides … always try to get better.”... -
'Pie Guys' parlay weakness for baked pastry into official duty as judges (Local News ~ 08/01/18)
HAYES CENTER, Neb. — “The Pie Guys” cannot turn down pie. And the trio — Joe Coleman, Charlie Gieseke and Andrew Ristow, all of Lincoln — intend to not turn down pie in every one of Nebraska’s 93 counties. They didn’t turn down 47 pies in Hayes County Tuesday morning... -
Honeymoon with Facebook long over; users must be more cynical
(Editorial ~ 08/01/18)
The early, carefree sharing of cat pictures and jokes have given way to learning that our old cold war enemies haven’t given up on Nikita Khruschev’s vow, “we will bury you.” Instead of nuclear weapons, however, they’ve resorted to tactics used by Caesar — divide ut regnes — “divide and conquer.”...
'Turn 'n Burn' drawing close
(Community Sports ~ 08/01/18)
YUMA, Colo. — Yuma County Fairgrounds will again be the hosting arena for the Turn ‘n Burn Barrel Race on Sunday, Aug. 12. This is a benefit race for patients in our communities. The proceeds from this race will be split between Angels for Life in the Plains and Hospice of the Plains...
McCook Junior Olympian runs nationals (Community Sports ~ 08/01/18)
McCook Junior High student Shayna Wilkinson (649) races to the finish line in Ames, Iowa, where she won a Junior Olympics Region 400-meter championship earlier this month. Wilkinson qualified for the Hershey Junior Olympics National Meet at Greensboro, N.C., where she competed last week. ... -
Bouncy house T-ball part of fine Fair finish (Community Sports ~ 08/01/18)
The new, free bouncy-house kids day in the Alice Arena helped conclude the Red Willow County Fair. Layton Hinz (below) takes a swing at an air-powered t-ball during the Alice Arena event. -
Kenneth Joe Doherty (Obituary ~ 08/01/18)