McCook brings more punch than Melons (Community Sports ~ 05/25/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — The McCook National Bank Seniors are now 3-0 following a 9-1 win over visiting Gothenburg Thursday evening. MNB took control thanks to five runs in the fourth inning against those district rival Melons. Trae Koetter, Clayton Stevens, and DJ Gross powered the big inning with RBIs... -
First female joins nine to national rodeo (College Sports ~ 05/25/18)
NORTH PLATTE, Neb. — Nine MPCC rodeo team members will compete at the CNFR in Casper, Wyo. June 10-16 which include the team’s first woman CNFR qualifier, Mykelsi Schnose, as well as the now two-time regional bull riding champ Garrett Wickett. McCook native Tyler Murray has qualified in steer wrestling... -
The Fourth Estate
(Column ~ 05/25/18)
Of all the things that have gotten turned upside down during the Trump presidency, the most obvious one has been the press. It has been held in high esteem by most people for as long as this country has been in existence and now it’s being shattered and maligned by the President and his supporters in ways not seen before...
Phillip L. Simmons (Obituary ~ 05/25/18)
Phillip L. Simmons June 15, 1935 - May 23, 2018 KEARNEY, Neb. — Phillip L. Simmons, 82 of Kearney, died Wednesday, May 23, 2018, at Good Samaritan Society – St. John’s in Kearney. Funeral services will be on Saturday, May 26, 2018, at 11 a.m. at the First Church of God in Kearney. Pastor Charlie Gable will officiate and cremation will follow services at the church... -
Fasano, Graff engagement (Engagement ~ 05/25/18)
Fasano, Graff Mindy Elizabeth Fasano and Don (Donnie) Graff, both of Omaha, Neb., announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the bride-to-be are Bill and Luann Bailey of Missouri Valley, Iowa. Grandparents are Leila Chamberlain of Council Bluffs, Iowa, the late George Bailey and the late Arnold and Darlene Kolin... -
Case anniversary (Anniversary ~ 05/25/18)
40th anniversary The family of Elmer and Tally Case of Max, Neb., is hosting an open house and card shower in honor of the couple’s 40th wedding anniversary on June 3, 2018. The couple was married in Minnetonka, Minn., in 1978. The open house is Sunday, June 10, 2018, 1 to 3 p.m. ... -
Beck anniversary (Anniversary ~ 05/25/18)
40th anniversary The family of Chris and Peggy Beck of McCook is requesting a card shower in honor of their 40th wedding anniversary on Saturday, May 27. Cards of congratulations will reach them at 503 W. Second, McCook, NE 69001. -
Yelkouni birth (Births ~ 05/25/18)
Lilya Louise Nongawende Yelkouni Barto and Tenielle Yelkouni of McCook, Neb./Burkina Faso, West Africa, announce the birth of their daughter, Lilya Louise Nongawende Yelkouni, born Dec. 18, 2017, at Community Hospital in McCook. She weighed 7 pounds and was 20 ¼ inches long. ... -
Bison football camp drawing closer
(Community Sports ~ 05/25/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — The McCook Bison football team has set dates for its annual Championship Football Camp starting on Monday, June 4. What is needed: shorts or sweat pants, Tee shirt, shoes (cleats or shoes). Where: Practice field directly behind McCook High School...
McCook’s sister town to the south
(Column ~ 05/25/18)
I don’t write much about Lebanon, that lays along Highway 89 in Red Willow County and was in the early 1900’s petitioning to become an incorporated town. Their first attempt, according to the McCook Tribune, encompassed so much land proposed to be within their city limits, that 7 bridges would become the responsibility of the town. They quickly withdrew their petition for reconsideration...
Latest Heritage Hills Men's golf
(Community Sports ~ 05/25/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — The updated team standings show Samway/Barnett’s building a solid lead in Heritage Hills Men’s A League play. Meanwhile, the B League features a three-way tie for first place. A League Samway/Barnett’s 110 Trenton Agency Red 98.5...
FCB Juniors raise record to 3-0 (Community Sports ~ 05/25/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — McCook’s First Central Bank Juniors stole 21 bases and an early lead helped defeat Gothenburg 13-5 on Thursday. The district rival Melons took an early 3-0 lead, but early happiness was smashed with McCook’s five-run first inning... -
Memorial to honor conservation visionary, Gazette founder (Local News ~ 05/25/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — The legacy of newspaper founder and visionary conservationist Harry D. Strunk will be honored with a memorial at the corner of Norris Avenue and East H Street in McCook. While the concrete work is being done now, the 10x5-foot granite stone will be unveiled during McCook’s 2018 Heritage Days celebrations in September... -
'Super 2' open house June 5, 6 (Local News ~ 05/25/18)
LINCOLN, Neb. — The Nebraska Department of Transportation will hold two information open house meetings regarding proposed improvements to U.S. Highway 83 between McCook and North Platte, in the counties of Red Willow, Frontier and Lincoln. The first meeting will be held June 5 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the McCook Municipal Building, 505 West C Street, in McCook... -
THETA Camp offers guide to health, wellness (Local News ~ 05/25/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — The experience in McCook last summer must have been good for two University of Nebraska-Kearney interns, because they have returned to Southwest Nebraska for the entire summer to lead a day camp focused on health and wellness for elementary and middle school students... -
Buffalo Commons to feature top-flight entertainers, bison
(Local News ~ 05/25/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — Award-winning liars, comedians, authors and poets are coming to McCook this June having appeared on stage at places like L.A.’s Comedy Central, the Smithsonian Folklife Festival and with the likes of Manheim Steamroller, the Boston Pops, David Bowie, The Dixie Chicks, Pat Benatar, Judy Collins (and commercials for mini Pringles)...
Ready for action (Local News ~ 05/25/18)
Memorial Day: Observe safely, remember the fallen
(Editorial ~ 05/25/18)
This Memorial Day weekend will be special in Danbury, where special services Sunday will honor one of the sons of Southwest Nebraska who gave their lives in the war in Southeast Asia. Danbury native Capt. Daniel Wayne “Danny” Thomas took off on an orientation flight in a small, OV-10A aircraft in January 1971, and didn’t return. In 2014, the crash site was discovered in Vietnam’s central highlands, and his body was returned last November...
Oberlin pool opens Saturday
(Local News ~ 05/25/18)
OBERLIN, Kan. — The Oberlin swimming pool opens for the season this Saturday from 1-6 p.m. Summer hours for the pool are 1-5 p.m. and 6:30-8 p.m. weekdays; 1-6 p.m. on Saturdays; and 1-5 p.m. with an additional evening swim from 6-8 p.m. on Sundays...
Officials: Watch out for skimmer devices at gas pumps
(Local News ~ 05/25/18)
LINCOLN, Neb. — The Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) is reminding consumers to pay attention at the pump this Memorial Day weekend and always. Credit card skimmer devices have been discovered in the past by NDA inspectors during routine pump inspections at gas stations in Nebraska. Skimming and shimming devices can be attached to ATMs, gas pumps and other places where people swipe their credit and debit cards. Criminals use the devices to steal financial information...
Maintenance Work on US-6/34, Cambridge to Holbrook
(Local News ~ 05/25/18)
HOLDREGE, Neb. — Weather permitting, an armor coating project will begin June 6 on US‑6/34, according to the Nebraska Department of Transportation. Armor coat is an application of emulsified oil to the roadway surface followed by an application of aggregate...
Hampton anniversary (Anniversary ~ 05/25/18)