Bison take on talented B-6 foes (High School Sports ~ 05/09/18)
McCook will bring the best throwers, jumpers and vaulters into Thursday’s B-6 district track-field meet. Of course, the Bison are within striking range of several other top four spots that could send them to next week’s Nebraska State Meet at Omaha Burke Stadium... -
Sales taxes help payoff Keystone loan
(Local News ~ 05/09/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — City sales tax money captured in LB 840 funds will help pay off a local bank loan used for renovations at the Keystone Business Center. The McCook City Council unanimously agreed Monday night at the regular council meeting to use a $112,000 bond reserve for debt repayment associated with the Keystone Business Center...
Lighthouse Marina's future depends on Bureau plans (Local News ~ 05/09/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — The lot rent paid by the owners of mobile homes in a seven-acre trailer park at Red Willow Lake north of McCook helps keep the trailer park’s neighbor, the Lighthouse Marina, in business. If the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation decides the trailers have to go by an April 30, 2020, deadline, the owners of the marina say they might not be able to stay open, or, at the least, provide the many services they offer to the public free of charge... -
Trailer owners pin hopes on compromise (Local News ~ 05/09/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — Trailer home owners at Red Willow Lake north of McCook can envision a lake environment with more locations for short-term RV and camper parking, the addition of small cabin rentals, additional public access areas — all without forcing trailer owners to remove their permanent trailer homes... -
Lead program can provide personal, community growth
(Editorial ~ 05/09/18)
You may know how to drive a tractor, but do you know how to balance a drink and plate of hors d'oeuvres while exchanging small talk at a cocktail party? Maybe you’ve shown your calf at the State Fair, but how about visiting Asia to find out about the beef market?...
Raiders conquer the Trail tourney (High School Sports ~ 05/09/18)
CURTIS, Neb. — The new RPAC champs can now focus on back-to-back state golf trips after Medicine Valley dominated Tuesday’s Cattle Trail Tournament. No drama was needed during this final regular-season tournament. The Raiders shot 343 to rule by 36 strokes over top contender Dundy County-Stratton (379) while Southwest’s Roughriders were another 37 strokes (413) off that championship pace... -
Bison announce 2018 Basketball Camp
(Community Sports ~ 05/09/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — The 2018 McCook Bison Boys Basketball camp will go from June 11-14, coach Jeremy Yilk announced recently. All campers will meet at McCook High School and use the southeast doors. Sessions are set each day at 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. for third through fifth graders and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. for those entering sixth through eighth grades...
Indians add Georgia sharpshooter (College Sports ~ 05/09/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — McCook Community College Men’s Basketball adds their first recruit for the 2018-19 season with the signing of Miles Black. Black, a 6’4” guard from Jonesboro, Georgia, played his prep basketball career at Jonesboro High School under Coach Daniel Maehlman...