Powerful pitching leads MNB Seniors through Ogallala (Community Sports ~ 05/23/18)
OGALLALA, Neb. — Powerful pitching made the first road trip and McCook National Bank’s bats also arrived in time for a 6-1 win over Ogallala Tuesday night. The Seniors (2-0) were blanked through those first three innings, but it didn’t matter as starting pitcher Clayton Stevens baffled Ogallala all evening... -
Medicine Valley ends Day 1 in third place at state golf championship (High School Sports ~ 05/23/18)
NORTH PLATTE, Neb. -- Medicine Valley’s latest trip to the NSAA Boys State Golf Championship is shaping up to be its best yet. -
Johnny J. Haag (Obituary ~ 05/23/18)
Johnny J. Haag Dec. 27, 1943 - Feb. 11, 2018 INDIANOLA, Neb. — Johnny J. Haag, 74, passed away Feb. 11, 2018, after a short battle with cancer. He was born Dec. 27, 1943, in McCook, Neb. He was the third of seven children and only son of Johnny C. and Evelyn (Smith) Haag... -
McCook Juniors rake out road win
(Community Sports ~ 05/23/18)
OGALLALA, Neb. — They walked 10 times, struck out 10 Ogallala batters and showed no respect for one of those famous Ten Commandments: Thou shalt steal — and steal a lot as First Central Bank swiped 17 bags to spark the 5-4 Legion baseball road win Tuesday evening...
Phillie throws perfection at Felling Field (Community Sports ~ 05/23/18)
FELLING FIELD — Quentin Terry threw a gem on Tuesday to lead the Carpenter Breland Funeral Home Phillies past the Royals 2-0 with the rarest of baseball moments: The perfect game. Terry struck out Beckett Heskett to end the game. The pitching was strong on both sides. Terry struck out 13, while the Royals’ pitchers sat down four... -
Commissioner: Safety first, budget second
(Local News ~ 05/23/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — Red Willow County commissioner Jacque Riener wants safety meetings for the county’s three road crews before commissioners get busy with 2018-19 budget work this summer. Riener wants more detailed safety policies for the road crews spelled out, for the protection of employees, the county and the public. Safety policies and a safety committee for the courthouse, fairgrounds and Hillcrest Nursing Home are separate from the safety policies for the county’s road crews...
Dedication Sunday will honor Danbury airman lost in 1971 (Local News ~ 05/23/18)
DANBURY, Neb. — The solemn, jet black granite headstone that marks the final resting place of a Vietnam War casualty brought home after 46 years will be dedicated in a special Memorial Day service in the Danbury-Marion Cemetery late Sunday afternoon... -
Council proclamation puts spotlight on public works
(Local News ~ 05/23/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — More than 150 acres of grass are mowed once, sometimes twice a week in the City of McCook, according to the City of McCook public works director. And this doesn’t include the cemetery, walking trails and right-a-ways along the highway...
Can you hear me now? Key part of new online craze
(Editorial ~ 05/23/18)
Fingernails scraping a blackboard sends a chill down the spine for most of us, but what about a sound that has the opposite effect? That’s what millions of people are claiming with a new online activity called ASMR, which some wags have dubbed “whisper porn.”...
McCook Economic Development Corporation update
(Column ~ 05/23/18)
One of my goals as I start my new position as the McCook Economic Development Corporation Executive Director is to be in constant communication with the community. One effort to do this will be a monthly article that comes out the week after our board of directors meets. This is the inaugural monthly article...
V is for Viking and other lessons
(Letter to the Editor ~ 05/23/18)
When I taught my children and grandsons, the alphabet I explained to them that V was the first letter of the word Viking. During grade school, we learned that Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492. However, he was not the first European to reach the New World...
Goat tied II
(Letter to the Editor ~ 05/23/18)
Yes, she had to go to England where she had a forced delivery of a baby, who, of course died because of the early extraction from the womb. But the 8th amendment in Ireland would have forbidden this, hence the trip to England. In talking to an interviewer, who was very sympathetic, the confused woman made a significant remark, one that showed exactly where her “goat was tied,” one that democrats and “pro-choice feminists” and other “fuzzy-minded” people hold on to for dear life to. To Wit:...
Youth field day Thursday in Curtis
(Local News ~ 05/23/18)
CURTIS, Neb. — All youth ages 8-18 years old are invited to the annual Youth Animal Science Field Day May 24, Thursday 9:30 am - 4 pm in Curtis, Neb., on the NCTA Campus. Activities will focus on several different aspects of livestock production. Nebraska Extension along with the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture (NCTA) in Curtis, NE and the UNL Animal Science Department assist with the Field Day. ...
Final area girls C state track-field results
(High School Sports ~ 05/23/18)
OMAHA, Neb. — Some team scores and all Gazette-area results for Class C girls who competed at last weekend’s Nebraska State Track-Field Meet: Medalists are anyone placing eighth or higher. Top teams: 1. Aquinas 67 points, 2. Lincoln Lutheran 51, 3. Heartland 46, 4. ...
Douglas Carl McNerny (Obituary ~ 05/23/18)