Jacqueline Kennedy (Obituary ~ 08/31/15)
Jacqueline Kennedy Sept. 1, 1934 - Aug. 26, 2015 WAUNETA, Neb. -- Jacqueline Lucille Kennedy (thee Jackie Kennedy!!), 80, who will celebrate her 81st birthday with Jesus and her beloved husband, Don, died Aug. 26, 2015, at Sunrise Heights in Wauneta, after an amazing and courageous battle with cancer... -
Donna Ruth Bose
(Obituary ~ 08/31/15)
Donna Ruth Bose Feb. 19, 1925 - Aug. 29, 2015 BEAVER CITY, Neb. -- Donna Ruth Bose, 90, died Saturday (Aug. 29, 2015), at Blue Valley Care Center in Hebron, Nebraska. She was born to Wynnie and Fern (Howard) Hester on Feb. 19, 1925, at Edison Nebraska...
On the record
(Other Record ~ 08/31/15)
This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society. Police activity Activity log...
SPUCC quarterly meeting Sept. 8 in Curtis
(Local News ~ 08/31/15)
CURTIS, Neb. -- On Sept. 8, South Platte United Chambers of Commerce will present good news and areas of need in the region. Information was gathered in a president's tour conducted this summer. The gathering will be the group's quarterly meeting hosted this time by the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis...
Neil Diamond tribute opens McCook Concert Association season
(Local News ~ 08/31/15)
McCOOK, Neb. -- Ticket sales for the upcoming McCook Concert Association season begin this week. The 2015-16 season consists of four McCook performances at the Fox Theater, beginning with a tribute to Neil Diamond in October and culminating with a comedic percussion performance in May of 2016...
Chaplain visit (Local News ~ 08/31/15)
Lt. Col. Derrick Riggs speaks to supporters of Ann Trail's "Adopt-A-Chaplain" program, which sent nearly 90 "care packages" for him to distribute to service members in Camp Integrity in Afghanistan. As the war dragged on, the packages cheered service members with the assurance folks back home "didn't forget us." Riggs will be stationed in Germany for two years. ... -
Chinese pollution accompanies Chinese products to U.S.
(Editorial ~ 08/31/15)
You've probably noticed some spectacular risings and settings of the sun and moon, red moons in the evening and hazy sunsets. Dozens of fires in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana are clouding the sky over Nebraska and other Midwest states, a reminder of the Canadian fires that sent smoke our way earlier this year...
Mildred Zink, McCook nurse (Column ~ 08/31/15)
(Note: In August, 2015, we were pleased to help honor a spunky, special McCook lady, Mildred Zink, on the occasion of her 104th birthday. In these past 100 plus years Mrs. Zink has seen a good many changes, in McCook, our nation, and the practice of medicine, the field in which Mildred devoted her life. ... -
Benefit ride (Local News ~ 08/31/15)
More motorcycles roll into Casey's on Saturday for a benefit poker run Saturday sponsored by the Sinners Sanctified Motorcycle Ministry for Dennis and Cathy Shannon. Forty-eight motorcycles and two cars took part in the event, which ran from McCook to Curtis, Stockville, Bartley and McCook. Proceeds will go to medical expenses for Dennis, who is being treated for a rare type of skin cancer... -
Rodney Lee Berryman (Obituary ~ 08/31/15)
Rodney Lee Berryman March 2, 1938 - Aug. 30, 2015 McCOOK, Neb. -- Rodney Lee Berryman, 77, of McCook, passed away after a long battle with cancer on Aug. 30, 2015, at his home, surrounded by his family. The celebration of Rod's life will be at 10:30 a.m. ... -
Douglas Dean Hauxwell (Obituary ~ 08/31/15)
Douglas Dean Hauxwell Oct. 9, 1945 - Aug. 30, 2015 McCOOK, Neb. -- Douglas Dean Hauxwell, age 69, passed away Sunday, Aug. 30, 2015, at his home in rural McCook. Doug was born Oct. 9, 1945, to Jay Christopher and Mildred A. (Stewart) Hauxwell in McCook. He graduated from McCook High School in 1963 and he was an active member of the FFA... -
California couple visits McCook for college class, stays for lifestyle (Local News ~ 08/31/15)
McCOOK, Neb. -- When Mackenzie and James Slaten first came to McCook from California, they had no intention of staying more than six months. Two years later, they've bought a house, added two dogs and another cat and have no intention of leaving anytime soon...