On the record
(Other Record ~ 08/25/15)
This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society. Police activity Activity log...
Commissioners delay full payments on Hillcrest bonds
(Local News ~ 08/25/15)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Red Willow County Commissioners decided Monday morning that although they will start a levy to pay off the $2,145,000 20-year bond approved by voters for expansion/remodeling at the county-owned Hillcrest Nursing Home, tax payers won't pay the full principal and interest payments due this coming year...
City budget: Property tax receipts up, sales tax down
(Local News ~ 08/25/15)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The City of McCook is projecting property tax revenue to increase by more than $40,000 in the coming budget year, while sales tax revenue is budgeted for its first decrease in several years. The city plans to maintain the same property tax levy of $0.319044 and the increase in General Fund property tax revenue is predicted to come from higher valuations. ...
Red Willow health fair set
(Local News ~ 08/25/15)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The Red Willow County Health Department, on the fairgrounds, plans a health fair Thursday and Friday as well as Sept. 1, 3, 4 and 9. The Health Department is offering lab draws to the general public on mornings of the following dates: Aug. 27 and 28 as well as Sept. 1, 3, 4 and 9. Tests include the Complete Metabolic Panel, Lipid Profile, Uric Acid, Complete Blood Count (CBC), Prostrate Specific Antigen (PSA), Thyroid Screening (TSH), Hemoglobin A1C, and Vitamin D...
Blowin' through town
(Local News ~ 08/25/15)
A truck hauling a blade for a wind turbine maneuvers from South Highway 83 through the Highways 6/34 and 83 intersection at East Sixth Street in McCook Thursday afternoon, and turns to the east. The truck and the escort pickup have Quebec license plates. The headquarters for Transport Bellemare is in Trois-Rivières (Québec), Canada...
Are wind, solar tax credits early enough to make a difference?
(Editorial ~ 08/25/15)
If your summer vacation took you through a neighboring state this summer, there's a good chance you encountered a glaring example of one way Nebraska is lagging behind. It's possible to see working wind turbines in north-central and northeast Nebraska, but you're more likely to see their components being hauled over our highways on the way to somewhere else...
Marie Curie
(Letter to the Editor ~ 08/25/15)
Life for Manya Sklodavska or Marie Curie (1867-1934) included many trials and cruel blows. The Russians ruled her native Poland made life difficult. Her father Vladislav-Skiodavska was an underpaid physics professor. Her mother, Mine Sklodavska, died from T.B. 6 months before Manya's 11th birthday...
Music and taxes
(Column ~ 08/25/15)
I have to poke a little fun at friend Mike Hendricks and sympathize a bit at the damage to his pride and joy bright yellow Mustang. It will never be the same yet probably came out better than the poor wet deer that hit him. In his latest column From the Penthouse to the Outhouse Mike proudly tells of spending time and a large amount of treasure to enjoy a few hours of a concert in Kansas City. ...
State probing Hitchcock County valuations
(Local News ~ 08/25/15)
Stories from Tuesday, August 25, 2015
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