Nancy Callahan (Obituary ~ 08/12/15)
Nancy Callahan June 5, 1946 - Aug. 9, 2015 COZAD, Neb. -- Nancy Callahan, 69, of Cozad, Nebraska, died Aug. 9, 2015 at the Cozad Community Hospital in Cozad. She was born June 5, 1946, in Cozad, the daughter of Wayne and Ella Darlene Yeutter. She was raised at Cozad and graduated from Cozad High School... -
Patricia Rose 'Pat' Scheve (Obituary ~ 08/12/15)
Patricia Rose 'Pat' Scheve Dec. 2, 1950 - Aug. 10, 2015 HAYS, KAN. -- "Thank you for keeping in touch with Pat." Family, friends, colleagues, and clients delighted in connecting with Pat. She communicated a gentle, peaceful, uplifting energy that attracted one and all. ... -
On the record
(Other Record ~ 08/12/15)
This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society. Activity log These items are taken from reports filed by the McCook Police Department. The locations refer to block numbers, not specific addresses. If you have information about any of these reports, call the police department at (308) 345-3450...
Sitzman serve (High School Sports ~ 08/12/15)
Kaden Sitzman of McCook serves against North Platte last fall in a boys tennis meet against the Bulldogs at the Bison Courts in McCook. Sitzman is among the leading players for the McCook boys returning this season as Coach Matt Wiemers conducts workouts in preparation for the season-opening competition at Kearney Friday, Aug. 28. (Steve Kodad/McCookGazette)... -
Cecil is dead and human lives are threatened every day
(Column ~ 08/12/15)
Don't get me wrong. I'm a cat person. My wife and I have two longhair domestic felines with whom I would not part. I support Ernie Chambers' proposed ban on hunting Mountain Lions. My high school mascot was the mythical Bearcat. But people, let's get over this killing of Cecil the black-maned and well-loved lion (read that tourist attraction) in Zimbabwe...
Meteor shower tonight
(Column ~ 08/12/15)
Do you have your dark-sky place picked out to watch the Perseid Meteor Shower starting tonight, Wednesday, August 12, into Thursday morning, August 13? At present the weather for the Denver area does not look promising for clear skies Wednesday evening. However, the forecast-at present-for southwest Nebraska and Missouri is looking very good with clear skies for both locations. You might want to check out your local forecast for Wednesday evening just in case...
Efficiency comes in many forms
(Editorial ~ 08/12/15)
The responsibilities entrusted to a county attorney are some of the most vital to a law-abiding community and, like many things, may be in need of updating. The Red Willow County attorney probably receives a fair amount of feedback stemming from court and police activity reports generated by the Gazette. ...
Superintendent: Absences may result in county attorney contact
(Local News ~ 08/12/15)
McCOOK, Neb. -- Students skipping school too many times can land them in front of a judge. A district policy on excessive absenteeism was reviewed and approved by the McCook Board of Education Monday night at the regular meeting. A policy on bullying prevention was approved as well, with a policy on parental involvement in schools tabled until next month with some minor edits...
Cattle thieves pay $3,000 in restitution (Local News ~ 08/12/15)
McCOOK, Neb. -- One of two men accused of stealing a heifer from a local rancher was sentenced to probation last week in Red Willow County District Court, while a plea agreement was reached with the latter. 21-year-old Brandon M. Deater of 518 W. First Street Apt. ... -
Jon William Kennedy (Obituary ~ 08/12/15)
Jon William Kennedy Sept. 3, 1940 - Aug. 11, 2015 GROVE, Okla. -- Jon William Kennedy, 74, of Grove, Oklahoma, passed away Aug. 11, 2015, at his home. He was born Sept. 3, 1940, in Oberlin, Kansas, to Fred and Ellen (Fiala) Kennedy. Jon graduated from Bartley High School in 1958. He attended Spartan School of Aeronautics in Tulsa, Oklahoma, to receive his commercial, private and instructor ratings...
Stories from Wednesday, August 12, 2015
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