Kerry 'Doc' Holliday (Obituary ~ 08/28/13)
Kerry 'Doc' Holliday Aug. 1, 1949 - July 22, 2012 LINCOLN, Nebraska -- Kerry "Doc" Holliday died on July 22, 2012, at the age of 62 in Lincoln, Nebraska. He was born in Houston, Texas, joined the Coast Guard at 17, and spent the next 20 years in San Francisco, Yerba Buena Island, New York and then to Rio Vista Coast Guard Station in the early 1980s where he was made Commander of the Aids to Navigation team. ... -
Dee McDougal
(Obituary ~ 08/28/13)
Dee McDougal OBERLIN, Kansas --Dee McDougal died Tuesday (Aug. 27, 2013) in Oberlin. Services are pending with Pauls Funeral Home in Oberlin.
On the record
(Other Record ~ 08/28/13)
This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society. Police activity Activity log...
SWNPHD announces radon poster contest
(Community News ~ 08/28/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Southwest Nebraska Public Health Department (SWNPHD) announces their fifth annual local Radon Poster Contest. "Youth ages nine to 14 that live within the Southwest Nebraska Public Health Department district are eligible to participate," said Denise Ringenberg, Health Educator. These counties include: Chase, Dundy, Frontier, Furnas, Hayes, Hitchcock, Perkins and Red Willow. Three top winning posters are selected and forwarded on to the Nebraska state competition...
Great Lakes Airlines' hosts annual 'Flyin' 4 Food' campaign
(Community News ~ 08/28/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Great Lakes Aviation, Ltd. is helping in the battle to fight hunger with their fifth Annual "Flyin' 4 Food" campaign to benefit the McCook Food Pantry. This September, Great Lakes Airlines and the McCook Food Pantry need your help to end hunger in your community, in the "Flyin' 4 Food" campaign...
Tobacco cessation classes start Sept. 9
(Community News ~ 08/28/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska--As part of their new tobacco cessation services, Community Hospital is offering the "Quit Smoking Now" group tobacco cessation program for the public. The classes begin September 9 and consist of six, one-hour sessions in a small group setting from September through October 14. ...
Mosquito that spreads West Nile virus prevalent in Western Nebr. (Local News ~ 08/28/13)
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension, Lancaster County Nebraska health officials have reported that 14 human cases of West Nile virus has been recorded in the state for 2013. Four people have been hospitalized with the virus. No one has died this year from the virus... -
U.S. needs help from all citizens to meet challenges
(Editorial ~ 08/28/13)
Who could have imagined 50 years ago that a black president would take the stage to commemorate the anniversary of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech? That's what was slated to happen today when tens of thousands of people were expected to flock to Washington's National Mall to commemorate the peaceful March on Washington that helped spur passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964...
What is a conservative?
(Letter to the Editor ~ 08/28/13)
A conservative in America believes that each citizen has great intrinsic value and has rights that should be protected by law. You can thank Christians for the rights you enjoy in the USA because our laws are based on Judeo-Christian values. The Christian's reverence for life is supremely demonstrated in their concern for the unborn and the senior citizen...
Tearing down history to make way for progress
(Column ~ 08/28/13)
Another Nebraska community has demolished an historic brick school building so it doesn't stand in the way of progress. Despite recent efforts to save the building and its twin across town, local officials said hallelujah when the dilapidated property was purchased from a stubborn owner after years of negotiating...
Warrior winner (Local News ~ 08/28/13)
Sue Shaner of McCook stands with her personal trainer, Allen Parr, left and postural restoration physical therapist, Chris Krull, after winning the Heart of the Warrior award at the Warrior Classic figure competition Saturday in Loveland, Colorado. Shaner won the award, and the battle ax that came with it, for overcoming physical challenges while training. ... -
Mass casualty training set
(Local News ~ 08/28/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Mid-Plains Community College Center for Enterprise will partner with McCook Fire Chief Mark Harpham, Community Hospital Safety Director Dari Olson, and EMS coordinator Robert Allen to offer Mass Casualty Incident training Sept. 10-11 from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. at the City of McCook Municipal facility, 505 West C Street...
Who named the constellations?
(Column ~ 08/28/13)
Well fellow space fans, since there is nothing particularly exciting happening in the sky this week, how about we go back to the mailbag -- or in this case -- the inbox. The question is, "Where did the constellations come from?" As with most astronomical questions, there is no one simple answer. Generally it depended on where you live. Different areas had different names for the same group of stars...
- Keeping city (Local News ~ 08/28/13)
Hillcrest correcting deficiencies in state survey
(Local News ~ 08/28/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The annual state survey of Hillcrest Nursing Home turned up a total of 15 "no harm involved" deficiencies, according to a Hillcrest administrator. Colinda Nappa, Hillcrest administrator, told the Board of Trustees Tuesday morning at the regular meeting that almost all of the citations concerned paperwork, such as missing documentation and wrong wording. All of the citations were defined as "no actual harm" involved...
Hillcrest shows positive cash flow for month
(Local News ~ 08/28/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Hillcrest Nursing Home will end August with a positive cash flow. According to the financial records released at the regular Board of Trustee meeting Tuesday, total cash on hand is $578,704.92. The majority of that, $442,499.15, is in the sinking fund and used for annual payments back to Red Willow County on the $1 million loan Hillcrest borrowed in 2012. The first payment of $222,000 is due in September...
Today's Jurascals (Weekend Menu ~ 08/28/13)
Determination (Local News ~ 08/28/13)
This wild plum bush is determined to fulfill its destiny -- to produce fruit -- in spite of its precarious grip on the steep bank on the side of a country road. Photographer Roxy Lang writes, "Nature is amazing in how it copes." She used these settings: f/9, 1/200, iso 125, 70mm. ... -
Keeping city's water flowing no easy task (Features ~ 08/28/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- As a fire raged at a downtown McCook restaurant last month, city workers were not only struggling to douse the flame and keep spectators safe, they were monitoring computers at the water treatment plant to make sure the fire department had enough pressure to keep the hoses filled... -
Edith Foster
(Obituary ~ 08/28/13)
Edith Foster QUINTER, Kansas -- Edith Foster died Tuesday (Aug 27, 2013) at the Cedar Living Center in Oberlin. Services are pending with Pauls Funeral Home in Oberlin.