Punt, Pass and Kick sparked Josh Cherry's aspirations (High School Sports ~ 09/20/06)
Bison senior competed in PP&K in 1999, 2000 Josh Cherry and his buddies were just "looking for something to do" on a Sunday afternoon, and it turned into a major part of his life. Cherry, the senior starting kicker/punter/quarterback/free safety for the No. 1-ranked McCook Bison football team, got his start in the local Optimist Club Punt, Pass and Kick competition in 1999... -
Lula Verle Nelson (Obituary ~ 09/20/06)
Sept. 27, 1912-Sept. 18, 2006 CURTIS -- Lula Verle Nelson, 93, died Monday (Sept. 18, 2006). She was born Sept. 27, 1912, at the Barry Ranch north of Maywood, in Lincoln County, to William Edmund and Jessie Jane (Barry) Towne. She attended the Highland School and District 88 School. She worked in a restaurant in Ogallala and kept house for Elsie Schmitz. She helped her mother and father raise the large family of 12 children... -
McCook author yearns for 'yesteryear' (Features ~ 09/20/06)
Sometimes it just feels good to travel back in time. Back to a simpler era, when there was more black and white than gray and when a line was drawn in the sand, the ones that drew it defended it instead of expecting others to defend it for them. In that simpler era you knew who your friends were and you knew who to watch out for... -
Barking signals (Local News ~ 09/20/06)
McCook Junior High School seventh grade quarterback Justin Terry calls signals at the line of scrimmage Tuesday at Weiland Field. The game against Broken Bow marked the debut of seventh grade football at MJH. McCook lost 34-0. -
Way to go, McCook
(Letter to the Editor ~ 09/20/06)
McCook's Relay was held Aug. 4 at Norris Park and in spite of a much needed rain shower it was a huge success! The money's all counted and once again McCook surpassed its goal for the Relay. Our goal of $40,000 was exceeded this year when we raised nearly $47,000. There are several...
Sending the very best
(Column ~ 09/20/06)
Danny's mom will be 79 Sunday. Or, as she said during a recent conversation, with the same enthusiasm as a seven-year-who knows he'll soon be eight, "I'll be 80 next year." So, if you've had to shove me out of the way at the greeting card aisle, please forgive me for taking so long. ...
McCook's big celebration is always special
(Editorial ~ 09/20/06)
A check of the latest Census date shows Red Willow County, with 11,448 people, 11,167 of whom describing themselves as white. Only 18 call themselves black or African American, 44 of American Indian or Alaska Native descent, 19 Asian, two Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, 106 of some other race, 92 of two or more races, and 281 Hispanic or Latino...