Photographic memories -- Finder wants to return Wauneta Class of '25 member's book (Features ~ 09/16/06)
How many times do photographs and families be-come separated? What about those boxes of pictures sold at auctions? Those old black-paged photo albums that inadvertently get left behind when families move on? A McCook man has come across a photograph book filled with handwritten memories of high school, and would like to return it to its rightful owner... -
Judge's ruling right on casino votes
(Editorial ~ 09/16/06)
The state Supreme Court got it right on Friday. A vote on casinos is a vote on casinos, at least in the mind of most voters. The court overruled Lancaster County District Judge Karen Flowers' ruling that a casino petition did not violate the state constitution's limit on submitting similar ballot proposals more than once in three years...
Nothing wrong with being obsessive
(Column ~ 09/16/06)
"Obsession" has gotten a bad rap over the years because it's almost always discussed in a negative way. However, the dictionary definition of obsession doesn't carry a negative connotation. It defines obsession as "the domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, person, etc." The condition of "being or acting obsessive" is perceived negatively by many people primarily because of the psychological definitions and implications of obsession, as in "obsessive and compulsive personality disorder." So most people when talking about it, talk about it from the psychological perspective rather than the definitional perspective.. ...