Bison girls golf team earns trip to state meet (High School Sports ~ 10/04/05)
Nelson 3rd, Hagen 7th The McCook High School girls golf team earned a trip to the Nebraska Class B state tournament by claiming third place in the Class B-4 District Monday. The district tournament was played on McCook's home course at Heritage Hills... -
Sports shorts: Bison softball district pairings, MCC golf, Bison JV football (High School Sports ~ 10/04/05)
Bison softball team top seed at B-6 district ALLIANCE -- The McCook High School softball team, 24-3 after winning the Greater Nebraska Athletic Conference tournament Saturday, is the No. 1 seed at the Nebraska Class B-6 tournament. The tournament will be played Thursday and Friday at the Hal Murray Complex in Alliance... -
Roberta Wynn Bennett (Obituary ~ 10/04/05)
Nov. 1, 1962-Oct. 2, 2005 Roberta Wynn Bennett, 42, died Sunday (Oct. 2, 2005) at Good Samaritan Hospital in Kearney. She was born Nov. 1, 1962, in McCook to Jerry and Dorothy (Carey) Cariker. She attended McCook Public Schools. On April 25, 1993, she married Tom Bennett in McCook... -
City puts off wastewater treatment repairs, for now
(Local News ~ 10/04/05)
By LORRI SUGHROUE McCook Daily Gazette After much discussion, the McCook City Council rejected, for now, the idea of buying new equipment to replace a broken unit at the wastewater treatment facility, and decided to postpone any action until the Dec. 5 City Council meeting...
Kickin' the tires -- County checks out old West Ward, available for $50,000 (Local News ~ 10/04/05)
Red Willow County commissioners inspected the former West Ward Elementary school building during their regular meeting Monday morning. Commission Chairman Earl McNutt said it wasn't difficult to "let your mind wander. Imagine what it could be like after a complete remodel."... -
County attorney sees obstacles to loan from arena benefactor
(Local News ~ 10/04/05)
Red Willow County Attorney Paul Wood told county commissioners Monday he cannot find a legal way for the county to let their arena benefactor loan the county money to pay off the arena loan. McCook-area farmer-rancher Tom Kiplinger offered to pay off the remaining $234,000 on the loan that the county took out from NACO (Nebraska Association of County Officials) to pay upfront for the portion of the new Kiplinger arena not covered by Kiplinger's initial pledge and donations...
City grants easement to railroad
(Local News ~ 10/04/05)
The McCook City Council approved unanimously an ordinance, with amendments, of a temporary easement with Burlington Northern Sante Fe, providing the $3 million payment owed to the city is received by Wednesday, Oct. 19. The date of the expected payment was changed from Monday, Oct. 17 to Wednesday, Oct. 19. City Manager declined to say why the date was changed...
Oil prices have upside for region
(Editorial ~ 10/04/05)
Higher oil prices have sparked renewed interest in drilling projects in Southwest Nebraska, but long-range prospects for growth in the area's oil business are dependent on the labor supply and the availability of drilling contractors and service rigs...
Big Red volleyball power
(Letter to the Editor ~ 10/04/05)
**Dear Editor, We go to Boulder each year to watch the VB Huskers ["Ignoring No. 1, focusing on mediocrity" (http://www.mc cookgazette.com/story/1119379.html)]. It's great to see them in person as you really can't appreciate the speed and their athletic talents on NETV...
Congratulations, city
(Letter to the Editor ~ 10/04/05)
**Dear Editor, I wish to congratulate the City of McCook, Department of Utilities. After only five years, you and the muddas and fathas of this community who make decisions have managed to double my utility bill. Less useage than when I first started using the utilities, but more cost...