In the swing of things
(Local News ~ 07/25/03)
Tanner Lake (inset) of McCook swings over the midway at the Red Willow County fair Thursday. His cousin, Seth Koetter (main photo), rides beside him. Robin's School of Dance performs at 6 p.m. today in the Kiplinger Arena, the crowning of Miss Southwest Nebraska Rodeo is at 7:45 p.m. and the NRSA Rodeo starts at 8 p.m...
Key players
(Editorial ~ 07/25/03)
Dear Editor, The editorial tribute to the patrons of the Heritage Senior Center was well deserved. A great many of these senior people contributed generously of their time, talents and finances to bring about the expansion of the Senior Center. It is a great example of the influence that a group of dedicated volunteers can wield...
Memory Walk
(Editorial ~ 07/25/03)
Dear Editor, Again this year McCook will host a Memory Walk to benefit the Alzheimer's Association, Great Plains Area Chapter. Our Memory Walk will be from 2-4 p.m. Sept. 7, at Norris Park. In 2002 the Great Plains Area Chapter raised nearly $138,000 from Memory Walks over our 80 county area. ...
City taking one step at a time
(Editorial ~ 07/25/03)
A recent editorial in the McCook Daily Gazette inferred that there are questions about the decisions concerning the selection of a water quality solution. Last fall, Councilman Dick Trail and I put together the proposal utilizing recommendations from engineers, city staff, the water quality advisory committee and others to stay with the current well field and treat the water. That proposal passed by a 5-0 margin...
Nebraska hero helped preserve precious liberty
(Editorial ~ 07/25/03)
On a sunny, breezy July morning, a crowd of news people gathered at the grave site of a Nebraska hero. Standing in solemn silence, members of the state newspaper association listened reverently as special tribute was paid to the memory of Marine Capt. Travis Allen Ford of Ogallala...
Sports in the courts (Column ~ 07/25/03)
I am definitely in the wrong line of work. Don't be so quick to agree with me. I wish I were the big-shot defense attorney for Los Angeles Lakers' superstar guard Kobe Bryant right now. How many of you kids reading this -- if you are reading this -- want to grow up to be a lawyer or an agent for a big-shot athlete? Raise your hands... -
Michael Joseph Anderson
(Births ~ 07/25/03)
Hollie Wayman and Brandon Anderson of McCook announce the birth of their son, Michael Joseph Anderson, June 5, 2003 at Cambridge Memorial Hospital. He weighed 7 pounds and 5 ounces and was 21 inches long. Grandparents are John and Julie Wayman of Bartley. Great-grandparents are Andy and Geri Anderson of McCook and Kenneth and Betty Wayman of Industry, Kan...
Ceremony opens new 'green' house
(Local News ~ 07/25/03)
The executive director of a national recycling organization wants to relax on the balcony of the now-completed "Green Dream House" built of recycled/recyclable and environmentally-friendly products on Norris Avenue in McCook. Following a ribbon-cutting ceremony Thursday morning at McCook's newest home, Kate Krebs, executive director of the National Recycling Coalition in Washington, said wistfully, "I just want to hang out on that porch upstairs. ...
Bartley celebration Aug. 2
(Local News ~ 07/25/03)
BARTLEY -- Bartley's annual "Summer Sensation" Saturday, Aug. 2, will reveal its sense of humor with a kids' carnival, old-timey pictures and a parade. The theme for the day's activities will be "Laugh It Up." The schedule includes: 7 a.m. -- Registration for road race...
Down Home Country Folk set as theme
(Local News ~ 07/25/03)
INDIANOLA -- Indianola's 2003 Old Settlers Celebration will focus on "Down Home Country Folk," and is scheduled Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 8, 9 and 10. The schedule includes: FRIDAY, AUG. 8 7-9 a.m. -- Health fair and clinic, St. Catherine's Hall...
Two receive probation
(Local News ~ 07/25/03)
Two McCook residents received sentences of intense supervised probation in RedWillow County District Court last week on charges relating to drug possession and distribution. Tammy J. Knight, 27, of 1209 West 12th was charged with two counts of distribution of a controlled substance, Class III Felonies. Under a plea agreement, one count was dismissed by Red Willow County Attorney Paul Wood...
4-H fair judging continues (Local News ~ 07/25/03)
McCook Daily Gazette More results from the Red Willow County Fair are as follows: Dept: F Personal Development & Leadership Div: F500 Judging Contests Class: F500931 Rocket Launcing 12 & Up Division Champion Kircher, Kenton Purple -- Kircher, Kenton... -
The keys to the tractor
(Local News ~ 07/25/03)
Brad Kaiser of Kearney, territory manager for AGCO Corp., (fourth from left, front row) and Mike Allen of McCook, salesman for Kleins Motor and Electric (left) present the keys to an SL46 AGCO compact tractor and loader to Red Willow County Fair Board President Bob Haag and Republican Valley FFA advisor Les Roggenkamp. ...
Furnas County Fair
(Local News ~ 07/25/03)
4-H'ers enter rabbits, dogs and refinished chairs at the Furnas County fair in Beaver City Wednesday. Sam Gillen (top, center) of Arapahoe sits on the edge of the restored oak chair that earned him a purple ribbon. Gillen said he sanded and recaned the chair and brushed on three coats of stain. ...
Royce G. Wilson
(Obituary ~ 07/25/03)
NORTH PLATTE -- Royce G. Wilson, 44, died Wednesday (July 23, 2003) at Sutherland Care Center in Sutherland after a lengthy battle with illness. He was born Oct. 1, 1958, to Gordon and Louise (Black) Wilson in Oberlin. He graduated from Oberlin High School in 1977. He attended the American School of Broadcasting in Tulsa, Okla. He returned to Oberlin and worked at KFNF radio. He then worked at KSNK television station in Oberlin as news director and anchor for seven years...