Despite numbers, youth services will always be needed
(Column ~ 01/28/02)
There is good news and bad news for Southwest Nebraska Youth Services. The good news is, fewer youths are being sent to facilities like SWNYS. The bad news is, fewer youths are being sent to facilities like SWNYS. "It's actually a good thing we're not needed --after all, it's our goal to reunite children with families or get them in permanent placement," said Sheila Ruble, SWNYS director...
Let's recycle
(Column ~ 01/28/02)
Dear Editor, I would encourage McCook residents to recycle. There have been comments on the local radio station about the one dollar fee for recycling. I talked with the McCook Utilities Department concerning this fee. The one dollar fee was formerly embedded in the utility bill, but has now been separated out for better ease of tracking. ...
Greed, egos
(Column ~ 01/28/02)
Dear Editor, What about Enron? Just goes to show you that greed and egos can destroy anyone. All year, we have been talking about reduction of employees and the way some companies treat their employees. The big companies have been greedy too long, wanting bigger profits. ...
Donate a track
(Column ~ 01/28/02)
Dear Editor, I don't live in McCook, but since I'm only 32 miles away, I have visited the fairgrounds a few times. It seemed crowded and I just wonder why no one has thought about getting the race track out of town? Just move it out somewhere else, then accept the wonderful gift of an arena and put it out where the track is and have a decent parking area, etc. ...
Ignore Mirror
(Column ~ 01/28/02)
Dear Editor, It has been reported in a state newspaper that Britain and the United States were in a rift over the terrorism prisoners being held at Guantanamo, Cuba. I could not believe that anyone would take a report from the Mirror in England at face value. ...
When power came to the people (Column ~ 01/28/02)
Sometimes it is interesting to look back into the pages of history to see just when various things that we tend to take for granted first came into being in our city. For instance, our first electric plant, The McCook Electric Light, Heat, and Power Company, was built in McCook in 1889, and the plant was dedicated at an Independence Day Celebration that year... -
Josephine Martintzer
(Obituary ~ 01/28/02)
Josephine Marintzer OBERLIN -- Josephine Marintzer, 84, died Saturday (Jan. 26, 2002) at Decatur County Hospital in Oberlin. She was born Oct. 4, 1917, to Joseph H. and Elizabeth (Neuberger) Solko in rural Herndon. She was raised on a farm west of Herndon and attended St. Mary's Parochial School...
Margaret 'Madge' Kaus
(Obituary ~ 01/28/02)
Margaret 'Madge' Kaus OBERLIN -- Margaret "Madge" Kaus, 89, died Sunday (Jan. 27, 2002) at Decatur County Hospital in Oberlin. She was born April 9, 1912, to Bernard and Hedwig "Hatti" (Zodrow) Schroer in Cottonwood, Idaho. She was raised in Ferdinand, Idaho and attended Idaho County Elementary and Ferdinand High School...