Hot or not? Plates spark fiery debate
(Column ~ 01/11/02)
If you want to stir up a debate, all you have to do is ask a group of Nebraskans what they they think about the state's new license plates. Everyone, it seems, has an opinion, and most are quite vocal about it. As an example, in the poll conducted on the Gazette's web site, 44 percent of those responding said of Nebraska's plates, "We hate 'em," compared to 20 percent who said, "We love 'em."...
Arena would benefit area
(Column ~ 01/11/02)
This region will benefit greatly from Tom Kiplinger's generous offer to provide funding for a new arena at the Red Willow Fairgrounds. Patterned after the equestrian arena at the Custer County Fairgrounds in Broken Bow, the facility in McCook would have the potential of bringing tens of thousands of people per year to the community...
Tax bad drivers, not smokers
(Column ~ 01/11/02)
I feel that our legislatures should look at imposing a so-called "sin tax" on traffic violators. One dollar tax for every two dollar fines that they have been assessed before their drivers licences can be renewed. Leave the smokers alone, we don't kill near as many people as these careless drivers around town, especially...
To be or not to be (Column ~ 01/11/02)
We could use the title of this column as the first words to a myriad of questions. To be or not to be a Christian or an atheist, to be or not to be a Republican or a Democrat, to be or not to be a bigot or a feminist or an athlete or an advocate. I'm going to write today on whether to be or not to be happy. Of all the questions we might ask, I believe this is one of the most important ones... -
Norris, McCarl considered for presidency in '36 election
(Column ~ 01/11/02)
In 1936 there were actually two men from McCook who were being considered by some for the top position in our government...the presidency. One, of course, was George W. Norris, but the other native son was John Raymond McCarl. His widowed mother, Mrs. ...
It's time to contract Bud Selig (Column ~ 01/11/02)
To contract or not to contract, that is the question. But don't look for the current leadership, or alleged leadership, of Major League Baseball to do the noble thing. That's because current commissioner and former owner Bud Selig is merely a puppet of the owners... -
Looking for the state of whelmed (Column ~ 01/11/02)
A person can be overwhelmed; a person can be underwhelmed, but can a person just be whelmed? With the holiday season over, manY of us are trying to get over the feeling of being overwhelming and have moved into the recuperation stage. That means realizing we've fallen behind on many mundane tasks, such as sending out Christmas cards... -
Lois Steiner
(Obituary ~ 01/11/02)
Lois Steiner OBERLIN -- Lois Steiner, 90, died Thursday, (Jan. 10, 2002) at Decatur County Hospital. She was born September 30, 1911, in rural Decatur County to Chris and Nellie (Moore) Mines. She graduated from Decatur Community High School in 1929...
Crystal Zimbelman
(Obituary ~ 01/11/02)
Crystal Leigh Zimbelman IMPERIAL -- Crystal Leigh Zimbelman, 16, died Thursday (Jan. 10, 2002) from injuries sustained in an automobile accident. She was born Jan. 2, 1986, at Perkins County Hospital in Grant to Lonnie and Diane (Rammage) Zimbelman of Enders. She was raised in Enders and attended school in Imperial. She attended McCook Junior High School for her freshman year and was a sophomore at Chase County High School at the time of her death...