Those who work behind the scenes honored
(Column ~ 01/21/02)
Day by day and week by week, dedicated volunteers and organizations in the McCook area enrich the lives of those they serve. Almost all their work takes place behind the scenes. That's why -- once a year -- we are grateful to the McCook Chamber of Commerce for presenting awards of merit for outstanding service work...
Set example
(Column ~ 01/21/02)
Dear Editor, I don't live in McCook and haven't for many years. However I do enjoy reading what is going on in my old hometown, on the Internet. I was particularly impressed by Darrell Pottoff's comments on the county fairgrounds. Each time I have visited McCook, staying at the Chief, I thought the race cars were right across the street. I don't know how the people that live near the fairgrounds can survive the sounds...
Get involved
(Column ~ 01/21/02)
Dear Editor, On Jan. 7, 2002 ,I spoke to the McCook City Council and expressed some concerns that I had about the recommendation that was being made to them about a water advisory committee. I felt it would be more productive to offer suggestions before they made a decision on the committee rather than to complain about their decision after. I was hoping to prevent some tribulation for our city council as well as for our community...
Support arena
(Column ~ 01/21/02)
Dear Editor, I would like to express my support for the Kiplinger Equestrian Arena at the Red Willow County Fairgrounds. I can see many benefits to the area. On a selfish level it would be a wonderful boost to the 4-H program. Being able to participate in horse- and livestock shows in a protected environment would be a great advantage to our youth. Spectators would be able to watch their children, grandchildren, and friends in a more comfortable manor...
Calamity Jane and Wild Bill Hickock
(Column ~ 01/21/02)
I'm sure that every generation believes that the changes that have occurred in their lifetime are the most that have ever occurred in history. Yet, a good case could be made that the generation of Americans who were born in the last quarter of the l9th century really did see the greatest change during the period of their lifetime...
G.R. 'Bob' Shackleton
(Obituary ~ 01/21/02)
G.R. 'Bob' Shackleton GOTHENBURG -- G.R. "Bob" Shackleton, 67, died Thursday (Jan. 17, 2002) at his home in Gothenburg after a struggle with pancreatic cancer. He was born Oct. 15, 1934, at Hollinger to Howard and Fay Shackleton. He spent his youth at Cornell, Wis. before moving to Beaver City where he graduated from high school in 1953...
Allen Dewane Anderson
(Obituary ~ 01/21/02)
Allen Dewane Anderson TRENTON -- Allen Dewane Anderson, 69, died Friday (Jan. 18, 2002) at Community Hospital of McCook. He was born May 12, 1932, at Trenton to Henry and Dorothy Lena (Cole) Anderson. He grew up in Trenton where he graduated from Trenton High School in 1950...
Gordon T. Brannan
(Obituary ~ 01/21/02)
Gordon T. Brannan GALVESTON, Texas -- Gordon Thomas Brannan, 40, died Friday (Jan. 18, 2002) at the University of Texas Medical Center in Galveston. He was born Oct. 9, 1960, at Akron, Colo., to Gary E. and Janet L. (Brinkmann) Brannan and attended school in Yuma and Aurora, Colo. In the fall of 1973, the family moved to Stratton. He graduated from Stratton High School in 1980...
Bill Schlagel
(Obituary ~ 01/21/02)
Bill Schlagel ENID, Okla. -- Bill Schlagel, 38, died Saturday (Jan. 19, 2002) at St. Mary's Regional Medical Center in Enid, Okla. He was born March 20, 1963, in Cambridge to James and Maryellen (Kennedy) Schlagel. He moved to Enid in 1989 and worked at St. Mary's as director of the Cardio-Respiratory Care Unit. He married Dede Fisher on June 18, 1999...