Murphy birth
(Births ~ 09/28/01)
Steve and Lara Murphy of Jamestown, N.D. announce the birth of their daughter, Seeley May, on Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2001. She weighed 5 lbs. 9 oz. Grandparents are Don and Laverta Murphy of McCook and Gary and Sally Shook of Omaha.
Wayne DeForest Upward
(Obituary ~ 09/28/01)
Wayne DeForest Upward ARAPAHOE -- Wayne DeForest Upward, 82, died Wednesday (Sept. 26, 2001) at the C.A. Mues Good Samaritan Nursing Center at Arapahoe. He was born Sept. 27, 1918, at Holyoke, Colo., to William DeForest and Ethel (Davis) Upward. He graduated from Arapahoe High School with the class of 1937...
Nona M. Klein
(Obituary ~ 09/28/01)
Nona M. Klein BARTLEY -- Nona M. Klein, 93, of Bartley, formerly of Farnam, died Tuesday (Sept. 25, 2001) at the Cambridge Memorial Hospital in Cambridge. She was born Oct. 27, 1907, at Gothenburg to Lewis S. and Lulu Alice (Anderson) Hayworth. She was raised in the Farnam area...
Travis Allen Fisher
(Obituary ~ 09/28/01)
Travis Allen Fisher NORTH PLATTE -- Travis Allen Fisher, 24, of North Platte, died Tuesday (Sept. 25, 2001) at North Platte as the result of a motorcycle accident. He was born Jan. 22, 1977, at North Platte to Allen and Linda (Sullivan) Fisher. He attended North Platte High School, and later worked on a steel gang and hired out with the Union Pacific Railroad in November 1998 as a conductor...
Nona M. Klein
(Obituary ~ 09/28/01)
Nona M. Klein BARTLEY -- Nona M. Klein, 93, of Bartley, formerly of Farnam, died Tuesday (Sept. 25, 2001) at the Cambridge Memorial Hospital in Cambridge. She was born Oct. 27, 1907, at Gothenburg to Lewis S. and Lulu Alice (Anderson) Hayworth. She was raised in the Farnam area...
A town girl on the farm (Column ~ 09/28/01)
Being a town girl forced to move to a farm at the tender age of 12, I thought my life was over. However, by the end of the first six weeks, the creative side of my imagination had taken over and I found wonderful new ways to keep myself entertained... -
Maintenance needed
(Column ~ 09/28/01)
Dear Editor, I am not sure where Mr. Potthoff is getting his information about expenses. Regarding the schools, his figures are somewhat high, and the question is, are you, Mr. Potthoff, against the elderly and St. Pat's School? Please remember the difference between public schools and St. Pat's School. Is it true that neither the state nor the federal government help St. Pat's? I believe they rely heavily on donations and St. Pat's should not have even been mentioned...
Observances make event memorable
(Column ~ 09/28/01)
If you missed the prayer breakfast this morning which traditionally opened Heritage Days, you missed a memorable speech by a remarkable man, former Gov. Frank B. Morrison, who joins his wife, Maxine, as the honor family for this year's celebration...
The last days?
(Column ~ 09/28/01)
The last days? Dear Friends, Hurricanes, tornadoes, our land ravaged by drought in some areas and terrible, ravaging floods in other areas. Forest fires that destroy hundreds of thousand acres of timber. What about the shootings in our schools, restaurants, and other public buildings? What about road rage and the bombing of the Murray building in Oklahoma city? And now terrorism! What does it all mean?...
'Be prepared' motto applies to our future
(Column ~ 09/28/01)
"Be prepared." It's good advice for all of us, whether it's dealing with national disasters or taking a road trip to Denver. It's also good advice for local economic development officials on the local level. Not just prepared, according to Al Wenstrand, director of the Nebraska Department of Economic Development, local officials must be prepared to act very quickly...
Important opportunity
(Column ~ 09/28/01)
Tuesday, Oct. 2, the registered voters of McCook will have an opportunity to send a message about how they view the future of their community. They will get an opportunity to decide to spend some of their hard earned tax dollars to improve our K-4 school facilities...
A new citizen patriot
(Column ~ 09/28/01)
Dear Editor, Attached is an e-mail that I recently received from a dear friend named Young Kwon. The heartfelt feeling is self-evident even though his English has a Korean flavor. Young came to this country from Korea, as he says about 20 years ago. He was raised by a widowed mother and had completed his compulsory service in the Korean Army...
Vaughn Meader
(Obituary ~ 09/28/01)
Vaughn Meader BEAVER CITY -- Vaughn Meader, 86, of Beaver City, formerly of Holbrook and Wilsonville, died Wednesday (Sept. 26, 2001) at the Cambridge Memorial Hospital in Cambridge. He was born Jan. 9, 1915, in Furnas County to Charles Wesley and Mable (Sears) Meader. He grew up on a farm in Wilsonville and attended grade school at a country school...