Kearney couple weds (Other Record ~ 09/18/01)
INDIANOLA -- Josette Malee Clapp and Justin James McConville were united in marriage July 7, 2001, at St. Catherine's Catholic Church in Indianola. Officiating the ceremony was Msgr. Daniel Pohl. Parents of the couple are Steve and Lee Clapp, and Bob and Cindy McConville. Grandparents include Harold and Phyllis Clapp, Leland and Glendene DeHart, Robert and Kathy McConville, and Jim and LaVera Brooks... -
Sabin, Cribbs engagement (Other Record ~ 09/18/01)
Nicole Kristin Sabin and Patrick Albert Cribbs of McCook announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the couple are Ronald and Cindy Sabin, and Danny and Dawn Cribbs, all of McCook. The bride-to-be is a 1999 graduate of McCook Senior High School, and a 2001 graduate of McCook Community College. The prospective bridegroom is employed at NKC Railroad Repair and Maintenance in Curtis. The couple is planning a Sept. 22, 2001, wedding at the First Baptist Church in McCook... -
A taste of terror in the air
(Column ~ 09/18/01)
"Attention all aircraft. The Department of Defense has ordered a ground hold for all aircraft. All aircraft are directed to land at the nearest airport and remain on the ground until further notice. N14TT (our call sign) you are cleared to the Lees Summit Airport."...
An open letter to the terrorists
(Column ~ 09/18/01)
What were you thinking? Did you think you would destroy us? You were wrong. Over 99.997% of us remain. Did you think you would cripple us? You were wrong. We move on, with even more efficiency and purpose than before. Did you think you would single this nation out from the world and make an example of us? You were wrong. ...
Rural residents must adopt healthy lifestyle
(Column ~ 09/18/01)
If you had to guess, who would you say has the most health problems: (a) city residents, (b) suburban dwellers or (c) those who live in rural areas? To the surprise of many of us who live on farms and in small towns, the answer is (c) rural areas. The shocking truth was revealed Monday, Sept. 10, in the annual report of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...
Ed Hoyt, distinguished local citizen
(Features ~ 09/18/01)
Ed Hoyt was one of the most distinguished citizens to come out of McCook during the first half of the 20th century. Ed was born in a sod house on the family farm southwest of McCook in 1900, the youngest of eight children of James and Priscilla Hoyt, very early settlers (in 1880) in the Driftwood Precinct of Red Willow County. Priscilla served as the first teacher of the precinct's little sod schoolhouse with its tin and tarpaper roof...