Saving life together
(Column ~ 09/26/01)
Saving life together Dear Editor, On Sept. 11, the United States suffered the worst terrorist attack on American soil in history. The full scope of these events and their aftermath are still being assessed, but the impact is clearly massive and widespread. The American Red Corss mobilized quickly to help meet the needs of those affected by this nationwide emergency...
Stranded on Highway
(Column ~ 09/26/01)
Stranded on highway Dear Editor, This past week while driving a feed truck on Highway 6-34 between Culbertson and Trenton, the truck quit on me by the railroad tracks. I got it pulled over, turned on the flashers and opened the hood. This was the same stretch of highway (regional editor) Connie Jo (Discoe) broke down on and like Connie Jo, I didn't have my cell phone with me. ...
More on Decatur Hospital
(Column ~ 09/26/01)
More on Decatur Hospital Dear Editor, The Decatur County Commissioners and the Decatur County Hospital Board want the public to have some additional information relating to the Banner Health System decision to transfer the lease of the Decatur County Hospital to another party as a part of their corporate restructuring as mentioned in their press release dated Sept. 19...
Work Ethic Camp offenders have another chance
(Column ~ 09/26/01)
Sometimes all it takes to change is to take a long, hard look at yourself. Under ideal conditions, we will recognize our shortcomings, seek out wise counsel and make the needed changes ourselves. More often, however, it takes some serious event to shock us into action...
The clock marks the seconds (Column ~ 09/26/01)
Along the highways, in every neighborhood, beside every public building, American flags are on display. We watch them fly, snapping and waving in the autumn breeze. And we wait. While we're waiting, life goes on. Birthdays are celebrated, weddings planned, retirements marked, anniversaries honored. We carry on with day-to-day business, but beneath the seemingly normal activity, a clock is ticking. We can all hear it... -
Alvian Augusta (Nehring) Kogl
(Obituary ~ 09/26/01)
Alvina Augusta (Nehring) Kogl HERNDON -- Alvina Augusta (Nehring) Kogl, 90, died Saturday (Sept. 22, 2001) at her home in Herndon. She was born April 21, 1911, at St. Mary's, Iowa, to Otto H. and Agatha (Lippold) Nehring. The family moved to Herndon when she was nine years old, where she resided for the rest of her life. She attended the Herndon schools, and graduated from high school with honors in 1927...
Betty Everett Hall Rheault
(Obituary ~ 09/26/01)
Betty Everett Hall Rheault Betty Everett Hall Rheault, 85, died Sunday (September 23, 2001) at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Kearney. She was born March 12, 1916, at Scottsbluff, to Mae (Doughty) and Lee Everett. She attended the Scottsbluff schools, graduating in 1934. She attended the University of Nebraska for one year, and in January 1936, she attended Barnes Business School in Denver, Colo...
Bernice G. Mousel (Obituary ~ 09/26/01)
Bernice G. Mousel Bernice G. Mousel, 93, of McCook, died Monday (Sept. 24, 2001) at Community Hospital of McCook. She was born Sept. 18, 1908, at Lincoln to George and Mayme (Hauptman) Giesler. She grew up at Lincoln where she graduated from high school in 1926. She was a 1930 graduate of the University of Nebraska with a bachelor's of science degree in education. She was a member of the Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority... -
H.E. 'Gene' Rosenfelt
(Obituary ~ 09/26/01)
H. E. 'Gene' Rosenfelt KEARNEY -- H. E. "Gene" Rosenfelt, 69, of Benkelman, died Friday (Sept. 21, 2001) at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Kearney. He was born Jan. 29, 1932, at Benkelman to Floyd and Lela (Clark) Rosenfelt. From an early age, he was raised by his aunt, Fay Rosenfelt Mowery. He attended school in Benkelman, graduating from high school in 1950...