Piper, Haas engagement (Engagement ~ 07/16/07)
Jim and Kathleen Piper of Omaha announce the enagement and upcoming wedding of their daughter, Haley to Ryan Haas, son of Raleigh and Kathy Haas of McCook. The bride-to-be is a 1999 graduate of Yankton High School in South Dakota and a 2004 graduate of Creighton University with a bachelor's degree in theater. She is the education director and an actor with the RESPECT Program, which teaches violence prevention and anti-bullying techniques to students and adults through theater... -
Foote anniversary (Anniversary ~ 07/16/07)
The family of Thurman and Delma Foote is hosting a card shower in honor of the couple's 60th wedding anniversary. They were married July 26, 1947, at the Methodist Church in Imperial. They lived and farmed all their married lives in Hayes County until retiring to Maywood. ... -
Brown birthday (Birthdays ~ 07/16/07)
Helen Brown, formerly of Palisade, will celebrate her 90th birthday on July 17. Her family is hosting an open house on July 22, at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Jerry and Shirley Gibson at 4000 Bel-Ridge Drive, in Lincoln. Cards of congratulations will reach her at 4000 Bel-Ridge Drive, Lincoln, NE 68521... -
Klein anniversary (Anniversary ~ 07/16/07)
The daughters and family of Don and Norma Klein are hosting an open house to celebrate their 50th anniversary. The event will be at the community building at the Red Willow County Fairgrounds July 21, from 2-4 p.m., Cards can be sent to 603 West H, McCook, NE 69001... -
Fletcher birthday (Birthdays ~ 07/16/07)
The children of Doris Fletcher are hosting an open house in honor of her 85th birthday on July 22, 2007, from 2-4 p.m., at the Methodist Church in Cambridge. Cards of congratulations will reach her at 40865 West Nasby, Cambridge, NE 69022. -
Jacob, Duckworth engagement (Engagement ~ 07/16/07)
Megan Jacob and Bryan Duckworth, both of North Platte, announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the bride-to-be are Kurt and Michelle Proud of Bartley and Mark Jacob of Curtis. Parents of the prospective bridegroom are Frank and Brenda Duckworth of Indianola... -
Spickelmier birthday
(Birthdays ~ 07/16/07)
Harvey Spickelmier of Hayes County will celebrate his 85th birthday on July 16, 2007. Cards of congratulations will reach him at 37312 Road 729, Culbertson, NE 69024.
Rice, Gerlach wedding (Wedding ~ 07/16/07)
PLYMOUTH -- Ashley Rice of Wilsonville and Cody Gerlach of DeWitt, were united in marriage May 5, 2007, at St. Pauls Evengelical Lutheran Church in Plymouth, with the Rev. John Bortulin officiating. Parents of the bride are Tony and Patricia Rice of Wilsonville. ... -
Grafel, Martin engagement (Engagement ~ 07/16/07)
Karolyn Grafel of Culbertson and Steve Martin of Benkelman announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the couple are Kent Grafel of Culbertson and Mary Whitaker of Owatonna, Minn., and Merrel and Linda Martin of Benkelman. Grandparents of the couple are Don and Joan Grafel of Herndon and Harry and Merrella Martin and Everett and Dorothy Stute, all of Benkelman... -
Gullion birth (Births ~ 07/16/07)
Danny and Tiffany Gullion of Culbertson announce the birth of a son, Bryson Dean Gullion, born June 29, 2007, at Community Hospital in McCook. He weighed 7 pounds, 5.8 ounces and was 22 inches long. Grandparents are Merle Spickelmier of Hemingford, the late Debbie Spickelmier, and Steve and Amy Gullion of Alliance. ... -
Vise anniversary
(Anniversary ~ 07/16/07)
The children and grandchildren of Robert and Dorothy Vise, formerly of Beaver City, are hosting an open house, 1-4 p.m., at the Beaver City Community Room, Sunday, July 22, in honor of the couple's 60th wedding anniversary. They were married July 30, 1947. Their children are Judy Conley of Kerrville, Texas and Barbara Stewart of Holdrege. They have five grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach them at 921 Fourth St., Holdrege, NE 68949...
McCook FCB Juniors A team advances at Zone 6 tourney (High School Sports ~ 07/16/07)
HOLDREGE -- The McCook First Central Bank Legion Juniors A team opened up its district play Friday night in Holdredge with a 5-1 win over Cozad. Jeff Lorentz pitched all seven innings for McCook, which improved to 15-15. He gave up a few walks the first couple of innings but Cozad was unable to score. After three full innings of play the score was still 0-0... -
Depe anniversary (Anniversary ~ 07/16/07)
The children and grandchildren of Harry and Mary (Urban) Depe are hosting an open house in honor of the couple's 50th wedding anniversary Sunday, July 22, 2-5 p.m., at the Trenton Community Development Center, 402 E. First in Trenton. Their children are Elaine and Randy Peters of McCook, Kathy and Jim Riepl of Atwood, Diane and Andy Karlin of Colby, Kan., Duane Depe of Atwood and Lori and Jason Moore of Levant, Kan. ... -
Russell Fanning
(Obituary ~ 07/16/07)
June 28, 1919 - July 13, 2007 WAUNETA -- Russell O. Fanning, 88, died Friday (July 13, 2007) at Heritage of Wauneta Nursing Home. He was born June 28, 1919, on the family farm near Wauneta to Clarence and Della (Hanna) Fanning. He grew up in the Wauneta area and graduated from Wauneta High School in 1937...
Margaret C. Boner
(Obituary ~ 07/16/07)
WRAY, Colo. -- Margaret C. Boner, 85, formerly of Trenton, died Saturday (July 14, 2007) at Hillcrest Care Center in Wray, Colo. She was preceded in death by her husband, Gerald. Survivors include her daughters, Mary Lou Gee of Springfield, Mo., Barb Delcamp of Brighton, Colo., and B.J. Wilson of Wray...
NU official sees research as key to state's future (Local News ~ 07/16/07)
As Nebraska looks to the future, Dr. Prem Paul believes there are few things of greater importance than research. "We need to create new knowledge," he said. "We need basic research and we need applied research because the breakthroughs will power the economic engine of this state."... -
Man's need for speed takes to the air
(Column ~ 07/16/07)
It seems that man has a built in desire to ace with his fellow man. We see it in sports -- who is faster? Men challenge other men to a foot race. And then they raced their horses, or bicycles, then motorized vehicles, cars, boats, and -- airplanes! In 1909, just seven years after the Wright Brothers made their first successful powered flight, the first (official) Air Race (which lasted one whole week) was held in Reims, France...
Should McCook be No. 59 with a 1 1/2-cent sales tax?
(Editorial ~ 07/16/07)
We have a test for those of you who consider yourselves "power shoppers": Question Number One: without the aid of Google or any other outside source, state the city sales tax rate of the following cities: North Platte, Holdrege, Kearney, Grand Island, Lincoln, and Omaha. We've provided the answer at the end of this editorial, but our hunch is that most of you could not state those cities' sales tax rate with one hundred percent certainty...
Rock 'n Roll sculpture next for local artist
(Column ~ 07/16/07)
A Southwest Nebraska sculptor will have a part in preserving the history of rock and roll. The key role became a reality earlier this summer when Roy Orbison's widow, Barbara, commissioned Jon Leitner to do life-size bronze sculptures of Orbison and two of his sons: Roy Jr. and Anthony...
Stars of summer take over the sky
(Column ~ 07/16/07)
Leo, the Lion of Spring, is diving to the horizon in the west as the stars of summer take over the evening and late night sky, while the Summer Triangle is well up in the east. Sagittarius and Scorpius, with Jupiter, take over in the south. The progression of the seasons is an ever-continuing process in the sky as the stars move from the east to the west each night. Four minutes a night doesn't seem like much, but it only takes a month or so to make a significant difference in the stars we see...
Bertha Gross
(Obituary ~ 07/16/07)
Dec. 21, 1916 - July 14, 2007 CAMBRIDGE?-- Bertha Gross, 90, died Saturday (July 14, 2007) at the Cambridge Manor. She was born on Dec. 21, 1916, in Antonino, Kan., to George and Martha (Haas) Pfannenstiel.
Stories from Monday, July 16, 2007
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