McCook, Wyoming runners flourish at Freedom Run (Community Sports ~ 07/05/22)
ULBERTSON, Neb. — To kick off 2022 Culbertson’s Fourth of July celebration, dozens of runners and walkers took to streets for the Freedom Run 5K and 10K race Monday. Hayden Honholt of Rawlins, Wyo., finished the 5K race in 17 minutes, 24 seconds, claiming first for the men and overall... -
Ruby Fay (Collins) Black
(Obituary ~ 07/05/22)
Ruby Fay (Collins) Black Oct. 21, 1919 - June 20, 2022 OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — Ruby Fay (Collins) Black was born Oct. 21, 1919, in Palisade, Neb., the daughter of Pearl and Maggie (Jefferies) Collins. She completed this life on Monday, June 20, 2022, in Oklahoma City at the age of 102...
Deadline is Wednesday for McCook YMCA Mini-Triathlon
(Community Sports ~ 07/05/22)
McCOOK, Neb. — Just a reminder entry deadline is Wednesday as the – The YMCA of McCook is pleased to offer the YMCA Kid’s Mini-Triathlon on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. The YMCA Kids Mini-Triathlon is a part of the 45 Days of Summer Challenge series...
McCook Mini-Speedway starts July in colorful style (Community Sports ~ 07/05/22)
McCOOK, Neb. — McCook MiniSpeedway completed a festive week of racing Saturday night with GoKart organizers offering these comments on Sunday. “How much fun did everyone have last night? I don’t know about you, but wow! We had SO MANY great things - the new podium, the ice cream truck, some amazing races, those parade laps, the giveaways, s’mores and fireworks.”... -
Pinnacle Bank plates 44 runs, takes fourth at state (Community Sports ~ 07/05/22)
OMAHA, Neb. — Pinnacle Bank exploded on Fourth of July weekend for 44 runs during four state tournament wins and a final top four finish. The McCook Legion Post 203 Junior B team started with a 12-11 thriller over UBA Bandits 13-and-under on Friday... -
Maintenance Work Will Begin on N-23, Near Farnam
(State News ~ 07/05/22)
McCOOK, Neb. — Weather permitting, a chip seal project will begin July 12 on N-23, according to the Nebraska Department of Transportation. Chip seal is an application of an asphalt binder to a roadway surface followed by an aggregate. State maintenance forces will be performing a chip seal from reference post 111.2 to reference post 122.75, near Farnam. The work is anticipated to take three (3) days. Traffic will be maintained with a pilot car and flaggers...
Community youth group announces plans for drive-in theater (Local News ~ 07/05/22)
McCOOK, Neb. — The fourth annual Freedom Fest on Friday was the perfect setting to announce the latest project which may soon come to McCook: a drive-in movie theater. With the grandstands filled with spectators for a concert and fireworks show Friday night, members of Youth Change Reaction announced that they are working to build a permanent drive-in theater on the fairgrounds... -
City sees over $700,000 in new construction last month
(Local News ~ 07/05/22)
McCOOK, Neb. — New construction in the City of McCook totaled over $700,000 for the month of June. Topping construction was a residential one and two-family residence at $575,000. Total new construction since January is at $8.3 million. A total of 22 projects took place in June with $789,555 worth of construction. Other projects last month were:...
State Patrol begins 66th Basic Recruit Camp (State News ~ 07/05/22)
GRAND ISLAND, Neb. — Nineteen recruits have started their journey to become Nebraska State Troopers. The recruits will train for the next six months at the NSP Training Academy to earn the title of Trooper. “This is an important day for our agency, but it’s also a milestone day for these recruits,” said Colonel John Bolduc, Superintendent of the Nebraska State Patrol. ... -
They've arrived!
(Column ~ 07/05/22)
The morning of July 3rd arrived just before one o’clock AM with persistent phone ringing! Brant Scherbarth our grandson-in-law announcing “Papa, Mo is going into surgery at one AM to take the twins out!” No more sleep, for a while, for Grannie Annie and this old guy; the proud set of great grandparents to be...
Thomas M. Frizzle (Obituary ~ 07/05/22)
Warren E. Harrison (Obituary ~ 07/05/22)
Siegrid Wilmot (Obituary ~ 07/05/22)