Big 16 now? USC, UCLA approved to join the Big Ten (College Sports ~ 07/01/22)
In a surprising and seismic shift in college athletics, the Big Ten voted Thursday to add Southern California and UCLA as conference members beginning in 2024. The expansion to 16 teams will happen after the Pac-12’s current media rights contracts with Fox and ESPN expire and make the Big Ten the first conference to stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific... -
MCC catcher moving into NCAA Division I softball (College Sports ~ 07/01/22)
McCOOK, Neb. — McCook Community College freshman softball player Sydney Erlandson has accepted an offer to play at Siena College, an NCAA Division school in Loundonville, N.Y. “I am very proud of Sydney, her work ethic in the classroom and on the field put her in this position,” MCC coach Kevin Kaalberg said. “We wish her the best.”... -
Delving into the Declaration
(Column ~ 07/01/22)
Given recent events at the Supreme Court, our country is currently focused on our Constitution, and the Tenth Amendment in particular. It’s a moment of accomplishment for some people in our community, and a point of sadness and pain for others. Passions run high, and discourse is too often unproductive. ...
Council to discuss new ballpark project, annexation
(Local News ~ 07/01/22)
McCOOK, Neb. — The McCook City Council will be asked to discuss a joint recreational bond that would partially fund a new baseball complex as well as a new pool, at the regular council Tuesday, at 5:30 p.m. at the City Council chambers at the Municipal Building...
Recalling 1950 summer pastimes in McCook
(Column ~ 07/01/22)
Chautaugua is heading our way this month and it is going to be all about the 1950’s! Poodle skirts, white T shirts, belted jeans, bobby socks and garter belts for your nylon stockings! The changes that took place in the 1950 era were actually quite astonishing as the first round of baby boomers hit the classrooms and schools that were adequately sized suddenly were bursting out at the seams with students! I thought we would look back at the beginning of the 50’s this column starting with the summer of 1950. ...
Olson birth (Births ~ 07/01/22)
Emery Constance Olson Jon and Nicole Olsen of McCook announce the birth of their daughter, Emery Constance Olson, who was born June 21, 2022, at Community Hospital McCook. She weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces and measured 21 and 1/2 inches long. She has a brother, Avery, 5 and sister, Elsie, 19 months. Grandparents are Don and Lisa Felker and Bob and Connie Olsen, all of McCook. Great-grandparents are Gene and Cleta Baumfalk of McCook... -
Ruppert anniversary (Anniversary ~ 07/01/22)
25th anniversary The family of Willis and Libby Ruppert is hosting a card shower in honor of the couple’s 25th wedding anniversary on Tuesday, July 5, 2022. Cards of congratulations will reach them at 73061 Road 382, McCook, NE 69001. -
Community Outreach Days start Wednesday, July 6
(Community News ~ 07/01/22)
McCOOK, Neb. — The USDA is working with lenders and community partners to open the door to home ownership and home repairs for rural Americans. “Community Outreach Days” are scheduled for McCook beginning on Wednesday, July 6, at the Keystone Business Center, 402 Norris Ave., third floor, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m...
MPCC info specialist earns national awards
(High School Sports ~ 07/01/22)
The Mid-Plains Community College Marketing and Public Information Office has been recognized at the national level. Heather Johnson, public information specialist for the college, placed in four categories of the National Federation of Press Women Professional Communications Contest. They were:...
Early diamond picks have sparkled and blown up
(High School Sports ~ 07/01/22)
July 1 marks a perfect time to check Gazette sports scribbler R.B. (Round Baseball-sized) Headley’s Major League Baseball picks right around April Fools Day. Really foolish! R.B. took the bumbling Detroit Tigers to be an American League wildcard team for their first playoff spot since 2014...
FCB Juniors claim No. 5 spot for state-qualifying tourney (Community Sports ~ 07/01/22)
HOLDREGE, Neb. — The McCook First National Bank Juniors will see Gothenburg Melons again when Class B Area tournament play starts on Friday, July 8. McCook FCB (9-14) and Gothenurg split their two regular-season meetings with FCB winning the most recent contest in G-Burg... -
Daring late play helps Juniors win 7-6 over Reds (Community Sports ~ 07/01/22)
COZAD, Neb. — Quentin Terry struck out eight through three innings and trust turned into a McCook First Central Bank victory. Tied 6-6 on Thursday, coach James Mockry saw two of his most pressure-tested players take charge during FCB’s last at-bat. Lincoln Michaelis had reached third base when Bryson Gullion began wandering off first... -
Armor coating projects done for this year
(Local News ~ 07/01/22)
McCOOK, Neb. —The City of McCook armor coating project is completed for this year, according to a press release. Not all of the streets slated for armor coating were able to get done, according to the release. Those streets not completed this year will be moved to the top of the list for next year...
Goose roundup (Local News ~ 07/01/22)
Barnett Park was closed for a time Wednesday while Nebraska Game and Parks conducted a goose roundup. Besides capturing 35 juvenile birds to be relocated to Harry Strunk Lake northwest of Cambridge, crews were able band some additional adult birds. This is the third or fourth year the state has done a round, according to a city official... -
Museum annual meeting Thursday
(Local News ~ 07/01/22)
McCOOK, Neb. — The annual meeting of the High Plains Historical Society will be held at the High Plains Museum on Thursday, July 7. A special baseball-themed event complete with ballpark snacks begins at 6 pm with a business meeting to follow at 7:00. ...
What's the future for aborted babies
(Column ~ 07/01/22)
For Those Who Think Aborted Babies are Better Off Because They Are in Heaven instead of experiencing this hell on earth”: Think about this: I see your point. I used to believe that, BUT God wants the eventual new Heavens & Earth to be filled with people who by Free Will choice chose Jesus, not arrived by default. He loves them & everybody, but personal choice is important...
Inmate missing (Local News ~ 07/01/22)
LINCOLN, Neb. – Authorities have been notified about an inmate missing from the Community Corrections Center – Lincoln (CCC-L). Seth Straub #212998 left his work assignment in the community this morning and did not return to the facility. Straub started his sentence on April 6, 2021. ... -
Diane McCune (Obituary ~ 07/01/22)