Spring Bison are back after gloomy 2020 (High School Sports ~ 03/05/21)
McCOOK, Neb. — They’re already backhanding 2020 out of everyone’s memories as McCook spring sports athletes have returned with big numbers this week. That’s how coach Matt Wiemers basically described his first tennis team since the Bison finished Class B No. 4 in 2019... -
Bohochik birth (Births ~ 03/05/21)
Bella Marie Bohochik Paul and Diane Bohochik of Stratton, Neb., announce the birth of their daughter, Bella Marie Bohochik, who was born Oct. 5, 2020. She weighed 5 pounds, 7 ounces and measured 19 inches long. Grandparents are Larry Schoenauer of Stratton, Tammy Pearson-Carriere of Mississippi and Gary and Cheryl Bohochik of Salida, Colo. Great-grandparent is Shirley Keyes-Grove of Oklahoma... -
When Bartley troops fought in The Bandit Wars
(Column ~ 03/05/21)
I had never heard of the Bandit War(s) or Camp Llano Grande until I was reading the Bartley Inter-Ocean paper from August 1916. “The boys at Camp Llano had their first big tramp last week when they indulged in an eight-mile practice march. Every man in the service at Camp Llano carried a cord around his neck with his name and rank in company stamped on it as an identification card. ...
Assistant principal chosen for high school (Local News ~ 03/05/21)
McCOOK, Neb. — An industrial arts teacher has been selected as the assistant principal at McCook High School and the McCook Board of Education will be asked to approve his contract, at the regular McCook Board of Education meeting on Monday, 6:30 p.m. at conference room B at the high school... -
McCook Ace Hardware earns award for third year in a row (Local News ~ 03/05/21)
McCOOK, Neb. - Acee Hardware Corporation is pleased to announce that McCook Ace Hardware of McCook achieved designation as a “Pinnacle Performance Retailing” store for its outstanding performance. Developed as part of Ace’s retail growth strategy, Higher Ground, Pinnacle Performance Retailing is focused on Ace’s customers to ensure that Ace stores deliver on its helpful brand promise... -
Memories of Cloyd in six chapters (Column ~ 03/05/21)
I had intended to write about the Electoral College this week, but sometimes other stuff gets in the way. We can cover that in another article. Today, I want to tell you about my friend Cloyd Clark, whom we recently lost. He was a District Judge, a founder of the Buffalo Commons Storytelling Festival, a friend to all, and I’m pretty sure I have seen his likeness on Mount Rushmore... -
Honor the legacy with commitment to community (Column ~ 03/05/21)
With the passing of Judge Cloyd Clark this past weekend, McCook and Southwest Nebraska has lost one its most vocal, most passionate, most boisterous supporters. While Cloyd had been ill for a short time, his death still comes as a shock and now the tributes and accolades have begun to pour in. And not just because he was so active in the community, but because Cloyd was larger than life. His booming voice, his bushy mustache, his deep-throated laugh... -
Indians split down on Kansas diamond
(High School Sports ~ 03/05/21)
GREAT BEND, Kan. – The McCook Community College baseball team split a pair of games Wednesday, dropping a 10-3 game to host Barton County Community College and downing Northeast Community College (Norfolk) 10-8 at Lawson-Biggs Field. “We got off the bus a little sluggish in Game 1 and faced a good Barton team, they jumped out early and we didn’t respond all that well,” said MCC Coach Jon Olsen. “It was good to get the win over Northeast in Game 2.”...
Pool duos reach second, third at tourney (High School Sports ~ 03/05/21)
McCOOK, Neb. — David Stockhaus from McCook and Mike Templeman from Oberlin, Kan., came up just short of advancing to the American Poolplayers Association’s (APA) 9-Ball Doubles Championship recently. They reached after the finals of the 9-Ball Doubles tournament and did earn second place... -
The month of March and Lent
(Column ~ 03/05/21)
“Faith is a bird that feels dawn breaking and sings while it is still dark.” ~R. Tagore Chicago may be the “Windy City,” but in Nebraska. . . From the sand hills of the north, across the central flat lands, to the deep canyons of the south; March is the windy month. ...
Eagles are all 'clutch' motoring back to state (High School Sports ~ 03/05/21)
MINDEN, Neb. — Tied 42-42, Southern Valley senior Clayton Berry had a calm and logical view of his potential district-winning shot Monday evening. “I realized if this goes in, our chances are way better,” he remarked about his one three-pointer of the Class D1-8 title game. “When I shot, I knew it was in.”... -
Committees, cold weather, and controversial bills subject of legislative update
(Local News ~ 03/05/21)
McCOOK, Neb. - Most of the committee hearings at the Nebraska legislature have been completed so the next step, according to State Sen. Dan Hughes, is for the committees to decide which bills to advance to the floor for full debate. Senators have until next Wednesday to designate a bill as a priority, Sen. Hughes informed constituents at the chamber’s weekly legislature update via Zoom...