Sheriffs of Weiland: Cowboys don't allow point in 2020 (Community Sports ~ 07/31/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — Dallas NFL owner Jerry Jones can only dream about what the Cowboys at Weiland Field completed Thursday night: Four straight shutouts! A sweep of opponents named the Eagles! An undefeated season! Finally, an excellent goal for every fall:... -
Frank, Rojas engagement (Engagement ~ 07/31/20)
Frank, Rojas Doug and Linda Frank of McCook announce the marriage of their daughter, Kristine, to Carlos Rojas, both of Omaha, Neb. Grandparents of the bride-to-be are Marvin and Elaine Frank of McCook and the late Frank and Dorothy Scharvin, formerly of Oxford, Neb... -
Stritt anniversary (Anniversary ~ 07/31/20)
50th anniversary The family of Tom and Nanci Stritt is requesting a card shower in honor of the couple’s 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday, Aug. 8, 2020. They were married at St. Catherine’s Church in Indianola. Their family includes children, Melissa Stritt of McCook, Neb., Matthew and Staci Stritt of Hastings, Neb., Mark and Jamie Stritt of Hastings, McKenzie and Kamron Ochsner of Omaha, Neb.; and seven grandchildren. ... -
Class Will from 1932 MHS seniors
(Column ~ 07/31/20)
My first Christmas present was a puppy, a cocker spaniel named Duke. Duke was a great dog that was allowed in the house only to the landing at the back entrance. Dogs were dogs, not pseudo people, back then. Duke did share one thing with his people family and that was a love of mom’s cooking. ...
Art instructor wins top college honor (Local News ~ 07/31/20)
McCOOK, Neb. -- A McCook Community College instructor who is known for his passion about his program, his students, his college, and his community, has been named winner of the Dr. Gene Budig Outstanding Faculty Award for 2020. Art Instructor Rick Johnson, who began teaching in the fall semester of 2004, was nominated by several colleagues and fellow staff and ultimately selected by the Budig Award selection committee and submitted to the Mid-Plains Community College Cabinet. ... -
Budget, endownment, sidewalk cafe ordinance on agenda
(Local News ~ 07/31/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — There may be only two, instead of the usual three, readings this year of the city’s 2020-21 budget and to make up for that, a discussion session on the budget is slated Monday night at the regular city council meeting, 5:30 p.m. at the City Council Chambers at the McCook Municipal Building...
Local online farmers market thrives under trying conditions (Local News ~ 07/31/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — Micro greens and gourmet mushrooms can be hard to find at grocery stores, but a new drive-through farmer’s market is making them available for everyone. “We like to sell things you can’t get anywhere else,” said Paula Sandburg of heritageacres.net, the online website she and her husband, Chris, operate that local vendors are using to sell produce. “There is a wealth of really good food here in this area and I wanted to make it convenient for people to get it.”... -
Back to school
(Column ~ 07/31/20)
It’s been quite a week. Between the Barr hearing, Dr. Stella, and mystery seeds from China, well, there’s never a dull moment. The much-publicized and broadcast, four-hour hearing of Attorney General Bill Barr looked more like a Stalinist kangaroo court than what should be a product of our system of government, but those are the times we live in. ...
Trevor Oberg delivers MCC student speech
(Local News ~ 07/31/20)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The following is the text of McCook Community College student speaker Trevor Oberg's speech today at MCC commencement ceremonies: “The most rewarding things you do in life are often the ones that looked like they couldn't be done” Arnold Palmer...
Dedication of Indianola German POW camp slated Aug. 8 (Local News ~ 07/31/20)
McCook Gazette INDIANOLA, Neb. — A dedication ceremony for the World War II German prisoner-of-war camp in Indianola is Saturday, Aug. 8, at 9 a.m., on the corner of Main Street and U.S. Highway 34. The camp was recently named to the National Register of Historic Places... -
McCook summer tennis champions! (Community Sports ~ 07/31/20)
More McCook Summer Tennis champions were recently honored. The Junior Tennis League team of (above from left) Mason Michaelis, Sydney Stewart, Riley Hanson, Kassidy Michaelis and Syd Wier went undefeated through all their matches. Each played a singles, doubles and mixed doubles match. The McCook Flex League champions (below) were Zion Moyer and Elsa Wilcox. Both went undefeated in a league with 23 participants... -
FCA camp makes another strong return (Community Sports ~ 07/31/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — McCook Bison coach Matt Wiemers provided a report of more summer tennis highlights recently: “McCook recently hosted the state’s only Fellowship of Christian Athletes tennis clinic. The clinicians were Central Nebraska FCA director Nate Lewis, former Hastings College tennis coach Comron Yazgardi and current Hastings College tennis coach Mark Gueswell... -
Latest from Heritage Hills Men's Golf
(Community Sports ~ 07/31/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — The Heritage Hills Men’s League started second-half play in its 2020 season Wednesday evening. McCook Lettering and Hauxwell Motors are leaders through this opening week: A League McCook Lettering 22.5 Arrow/Kohl Auto 21.5 Samway/Michaelis 20...
Chiefs edge Raiders in league's overtime finale (Community Sports ~ 07/31/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — This one needed overtime, but the Chiefs delivered a 13-7 win over the Raiders in Thursday’s McCook Football League season finale at Weiland Field. Quentin Terry ran for both touchdowns after covering an incredible 99 yards for a TD in Monday’s 13-6 victory... -
RRFS decides to cancel Michelle's Tri
(Community Sports ~ 07/31/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — While it is starting to sound like a broken record, the Republican River Fitness Series has announced that Michelle’s Memorial Sprint Triathlon has been canceled. Originally scheduled in June, the triathlon was postponed to Aug. 22 and moved from the McCook pool to the Red Willow Lake north of McCook. For those weary of an open-water swim, a duathlon had even been added...
Ravens' potent 'O' tops MFL 2020 leaders (Community Sports ~ 07/31/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — The Ravens were runaway MFL seventh-grade champions as they outscored four foes, 157-18, at Weiland Field this season. Teaming for the awesome Ravens’ season were players Gunner Carlisle, Sven Rauch, Noah Mashek, Bryson Gullion, Kennedy Bailey, Ethan Latta, Kalen McCorkle, Dylan Shillington, Jack Deveny, Eidos Klein, Aiden Doak, Kaleb Einspahr, Brody Senff, Spencer Steinbeck and Zach Hinze... -
MHS seniors enjoy pandemic-delayed graduation ceremony (Local News ~ 07/31/20)
Despite a disrupted senior year, the McCook Senior High graduation went off without a hitch Friday night.