McCook 'Y' re-opens strong, adding hours today (Community Sports ~ 05/19/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — A sparkling re-opening has McCook’s Ed Thomas YMCA inspired to expand its operating hours starting today. The facility at 901 West E Street will now stay open 12 consecutive hours from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at least through Friday, YMCA officials announced... -
Geryl ‘DeWayne’ Hanchera (Obituary ~ 05/19/20)
Geryl ‘DeWayne’ Hanchera June 29, 1933 - May 17, 2020 DANBURY, Neb. — Geryl “DeWayne” Hanchera, of rural Danbury, surrounded by his family, went to be with his Lord and Savior on Sunday, May 17, 2020. He was 86 years old. DeWayne was born on June 29, 1933, on the family farm near Danbury, to Stephen William “Bill” and Edith Belle (Axtell) Hanchera. ... -
Trader basketball camps likely bouncing to July
(Community Sports ~ 05/19/20)
HASTINGS, Neb. — Mike Trader’s Annual Mid-America Basketball Camp plans on conducting their camps in July this summer. Because of the COVID-19 virus the camps that were scheduled for June have been postponed and may be rescheduled. Please check the website at www.traderscamp.com for all of our updated information regarding our camps this summer...
Look what happened at Burke many moons ago (High School Sports ~ 05/19/20)
Happy people standing within six feet of each other? Yes, those glorious pre-corona days only feel like they’ve been eons ago. Last year almost to this day, McCook High’s track and field boys secured a Class B state runner-up trophy (above) after finishing just three points from topping champion Lexington at Omaha Burke Stadium. Many other area athletes were earning state medals like Southern Valley freshman high jumper Brianna Russell (below)... -
'Pick six' scholars top all-state selections (High School Sports ~ 05/19/20)
LINCOLN, Neb. — Area athletes earned more great honors for their efforts as many made the 2019-20 Lincoln Journal Star All-State Academic team. The publication highlighted prestigious ‘pick six’ athletes who earned all-state academic honors six times... -
Junior high students to return laptops, books, other materials Wednesday
(Local News ~ 05/19/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — On Wednesday, May 20. from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., students at McCook Junior High and/or parents are to return all checked-out student Chromebooks and chargers, textbooks, library books, and any other junior-high materials. Students/parents are to use the north entry (#9) along Sunset Road to return items...
Ballparks can open, with limits
(Local News ~ 05/19/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — The fate of the boys and girls of summer was somewhat decided Monday night at the McCook City Council meeting, during discussion of when and if to open up the city practice ball fields. City facilities, such as the ball parks, have been closed due to directed health measures issued by Gov. Ricketts for the COVID-19 pandemic...
Flyover festivities (Local News ~ 05/19/20)
First responders, medical staff, families and friends enjoyed an informal festival Monday as a Nebraska Air National Guard KC-135 tanker flew over Community Hospital. A training flight was routed over a number of Nebraska hospitals to honor front-line workers in the fight against COVID-19... -
Courthouse prepares for cautious reopenting
(Local News ~ 05/19/20)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The Red Willow County courthouse is preparing to cautiously open June 1 after the state Directed Health Measure expires May 31, but visitors will still be restricted to enter by one door and are asked to avoid bringing children into the building...
COVID-19 update (Local News ~ 05/19/20)
Installation of new HVAC system will require removal of library wall
(Local News ~ 05/19/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — An unexpected glitch in the city library’s HVAC upgrade will require the removal of a south wall. McCook Mechanical LLC, the contractor for the HVAC upgrade, cannot fit the chilling unit down the basement stairs, McCook City Manager Nate Schneider told the McCook City Council Monday night at its regular meeting...
Woman to prison for theft of safe (Local News ~ 05/19/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — A 41-year-old woman of Hoxie, Kan., was sentenced in McCook to the Nebraska Department of Corrections for allegedly stealing a safe, the contents estimated at worth more than $50,000. District Court Judge James E. Doyle IV sentenced Crystal M. ... -
Time for life to get back to normal
(Column ~ 05/19/20)
Your old columnist thinks that the time has come. It is time to get life back to normal after the COVOD-19 shutdown. Admittedly we in Nebraska didn’t have it nearly as bad as the poor souls living crowded in highly populated areas like New York City. Their choice, but one size doesn’t fit all either...
Dale Bamesberger (Obituary ~ 05/19/20)
Clayton Loomis (Obituary ~ 05/19/20)
Mary Ellen Carroll (Obituary ~ 05/19/20)
Kent Eugene Jording (Obituary ~ 05/19/20)
Marvin K. Colson (Obituary ~ 05/19/20)