Heritage Hills leagues getting set to tee off (Community Sports ~ 05/06/20)
McCOOK, Neb. — Golf season will really start rolling across Heritage Hills with three leagues all starting their summer seasons in the next few weeks. Monday Scramble League golfers begin May 18, Men’s League is set for a May 27 season debut and Women’s League competition commences on June 2... -
National Guard testing today in McCook, Friday in Ogallala
(Local News ~ 05/06/20)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The Nebraska National Guard will conduct two testing events this week hosted by Southwest Nebraska Public Health Department (SWNPHD); one in McCook on Wednesday May 6th and another in Ogallala on Friday May 8th. The testing is open to all individuals from the nine-county health district and neighboring Nebraska county residents. No walk-ins will be allowed. All persons interested in being tested must schedule an appointment by calling 308-345-4223...
Police Activity Log
(Local News ~ 05/06/20)
Tuesday, May 5, 2020 These items are taken from reports filed by the McCook Police Department on the day indicated. WHERE NUMBERED ADDRESSES ARE USED, THEY REFER TO BLOCK NUMBERS, NOT SPECIFIC ADDRESSES. If you have information about any of these reports, call 308-345-3450...
National Day of Prayer Thursday (Local News ~ 05/06/20)
McCOOK, Neb. -- Despite, or even because of the coronavirus pandemic, many churches are giving special emphasis to Thursday's National Day of Prayer. More than 60,000 local community events are planned across America, many of them multiplied and amplified through digital platforms...