Pollmann Pirates are Major League champions! (Community Sports ~ 07/05/19)
McCOOK, Neb. — The Team Pollmann Pirates sailed to an 8-2 victory over the Kmoch Mets Wednesday night to decide this year’s Majors League tournament champion at Felling Field. In the first inning, Team Pollmann Pirates got their offense started. Trenton Raile grounded out, scoring one run... -
AnnaBell Ruth Craw (Obituary ~ 07/05/19)
AnnaBell Ruth Craw Jan. 26, 1932 - July 4, 2019 McCOOK, Neb. — AnnaBell Ruth Craw, age 87, of McCook, passed away Thursday, July 4, 2019, at McCook. She was born Jan. 26, 1932, in Max, Neb., to Harry and Gertrude (Hinz) Kentopp. She grew up and attended school in Benkelman, Neb., graduating on May 24, 1949... -
McCook airport will be one of five locations for Nebraska Forest Service (Local News ~ 07/05/19)
McCOOK, Neb. — Fighting fires by air will get a boost from below at the McCook Ben Nelson Regional Airport. The McCook City Council voted unanimously in favor Monday night to approve a lease with the Nebraska Forest Service, Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, to lease and occupy a parcel of ground at the McCook city airport to aid in the purpose of regional wildland fire suppression... -
Cooling Off (Local News ~ 07/05/19)
McCook City police officers Donnie Rinehart, from left and Luke McGinley take time to buy cups of lemonade at Macy Myers-Grindle’s lemonade stand Thursday afternoon. Macy said she was selling a lot of lemonade and the hot, muggy weather certainly didn’t hurt sales. -
Little things do matter (Local News ~ 07/05/19)
Less than two years ago, Tasha Wulf decided to take the job with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln extension office in McCook. Living in Omaha at the time, she had looked all over the country at different job with interviews at several different locations... -
Quality Time
(Column ~ 07/05/19)
The thing I miss most about living in Nebraska with my boys in Arkansas and Oklahoma is that I don’t get to see them often enough. I’ve never been one of those people who act and believe like we’re going to live forever and we have plenty of time to do whatever we want to do. ...
Summer studies and county visits
(Column ~ 07/05/19)
During this interim, the time between when a session ends and the next session begins, I’m visiting with different county boards throughout the 44th legislative district. It is a great way for me to find out how things are going in their counties and answer any questions they may have about what went on during this past years session. ...
Planning underway for Big Give on Nov. 7 (Local News ~ 07/05/19)
With planning well underway for the fourth annual Big Give McCook on Nov. 7, organizers are look- ing for any non-profit organizations which would like to join the one-day philanthropy event. Last year, 23 organizations were part of Big Give Mc- Cook, up from 21 the year before... -
McCook Football League checkouts on Monday
(Community Sports ~ 07/05/19)
McCOOK, Neb. — McCook Football League will be having equipment checkout on Monday July 8th from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Felling Field. Checkout will be on the North West side of the stadium. The league is still accepting registrations for the 2019 Football Season...
Late jolt sparks Juniors past Broken Bow (Community Sports ~ 07/05/19)
McCOOK, Neb. — A little pain turned into plenty last at-bat gain for McCook’s First Central Bank Juniors during their 11-3 home win over Broken Bow Thursday night. The game was locked in a 3-3 tie until — ouch, ouch! — Tanner Jacobs and Joey Gonzalez were both plunked with inside pitches to set up McCook’s fun-filled sixth inning... -
Mets topple Royals to reach tourney final (Community Sports ~ 07/05/19)
The KMoch Mets snagged a late lead and defeated First Central Bank Royals 6-3 on Wednesday. The game was tied at three with Mets batting in the top of the fifth when Landon Kmoch homered on a 1-2 count, scoring three runs. First Central Bank Royals got things moving in the first inning, when Reid Loop doubled on a n0-2 count, scoring one run... -
Freedom Run ignites holiday in Culbertson again (Community Sports ~ 07/05/19)
CULBERTSON, Neb. - The Culbertson Freedom Run 5K/10K always attracts a large crowd as family and friends gather to kick of the Fourth of July holiday together. The 2019 Freedom Run was no different with beautiful running weather drawing a large crowd...