MFL teams battling into overtime Wednesday (Community Sports ~ 07/26/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — Another Peyton known as Manning often saved the Indianapolis Colts, but a different Payton came to his Colts' rescue Wednesday night at Weiland Field. The McCook Football League Colts were trailing 6-0 through three-plus quarters against their familar foe Chiefs... -
MEDC plans Masermind, Internship Festival
(Local News ~ 07/26/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — The McCook Economic Development Corp. plans two information sessions on Aug 1 at noon and 5 p.m. in the Keystone Third Floor Training Room to introduce its Mastermind and Internship Programs. Each session will be about an hour long and food will be included, along with a presentation, and information on the new programs, according to Andy Long, MEDC executive director...
Heritage Hills golf league updates
(Community Sports ~ 07/26/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — The Heritage Hills Men’s Golf League season has rolled through four weeks of its second half with Culbertson Bank and T Pinkal Construction holding two-point league leads. T Pinak climbed above four teams this week to take first in B League...
Ghost tour tickets refunded
(Local News ~ 07/26/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — A person affiliated with a ghost tour planned at St. Catherine’s Hospital, now canceled, said tickets are being refunded. The ghost tour was posted on Facebook by “Simplyghost.com” and promised “the first ever paranormal investigation” of St. Catherine’s Hospital on Aug. 17 and 18. Tickets were $125 per person for both nights...
College honors retiree, awards insurance bids
(Local News ~ 07/26/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — Chuck Salestrom, area vice president of public information and marketing, was honored upon his retirement at a meeting of the Mid-Plains Community College board of governors Wednesday night. He will retire Aug. 3. In other business, the board approved a bid from Arthur J. Gallagher and Co., the college’s current insurance provider, for athletic insurance for the 2018-19 academic year. The company submitted the low bid of $71,900...
Magic and the merry-go-round (Local News ~ 07/26/18)
Puff the magic dragon trundles his way around the Red Willow County Fairgrounds in McCook during the first night of the 2018 county fair Wednesday evening. From the merry-go-round, Riece Skeen of McCook waved at fellow fair-goers, and Avery Olsen, riding with mom Nicole Olsen, was serious about NOT wanting to get off. The Lions Club Bingo booth proved, as usual, to be a popular stop for all ages. The carnival opens at 6:30 p.m., today, Friday and Saturday... -
MNB's road to a state baseball final (Community Sports ~ 07/26/18)
WAYNE, Neb. — McCook’s 285-mile journey to Wayne will hopefully last through Wednesday’s Class B Legion state championship game. Alliance appears to be a favorite with its 38-4 record which includes two late-season wins over McCook National Bank. Wahoo will bring a 25-10 record and topped MNB in the Kearney Jerseys Tournament nearly two months ago... -
Drug, weapons arrests result of year-long NSP, FCSO investigation (Local News ~ 07/26/18)
BEAVER CITY, Neb. — The Furnas County Sheriff’s Office and the Nebraska State Patrol cooperated on two drug and weapons arrests in Beaver City on Tuesday, part of a year-long narcotics investigation by the two agencies. On Tuesday, at 10:07 a.m., the sheriff’s office and the patrol executed a search warrant at 721 4th Street in Beaver City, and Hannah J. ... -
Does spending more money give you less marriage?
(Editorial ~ 07/26/18)
We’ve all heard the jokes about guys with jacked-up trucks and oversized tires are making up for inadequacies in other areas. If you haven’t, never mind. There may be a similar overcompensation at work when it comes time to walk down the aisle. According to a study of 3,000 married people, the more you spend on a wedding, the less likely it is to last...
Worried about what if's
(Column ~ 07/26/18)
I’m pretty sure this is just a Mom thing, but getting ready to leave for vacation can be almost so stressful and worrisome, that I wonder sometimes why I even book vacations. While everyone else in the family is excited and jumping around counting the days till we leave, I’m giving myself headaches every day cause I’m worrying about what all I need to get done beforehand, what all needs to be packed and then primarily, all the stupid “what if’s”...
Pet show (Local News ~ 07/26/18)
Can Benjamin Franklin's idea help provide leaders today?
(Column ~ 07/26/18)
I’ve always been interested in history and biographies. One of the most interesting biographies I read was, Benjamin Franklin by Walter Isaacson. Franklin lived an amazing life as a printer, inventor, scientist, politician, and diplomat. He helped draft the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and negotiated the 1783 Treaty of Paris. I read biographies not just to learn about an interesting individual, but also see what I can learn from and apply from the life of the person...