Now 38 wins, 38 pins for wrestling girl champ (Community Sports ~ 07/06/18)
ORLANDO, Fla. — Chomp, chomp, this Pitbull was pouncing at Kaelie Tomlin like no girls’ wrestling fan had seen before. "Pound for pound, she’s the strongest girl in our school,” coach Les Painter said while pointing to Tomlin being near the top of Cambridge High’s record charts in squat and dead lifts... -
Hillcrest is its people
(Column ~ 07/06/18)
Being admitted into a nursing home can be a scary thing for some people. In life, we spend many years working and playing and accumulating “stuff.” Imagine that you are at home one day and the next thing you know something happens and you are being told you need a skilled nursing center. ...
Scott, Olson engagement (Engagement ~ 07/06/18)
Scott, Olson Rachelle Scott and Kurt Olson have announced their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the bride-to-be are Melanie Scott of Oberlin, Kan., and the late Lee Don Scott. Grandparents are Ronald and Donna Sis, of McCook, Neb., and the late Don and Alene Scott... -
Edward Rosewater and the ‘Omaha Daily Bee’
(Column ~ 07/06/18)
Edward Rosewater was born in Bohemia in 1841, the son of a Jewish family, immigrating to the United States at the age of 13. He attended a commercial college and went to work for Southwestern Telegraph Company, the precursor of Western Union. Southwestern was in Alabama and Edward became caught up in the South during the Civil War only able to escape the clutches of the confederacy when transferred to Nashville which was captured by the Union Army in 1862. ...
Attorney appointed for Stratton man accused of bomb threats
(Local News ~ 07/06/18)
TRENTON, Neb. — Hitchcock County District Judge David Urbom appointed an attorney Thursday afternoon to represent the Stratton man accused of making explosive devices apparently in response to having had his dogs taken away from him. Imperial attorney Joel Burke will defend Fred Hamilton, who represented himself during several county court appearances after which he was found guilty of having 18 more dogs than Stratton ordinances allow (three adult dogs) and not having his dogs licensed and vaccinated.. ...
Queen contestants (Local News ~ 07/06/18)
Superintendent's contract on Monday agenda
(Local News ~ 07/06/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — The McCook Board of Education will be asked to approve compensation and a contract for Superintendent Grant Norgaard, at its regular board meeting Monday, July 9, 6:30 p.m. at the junior high conference room. According to the agenda, the board will convene in a closed executive session after the regular board meeting to discuss the superintendent’s evaluation...
Some sea to shining sea (Local News ~ 07/06/18)
One killed, two injured in ATV accident
(Local News ~ 07/06/18)
CHAMPION, Neb. — One man was killed and two other people suffered life-threatening injuries in the rollover of an ATV in southwest Chase County early Sunday morning. The Imperial Republican reports that Justin McRoberts, 35 years old and a passenger, was thrown from the ATV and died at the scene...
Scotus and the Democrats
(Column ~ 07/06/18)
I’ve been teaching and writing for 30 years about the most important function the President of the United States has is to make Supreme Court nominations. It’s his most important job for two major reasons. First of all, any person appointed to the Supreme Court serves for life. ...
State champ Rebels win trio at Ringneck
(Community Sports ~ 07/06/18)
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — The state champion McCook Rebels Pink went 3-0 in pool play befoer losing at a prestigious Ringneck International Girls Fastpitch softball tournament last week. Coach Chase Beeby’s Rebels Pink carried momentum from winning the Nebraska Class B 18-and-under ASA state championship on June 17...
Road to state through McCook starts today (Community Sports ~ 07/06/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — A Class B Junior Legion state tournament spot will be decided at McCook’s Jaycees Complex starting today. The B-6 area tournament begins with First Central Bank Juniors (17-8 record) earning a No. 1 seed. Also being the host team, McCook’s games may determine some start times this weekend... -
Monday's last day for MFL sign-ups (Community Sports ~ 07/06/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — It’s not just another Monday in McCook next week as the McCook Football League returns for its 2018 summer season. The McCook Football League will be running full speed again this summer for boys entering fifth through eighth grades. Registrations are open until Monday when players check out their equipment from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Weiland Field... -
Pickles, corn and spikes make sports variety (Community Sports ~ 07/06/18)
When it comes to sports, the usual suspects come to mind. Whether it is as a spectator or as a participant, most people will think of football and volleyball, basketball and baseball. Shameless plug right now: Sign-up has started at the YMCA for youth flag football and volleyball, now through the middle of August... -
Cyclists riding for a cause (Local News ~ 07/06/18)
Nonprofits urged to apply for Big Give
(Local News ~ 07/06/18)
Big Give McCook is set for Thursday, Nov. 15. But first, it is time to round up the local non-profit organizations, which would like to be involved in the third annual, fund-raising event. Last year, Big Give McCook organizers opened up the one-day, fund-raiser to all local non-profit organizations. They are again encouraging local non-profits to join the 21 organizations already involved in Big Give McCook...