‘Who’s Who’ for 1940 Red Willow County contains interesting facts
(Column ~ 04/27/18)
In 1940, the Nebraska Press Association published a book entitled: Who’s Who in Nebraska 1940. You can view the listings in this collection by going to: www.usgennet.org. The beginning of the publication covers what the editors called: 1867-1940 True Story of Nebraska and then provides a searchable list of Nebraska Counties and the people who were considered to be important enough to make the cut. ...
Heritage Hills ladies' league starts next week
(Community Sports ~ 04/27/18)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The McCook ladies' golf league starts next Tuesday, May 1, at Heritage Hills Golf Course...
Rice birth (Births ~ 04/27/18)
Graysen Bailey Rice Andrew and Alyssa Rice of Gering, Neb., announce the birth of their daughter, Graysen Bailey Rice, born March 19, 2018, in Scottsbluff, Neb. She weighed 7 pounds, and measured 20 inches long. Grandparents Joel and Linda Smith of McCook, Neb., Dennis and Mary Spaulding of Brighton, Colo. and the late Rick Rice... -
Sughroue birthday (Birthdays ~ 04/27/18)
80th birthday The family of Tom Sughroue of Culbertson, Neb., is requesting a card shower in honor of his 80th birthday on Monday, April 30, 2018. Cards of congratulations will reach him at P.O. Box 116, Culbertson, NE 69024. -
Hegwood birthdays (Birthdays ~ 04/27/18)
90th birthdays The family of Milton and Florence Hegwood of Culbertson, Neb., is requesting a combined birthday shower for both of them. Milton turned 90 on Jan. 30, 2018 and Florence will be 90 on May 5. Their family includes children, Jeanette Peters, Jerry and Janet Hegwood and the late Jim Hegwood; 9 grandchildren/7spouses and 20 great-grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach them at P.O. Box 336, Culbertson, NE 69024... -
Dicke birthday (Birthdays ~ 04/27/18)
90th birthday The family of Leonard P. Dicke of McCook is requesting a card shower in honor of his 90th birthday on Sunday, April 29, 2018. He was born on a farm near Wauneta, Neb., in 1928. He worked for the State of Nebraska Department of Roads for many years, before retiring in 1990 and has lived in McCook for a little over 60 years. ... -
Corder anniversary (Anniversary ~ 04/27/18)
70th anniversary The family of John and Dorothy Corder of McCook is hosting an open house and card shower in honor of the couple’s 70th wedding anniversary. The reception is Sunday, May 6, 2018, 1:30 to 3 p.m., at the Assembly of God Annex, 811 East C in McCook. ... -
McConville, Vontz wedding (Wedding ~ 04/27/18)
INDIANOLA, Neb. — Kimberlyn McConville of Bartley, Neb., and Calvin Vontz of Indianola, Neb., were united in marriage Feb. 2, 2018, at St. Catherine’s Catholic Church in Indianola with the Rev. Greg Pawloski officiating. Parents of the bride are Steve and Kerry McConville of Bartley. Grandparents are Robert and Kathy McConville of Indianola and the late Bill and Marj Adams... -
Bridge work set for east of Holbrook
(Local News ~ 04/27/18)
McCook, Neb. — Weather permitting, work is scheduled to begin Monday on US 6-34, 2.5 miles east of Holbrook, according to the Nebraska Department of Transportation. Reece Construction, of Salina, Kansas, has the $668,971 contract. Work will include replacing a bridge with a box culvert. Traffic will be reduced to one lane, with an 11-foot width restriction, reduced speed, and maintained with temporary traffic signals. The project is anticipated to be completed by fall 2018...
College programs recommended for continued offering
(Local News ~ 04/27/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — Two programs will be continued, welding equipment purchased and a new student organization for military veterans was approved by the Mid-Plains Community College board of governors Wednesday night. Meeting in McCook, the board heard a report on McCook Community College’s Early Childhood program from Tyler Esch, family and consumer sciences instructor, and from Becky Meyers on the college’s graphic design program...
Bison bring home three Zorn team titles
(High School Sports ~ 04/27/18)
GOTHENBURG, Neb. — McCook athletes won three of the four junior high team titles at Thursday’s Dutch Zorn Relays. The rundown of all top four Bison finishers: “A” Boys Teams: 1. McCook 100.95, 2. Lexington 88, 3. Cozad 45, 4. Gothenburg 40, 5. Ogallala 19...
Fiscal issues top priority for Senate candidate, retired math professor (Local News ~ 04/27/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — Republican lawmakers aren’t doing anything to deal with the ballooning national debt, and it will only get more difficult to deal with in the future, a retired University of Nebraska at Omaha math professor said. Jack Heidel, a Republican who is running for U.S. Senate, pointed to incumbent Sen. Deb Fischer, who although she did vote against the omnibus bill, had already voted to raise the debt limit... -
Indians only one shot from lead starting today
(College Sports ~ 04/27/18)
RIVERTON, Wyo. – The McCook Community College golfers shot a 307 Thursday in the first round of the Central Wyoming tournament. Region IX leader Eastern Wyoming leads the field with a 306. Whichever team finishes higher after today’s round will claim the Region IX championship...
Bison girls are best in North Platte (High School Sports ~ 04/27/18)
NORTH PLATTE, Neb. — Numerous combinations of North Platte and Kearney still couldn’t beat those McCook Bison JV tennis girls in an eight-team tournament on Thursday. The Bison (40 points) outscored Kearney, North Platte, North Platte Blue and a Kearney-NP mixed squad... -
In honor of trees (Local News ~ 04/27/18)
Reigning state champs host big weekend (High School Sports ~ 04/27/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — Most prom dances barely match the entertainment level of McCook’s top couple stepping into tennis matches this season. There’s the bouncy non-stop energy of Cassidy Beeby on one side paired with an all-business approach from Syd Thompson who would usually rather be reading a good book... -
No wooden scissors here (Local News ~ 04/27/18)
Beaver City man faces assault charges (Local News ~ 04/27/18)
BEAVER CITY, Neb. — A 33-year-old Beaver City man faces assault charges following his arrest late Tuesday evening. Furnas County Sheriff Kurt Kapperman reports that officers responded to a “check welfare” request and reports of arguing at the Beaver City Plaza about 11:05 p.m. Officers finally made contact with an adult female and with Jack D. Abbott, 33, of Beaver City... -
Riding safely (Local News ~ 04/27/18)
Children of the Wold (Local News ~ 04/27/18)
Whoever has the microphone
(Column ~ 04/27/18)
Yesterday was a big day in the hearts and minds of football fans from coast to coast. It was the first day of the NFL draft and everyone was wondering who would get drafted and how high they would go. Leading the charge were the so-called “experts” from the broadcast networks and they pontificated for hours before the draft started about who would go high and who wouldn’t. ...
Radical professors sett up students to fail
(Letter to the Editor ~ 04/27/18)
Today we three Nebraska state senators would like to express our disapproval of the recent anti-gun protests by certain faculty members from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. Following the incident last fall regarding UNL’s English Professor Amanda Gailey and English Graduate Teaching Assistant Courtney Lawton, who together harassed sophomore student Kaitlyn Mullen, as she tabled for Turning Point USA, we advised the university’s administration to develop a code of conduct for the faculty. ...
Three measures that affect Southwest Nebraska
(Column ~ 04/27/18)
The legislature has adjourned Sine Die for the 105th Nebraska Legislature Second Session as of April 18th. This was the final year of my first term as a state senator. I enjoyed my first four years in the legislature serving the people of the 44th district. ...
Online tools can help solve crimes, violate civil rights
(Editorial ~ 04/27/18)
If you have Google maps installed on your smartphone, you may or may not have noticed the “Your timeline” feature. If it’s enabled, you can check back on any particular day to see where you were at any particular time, how long you were there and where you went next...
Medicine Valley wins school's first RPAC golf title Thursday (High School Sports ~ 04/27/18)
CURTIS, Neb. -- Medicine Valley got over the hump... -
MCC instructor chose teaching over lure of 1980s computer boom (Local News ~ 04/27/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — Lynn Salyer was teaching high school math and science in Medicine Valley in the early 1980s and was making plans to abandon teaching to become a part of the new wave of technological opportunities being created in the home computer industry... -
Salyer, Bartram engagement (Engagement ~ 04/27/18)