Bison golfers roll into top three at Lexington (High School Sports ~ 04/11/18)
The Bison had another good outing today at Johnson Lake Golf Course... -
McCook bowling league sees perfect 300 score
(Community Sports ~ 04/11/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — Steve Lytle bowled 12 consecutive strikes for a perfect ‘300’ game to highlight another week of bowling at TJ’S Family Fun Center.
Area pool champs earn trip to Vegas (Community Sports ~ 04/11/18)
KEARNEY, Neb. — Tabitha Steier from McCook and Brandon Burton from Indianola will advance to the American Poolplayers Association’s (APA) Jack & Jill 8-Ball Doubles Championship in Las Vegas in August after winning the Jack & Jill 8-Ball Doubles tournament held recently... -
McCook girls win Lex Invite (High School Sports ~ 04/11/18)
LEXINGTON, Neb. — They brought the brooms and dropped a boom on most every foe as numerous sweeps helped power McCook’s tennis girls to another title on Tuesday... -
Eagles soar at Arapahoe Invite (High School Sports ~ 04/11/18)
ARAPAHOE, Neb. -- Southern Valley’s quality and depth showed at Tuesday’s Arapahoe Invite. All five Eagle golfers finished with top-10 scores to help Southern Valley win the Arapahoe Invite with a 330 team score... -
Volleyball Skills Clinic planned to help McCall family (Community Sports ~ 04/11/18)
Nebraska’s volleyball community is rallying around one of its own this weekend and is asking the public to join in the cause. Innovation Volleyball, a training and consulting group that offers lessons, clinics and advice to players, coaches and families, is organizing a Volleyball Skills Clinic to help offset medical expenses for the Ben and Alexa McCall family... -
Community Hospital adds visiting general surgeon (Local News ~ 04/11/18)
McCook, Neb.—A visiting general surgeon will begin seeing patients at Community Hospital starting May 1. Kasia Wolanin, M.D., will see patients the first and third Tuesdays of each month. She is associated with Great Plains General Surgery in North Platte... -
Brick mural proposed as tribute to major benefactor (Local News ~ 04/11/18)
McCOOK, Neb. — No one will ever be able to precisely quantify what Tom Kiplinger has done for McCook, Red Willow County and Southwest Nebraska since his first indoor roping arena went up on the county fairgrounds in 2003. Following Tom’s death last year, friends of his are proposing an art installation that would thank him for his generosity and vision, and also become a landmark … a visitors’ photo opportunity … a destination of its own …... -
Experts preparing for inevitable conflict in space
(Editorial ~ 04/11/18)
“Here men from the Planet Earth first set foot upon the Moon. July 1969, A.D. We came in peace for all mankind.” So reads the plaque affixed to the Apollo 11 lander that still rests on the Sea of Tranquility. Peace still reigns on the moon, but perhaps the last sentence should have been amended to include “(for now.)”...
Dolores M. McKain (Obituary ~ 04/11/18)