Bison bake up big win over Bulldogs (High School Sports ~ 09/05/17)
They gave up three first downs all game and definitely earned a three-day weekend. “Our run defense was awesome,” McCook coach Jeff Gross declared. They teamed for as many sacks (six) as Gering passing yards (six). Their rush yardage edge was almost nine to one (449-50), but perhaps no words describe McCook’s 45-9 home-opening win than these next few:... -
Bison softball girls dominate home invite (High School Sports ~ 09/05/17)
McCOOK, Neb. — As the season heats up, McCook Bison softball players are proving coach Jason Cochran wasn’t just blowing hot air earlier this month when he said: “We can play. We have a chance to be really good.” The Bison were really good all day while sweeping through their home invitational at McCook’s Jaycees Complex... -
Area schools kick off cross country season at Cambridge (High School Sports ~ 09/05/17)
CAMBRIDGE, Neb. -- Anyone who followed high school cross country in 2016 may have noticed some striking similarities Friday at Cambridge... -
Quigley birthday (Birthdays ~ 09/05/17)
97th birthday The family of Stan Quigley is requesting a card shower in honor of his 97th birthday today, Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2017. He was born on the Quigley Homestead where he still resides. He is a World War II Airforce veteran. Cards of congratulations will reach him at 39276 Road 720, Indianola,... -
Messersmith birthday (Birthdays ~ 09/05/17)
80th birthday You are invited to join the family in honoring Lea Messersmith on her 80th Birthday on Sept. 10, 2017, from 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. at the Farnam Senior Center. Please let your presence be your gift. Cards of congratulations will reach her at 40422 Road 740, Farnam, NE 69029... -
White birth (Births ~ 09/05/17)
Aaron and Sarah White of Norton, Kan., announce the birth of their daughter, Hadassah Grace White, born Aug. 19, 2017, at home. She weighed 6 pounds, 13.5 ounces and measured 20.25 inches long. She has three brothers, Gideon Ritchey, 9 Isaiah David, 6, Solomon Arrow, 2, and one sister, Genesis Sterling, 2. ... -
Stanley W. Hart (Obituary ~ 09/05/17)
Stanley W. Hart Jan. 27, 1923 - Aug. 31, 2017 LINCOLN, Neb. — Stanley W. Hart, born Jan. 27, 1923, on a farm outside Bartley, Neb., passed away in Lincoln on Aug. 31, 2017, in the midst of his loving, grieving family. He was predeceased by his wife of nearly 65 years, Patricia A. Hart, on April 21, 2017; his parents, DeWitt D. and Nancy Margaret Hart, his brother, Marion and his sister, Letha Cameron... -
Jerry L. Crawford (Obituary ~ 09/05/17)
Jerry L. Crawford Aug. 30, 1939 - Sept. 2, 2017 KEARNEY, Neb. — Jerry L. Crawford, 78, of Kearney, died Saturday, Sept. 2, 2017, at Good Samaritan Society - St. John’s. Funeral services will be at 10:30 a.m. Thursday at O’Brien Straatmann Redinger Funeral Home. The Reverend Dean Pofahl will officiate. Visitation will be from 5-7 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home. Following services Mr. Crawford will be cremated. Inurnment of ashes will be at 10:30 a.m. Friday at Kearney Cemetery... -
Frederick Orva Trosper (Obituary ~ 09/05/17)
Frederick Orva Trosper Dec. 3, 1923 - Sept. 2, 2017 CAMBRIDGE, Neb. — Frederick Orva Trosper of Cambridge passed away Saturday, Sept. 2, 2017 at Good Samaritan Society Nursing Home in Arapahoe. He was 93 years old. Fred was born on Dec. 3, 1923, at Norton, Kan., the son of Orva Benjamin and Josephine (Heitmann) Trosper. He attended rural school through eighth grade. At that time, Fred was expected to leave school to help on the family farm... -
Bison runners start season with top-10 finishes (High School Sports ~ 09/05/17)
COZAD, Neb. -- A pair of top-10 finishes and a third-place team performance highlighted McCook’s first cross country meet Saturday at the Cozad Country Club... -
Golf duo leads Bison to second at NP
(High School Sports ~ 09/05/17)
NORTH PLATTE, Neb. — The McCook Bison golfers were only six strokes from catching North Platte as they finished second overall at Friday’s North Platte Invitational. Senior Cassidy Redl claimed a top five medal, finishing fifth overall with her round of 88 (43-45)...
Cambridge rushing attack too much in win over Decatur Community (High School Sports ~ 09/05/17)
CAMBRIDGE, Neb. -- In a meeting of contrasting styles, ground and pound won... -
Best of the Bison from big Friday win (High School Sports ~ 09/05/17)
When the crisis is over, that's when real help is needed
(Editorial ~ 09/05/17)
It’s heartening to see the response from people our region as well as all over the country to Hurricane Harvey. That ranges from donations of goods and money to volunteers who helped in the rescue and even to friends and relatives who will help rebuild ravaged communities in the affected zone...
Spend that tax money
(Column ~ 09/05/17)
It really is very simple. The McCook City Council hires a City Manager to run the City. The City Manager is required to make an annual budget for the City Council to approve. All the Council has to do is set a cap on City spending and direct the City Manager to create a budget to live within that spending cap...
Gazette football capsules - Week 2
(High School Sports ~ 09/05/17)
A recap of Friday's games involving area schools...
Korea prospective
(Letter to the Editor ~ 09/05/17)
Recently, Carla Sapp, who is in charge of medical records at El Dorado Manor in Trenton returned from visiting her son in Japan. He is stationed there with the U.S. Navy. She gave me an unusual souvenir, a Korean newspaper that she bought during her visit. It was the Late City Edition of the Korean Herald, published Aug. 17, 2017...
'Life Chain' demonstration Oct. 1
(Local News ~ 09/05/17)
McCOOK, Neb. — On Sunday, Oct. 1, from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. a Life Chain will be formed along “B” Street in McCook Nebraska. LIFE CHAIN is a peaceful witness of Christians and pro-life individuals praying for our nation, leaders and any involved with abortion in an effort to bring back respect for life...
Grand Marshals (Local News ~ 09/05/17)
Tailgate party (Local News ~ 09/05/17)
McCook Senior High Bison football players Jack Vogel (No. 79), Justin Barenberg (No. 56) and Trevor Oberg (No. 90) and MHS dance team member Haley Potthoff grab hotdogs, bottles of water and dessert at McCook National Bank’s annual “Tailgate Party” at noon Friday, before the MHS-Gering football game Friday evening. ... -
Heritage Days Royalty deadline Friday
(Local News ~ 09/05/17)
McCOOK, Neb. — The McCook Chamber of Commerce is reminding high school seniors who live in Red Willow County that the application deadline is Friday, Sept. 8, to turn in applications for Heritage Days Royalty. This honor is open to all male and female high school seniors in Red Willow County. The senior who has the highest score will receive a $1,000 scholarship, and the senior with the second highest score will receive a $500 scholarship, both payable to McCook Community College...
Sales tax revenues are down
(Local News ~ 09/05/17)
McCOOK, Neb. — Revenue from McCook’s local-option sales tax is down when compared to year prior but still running ahead of budgeted forecasts. Through the first 10 months of the fiscal year ending in September, the city has received $1,996,451 in 1.5 percent sales tax receipts. The total is $38,439 less than prior year receipts during the same timeframe and $16,190 ahead of the budgeted revenue forecasted by city staff...
Local collection effort underway for hurricane relief
(Local News ~ 09/05/17)
McCOOK, Neb. — Eugene Koch of McCook is collecting dry goods for the Houston area at his Pioneer Hi-Bred warehouse on West Q in McCook. All items left off will be put on a semi van trailer and taken to Texas on Saturday. Some of the items needed include bottled water, cleaning products, bug sprays, toiletries, diapers and etc...
Organ donation — Restored 19th century instrument has new home in High Plains Museum (Local News ~ 09/05/17)
McCOOK, Neb. — A 1965 McCook High School graduate who admits that he “gets high on sawdust” is an “organ donor” at the Museum of the High Plains in downtown McCook. Meredith Bolles of Westminster, Colo., donated a fully-restored 1880-1890 “Packard” organ, built in Fort Wayne, Ind., to the museum Thursday afternoon... -
Murlin Lloyd Krizek (Obituary ~ 09/05/17)
Lillie Zaelece Coleman (Obituary ~ 09/05/17)