New evidence, new hope for dementia patients
(Editorial ~ 09/02/16)
Where were you on Sept. 11, 2001? It was a beautiful clear Tuesday morning, and there's a good chance you were doing the same thing you did this morning, provided your circumstances haven't changed much in the past 16 years. In the interim, those who were directly involved in the aftermath have had plenty of time to experience the aftereffects of the trauma, and few groups have provided more fodder for researchers...
Sometimes losing is winning
(Column ~ 09/02/16)
Most of us don't like to lose. We don't like to lose at anything. It's called being competitive and we're taught that attitude from the crib. Everything in life seems to be about winning and we learn at an early age that people like and respect winners a lot more than losers. But, contrary to the popular notion, losing isn't always bad and it can be good...
Bison take roar from Tigers in four (High School Sports ~ 09/02/16)
Not even a rare Hall of Famer's flub could stop the McCook Bison from delivering one of their best volleyball season openers in recent memory Thursday night... -
Bison blast Dusters 10-1
(High School Sports ~ 09/02/16)
The game was close when comparing Holdrege hits to "ESPN highlight reel"McCook High defensive plays Thursday evening...
Bison tennis defeats Hastings High
(Local News ~ 09/02/16)
McCook defeated Hastings High 8-1 in a tennis dual at Hastings on Thursday. The Bison won five of six singles matches and all three doubles matches to claim victory over the Tigers...
Raiders run all over Sailors
(High School Sports ~ 09/02/16)
Medicine Valley's halftime adjustments really looked brilliant when Zac Bailey returned the next kickoff 77 yards to a touchdown Thursday night...
Sept. 1 area volleyball recaps
(High School Sports ~ 09/02/16)
A recap of area volleyball matches on Thursday.
Eisenach, Province engagement (Engagement ~ 09/02/16)
Eisenach, Province Nichole Eisenach and Seth Province, both of McCook, announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the bride-to be are Tom and Patty Eisenach of McCook. Parents of the prospective bridegroom are Rick and Paris Province, also of McCook... -
Fletcher birthday (Birthdays ~ 09/02/16)
Birthday celebration The family of Janet Fletcher of McCook is requesting a card shower in honor of her birthday on Tuesday, Sept. 6. Her family includes children, Judy (Jack) Tuttle of Lincoln, Neb., Mark (Glenda) Fletcher and Leigh (Pat) Farrell, all of McCook; seven grandkids and numerous great-grandkids. Cards of congratulations will reach her at Hillcrest Nursing Home, 309 W. Seventh, Room 410, McCook, NE 69001... -
Kennedy birth (Births ~ 09/02/16)
Creighton Jesse Kennedy Tyler and Krista Kennedy of Indianola, Neb., announce the birth of their son, Creighton Jesse Kennedy, born Aug. 23, 2016 in McCook. He weighed 8 pounds, 10.6 ounces and measured 21 inches long. He has one sibling, Sutton, 2. Grandparents are Steve and Kerry McConville and Mike and Marsha Sides of Bartley, Neb., and Fred and Holly Kennedy of Indianola... -
Thompson birth (Births ~ 09/02/16)
Stormy Jean Thompson Jarrod and Kayla (Laird) Thompson of Groveland, Ill., announce the birth of their daughter, Stormy Jean Thompson, born Aug. 13, 2016, at Peoria, Ill. She weighed 8 pounds, 11.5 ounces and measurd 20 inches long. Grandparents are Scott and Patty Laird of Hayes Center, Neb., and Arron and Mary Jane Thompson of Morton, Ill... -
How McCook streets were first named (Column ~ 09/02/16)
The sweetcorn is now in the freezer and I am beginning to feel as if I have accomplished something. Peaches are next and I expect that tomatoes and salsa will follow shortly though if the cicadas are to be believed, my tomato season will be cut short long before I want it to! In my book, there is no better sandwich than fresh tomatoes on toast with liberal salt and pepper and the season I get to enjoy that in is way too short for me... -
Citta' Deli expands offerings, hours
(Business ~ 09/02/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- By popular demand, Citta' Deli of McCook is changing its hours and expanding its menu. Bill and Jade Lesko, the Citta' Deli owners, announced that the expanded hours and menu additions began Aug. 24. The new hours are Monday and Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Wednesday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m (dinner menu from 5 p.m.-9 p.m.)...
Kearney man faces sexual assault charge
(Local News ~ 09/02/16)
TRENTON, Neb. -- An 18-year-old Kearney man charged with first degree sexual assault remains in jail in Trenton despite his attorney's request Thursday afternoon that his bond be modified. Hitchcock County District Judge David Urbom declined to change the $100,000/10 percent bond set for Alan James Hammer who faces charges of first degree sexual assault, a Class II felony punishable by up to 50 years in prison. Hammer is charged with the sexual penetration of a 13-year-old Hitchcock County girl...
World War II vet has first-hand memory of VJ Day (Local News ~ 09/02/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- A McCook man, Keith Arterburn, was close to the center of action 71 years ago today when Japan signed a formal surrender agreement, bringing World War II to a close. Celebrated as V-J Day -- Victory in Japan -- the Japanese surrender cleared the way for United States military men and women to return to peacetime living... -
Applications available for Heritage Days Royalty
(Local News ~ 09/02/16)
McCOOK, Neb -- Applications are now available for Heritage Days Royalty. This prestigious honor is open to all male and female high school seniors residing in Red Willow County. The senior who has the highest score will receive a $1,000 scholarship, and the senior with the second highest score will receive a $500 scholarship, both payable to McCook Community College...
Sewer hike likely to join property tax, rate hikes
(Local News ~ 09/02/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The City of McCook 2016-17 fiscal year budget is scheduled for third reading approval Tuesday evening and includes a variety of proposed tax and rate increases, in addition to employee wage increases as high as 5.5 percent. City Council advanced a 3-cent property tax levy increase on second reading earlier this week and a rate increase for residential and commercial trash rates similarly advanced during the first reading of the proposed budget in August. ...
Career came naturally for new veterinarian (Local News ~ 09/02/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- Her heart follows country roads. She says she was "raised by a golden retriever"; her first word was "doggie." She grew up a tomboy, she likes to fish and she doesn't object to gettin' a little bit dirty. It sounds like Dr. Nicole Lenz will fit in just fine in Southwest Nebraska... -
June Violet Lafferty-Cooper (Obituary ~ 09/02/16)
June Violet Lafferty-Cooper Dec. 11, 1930 - Sept. 2, 2016 McCOOK, Neb. -- June Violet Lafferty-Cooper of McCook passed away Friday, Sept. 2, 2016, at The AseraCare Hospice Home in Lincoln. She was 85 years old. June was born on Dec. 11, 1930, at Lincoln, Neb., to parents, Charles and Pearl (Ellsworth) Bloyd. She attended school in Fairbury and Lincoln High School...