Elsie Becker (Obituary ~ 06/24/16)
Elsie Becker WAUNETA, Neb. -- Elsie Becker, 104, a longtime resident of Wauneta, died Wednesday (June 22, 2016), at Sunrise Heights Nursing Home in Wauneta. Survivors include children, Doris Craig of Fort Morgan, Colo., and Evelyn Madison and husband, Randy of Lebanon, Ore.; sister-in-law, Margie Bartles of Imperial, Nebr.; four grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild... -
CCC spring graduates include area students
(Community News ~ 06/24/16)
COLBY, Kan. --Colby Community College conferred 264 degrees and certificates on May 13 during the 51st annual commencement ceremonies at the Colby Community Building. Local and area graduates are: Associate of Arts Oberlin: Jason Berry, Grace Randel...
Students from Southwest Nebraska graduate from Fort Hays State University
(Community News ~ 06/24/16)
HAYS, Kan. -- Students from Southwest Nebraska were among the 2,111 who completed associate, bachelor's or graduate degrees at Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kan., in the spring 2016 semester. Degrees are listed with majors and in parentheses, areas of concentration. ...
Chambers, Heflin engagement (Engagement ~ 06/24/16)
Chambers, Heflin Kayla Louise Chambers and Jonathan Scott Heflin of Ogallala, Neb., announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Parents of the bride-to-be are Michael and Dianna Chambers of Holbrook, Neb. Grandparents are Margaret Chambers of Holbrook and the late Norman Chambers, Harold and Eva Brunswick and the late Betty Brunswick... -
Orman anniversary (Anniversary ~ 06/24/16)
50th wedding anniversary Celebrating 50 Years of God's blessings! In celebration of Paul and Delores (Primus) Orman's 50th wedding anniversary, their daughters, Angela (Peter) Hansen and children Gareth, Clara and Luke of Nome, Ala., and Margaret (Brent) Sankey of Dearborn, Mich., would like to host a card shower. ... -
Anderson birth (Births ~ 06/24/16)
Devin June Anderson Eric and Megan Anderson of Kearney, Neb., announce the birth of their daughter, Devin June Anderson, born May 5, 2016, at Kearney. She weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces and measured 19 1/2 inches long. She has one sister, Charlie Della, 1 1/2. Grandparents are DeWayne and Terri Gohl of Kearney, Marty Anderson and Bev Anderson of McCook, Neb. Great-grandparents are Delores Gohl of McCook, and John and Della Anderson of Elk River, Minn... -
Ruppert birth (Births ~ 06/24/16)
Bryer Oakley Ruppert Brent and Erin Ruppert of Curtis, Neb., announce the birth of their daughter, Bryer Oakley Ruppert, born June 11, 2016, at Great Plains Health in North Platte, Neb. She weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces and measured 19 1/2 inches long. She has one sister, Brekyn, 2. Grandparents are Kent and Deb Meyers and Claryce Fritsche of McCook, Neb., and Doug Ruppert of Curtis... -
Pieces of McCook (Column ~ 06/24/16)
I truly love being a grandparent and wish that all my brood lived close by. Since they don't, this grandma gets to do things like travel to watch softball games in 100 degree weather in the pollen and humidity capital of Nebraska. Softball games that started as late as midnight because of rain. ... -
Huck Finn Fishing (Outdoors ~ 06/24/16)
Barnett Park was a busy place on Father's Day as the McCook Lions Club hosted the annual Huck Finn Fishing Derby. Some 70 kids signed up for the event. -
Relatives celebrate pro football coach's achievement
(Local News ~ 06/24/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The next time you run into a member of the Koetter family of McCook, don't be surprised if they are bursting with pride about their cousin and nephew, Dirk Koetter, who is the new head coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers' professional football team...
Very soon? (Local News ~ 06/24/16)
Frank Van Apeldoorn hands a Gospel tract to a passerby on B Street in McCook, Neb., this morning. A retired teacher, from Batavia, N.Y. he said he worked on college campuses before they became too restricted, and has since taken his sign to all 48 lower states three times each over the last five years... -
Farmers Market coupons available at Senior Center
(Local News ~ 06/24/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- Nebraska Senior Farmers market Coupons will be available at the McCook heritage Senior Center, 1312 W. Fifth on Tuesday, June 28, Wednesday, June 29, at 1 p.m. and Thursday, June 30 at 1 p.m. Recipients must attend one of these informational meetings in order to receive coupons...
Fireworks set for Indianola
(Local News ~ 06/24/16)
INDIANOLA, Neb. -- Indianola Volunteer Fire and Rescue will present a fireworks display Sunday, July 3, at the Indianola Ball Park Arena on the west edge of Indianola at 10 p.m. Free will donations are being accepted to help with next year's show. Donations may be mailed to P.O. Box "M" in Indianola...
With a little help from my friends
(Column ~ 06/24/16)
I appreciated the story in last night's Gazette about Boutique Air's passenger counts climbing but I think prospective passengers need a lot more information than that in order to make an informed decision on whether to fly with them or not so I had decided to write this column several days ago. I would like to do a full column next week on the pros and cons of flying out of and into McCook and that can only be done with help from the readers of this column...
What does Brexit mean for the next presidential election?
(Editorial ~ 06/24/16)
In Scotland to visit one of his money-losing golf courses, Donald Trump congratulated Britain on its vote to leave the European Union, saying he was happy to see people take their countries back. Stock markets weren't so sure about the Brexit vote. The U.S stock market dropped about 2 percent on open but was coming back at press time...
MCC Boosters name Athletes of the Year (College Sports ~ 06/24/16)
McCOOK, Neb. -- Six McCook Community College student/athletes were selected by their respective coaches to be recognized for the 2015-2016 academic year as Athletes of the Year in their individual sports. They were Garret Christiansen, baseball, Las Vegas; Makuei "Peter" Puondak, basketball, Sydney, Australia; Brad Hill, Golf, Hednesford, England; Chante Church, women's basketbal, Rifle, Colo.; Mackenzie Bilger, softball, Boise, Idaho; Shaela Jenkins, volleyball; Dalton, Neb... -
Olsen anniversary (Anniversary ~ 06/24/16)
50th anniversary Bob and Connie Olsen of McCook celebrated their 50th anniversary with a family vacation. They were married June 12, 1966, in Elm Creek, Neb. Their family includes children, Christy and Mike Altman of Lincoln, Neb., Jim and Monica Olsen of Plattsmouth, Neb., Jon and Nicole Olsen of McCook; and five grandchildren. Cards of congratulations will reach them at 315 Apache Drive, McCook, NE, 69001...