Return of Katnip World (Weekend Menu ~ 12/26/14)
On the record
(Other Record ~ 12/26/14)
This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society. Police activity Activity log...
Pollmann birthday (Birthdays ~ 12/26/14)
90th birthday The family of Louise Pollmann of McCook, Nebraska, is hosting an open house in honor of her 90th birthday Jan. 1. She was born in 1925 in Franklin County, Nebraska. Her family includes daughters, Judy and Lynn Redmer of Garden Plain, Kansas, Linda and Roland Hilker of McCook and the late Joyce Samuelson; sons, Larry and Diane Pollmann, Jarry and Valorie Pollmann of McCook and Loren and Margaret Pollmann, of Trenton, Nebraska; nine grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. ... -
Even Nebraska lottery winners are level-headed folk
(Editorial ~ 12/26/14)
Keep a level head and you'll do well. It has served folks like football legend Tom Osborne, investment icon Warren Buffett and numerous other Nebraska leaders very well over the years. Even when it comes to behaviour many of us view as foolish -- playing the lottery -- Nebraskans tend toward level-headedness...
One with the universe
(Column ~ 12/26/14)
There's a type of religion called transcendent idealism where the ultimate objective, through many years of meditation, is to rise above the daily foibles of man to become one with the universe. The most common religious belief system that embodies this principle is Buddhism...
'Oh What a Night' promises to be a great evening
(Local News ~ 12/26/14)
KERRI LONG McCOOK, Neb. -- Oh, What A Night! is just around the corner and everything has come together for what is sure to be a wonderful evening of entertainment for all ages. Those who wish to participate in the cooking or Cocoa & Canvas class are reminded to RSVP as soon as possible as participants are limited. ...
Merry Christmas this year, and next ... (Local News ~ 12/26/14)
Ryan Davis of McCook, Nebraska, envisions adding over-sized decorations each year to the evergreen tree in Kelley Park that he christened this year as McCook's "Community Christmas Tree." Anyone wishing to help with the purchase of more decorations for Christmas 2015 can call Ryan and his wife, Janelle, at (308) 340-9198, or contact the McCook Area Chamber of Commerce, (308) 345-3200. ... -
Optimist Club chips in for youth activities, New Year's celebration (Local News ~ 12/26/14)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The McCook Optimist Club is continually looking for ways to support the youth of McCook. After hearing about the "Oh What a Night" New Year's Eve celebration presented by Andy Long, local volunteer and Mid-Plains Community College Vice President, the club decided to support both projects... -
Group offers support for friends, family of alcoholics
(Local News ~ 12/26/14)
McCOOK, Neb. -- Alcoholism can be difficult for friends and family members of those afflicted, especially during the holiday season. Al-Anon Family Groups representatives are spreading the word that local help is available. Al-Anon Family Groups host twice weekly meetings at 709 W. Second Street in McCook. The meetings are coordinated at 7:30 p.m. on Monday and Thursday evenings...
Auto group offering rides home
(Local News ~ 12/26/14)
Janssen Auto Group of McCook, North Platte and Holdrege have announced they will be offering free rides home again this New Years Eve to any one needing a safe ride home. "This is our sixth year of offering this service and are pleased to be able to offer it again this year" said Dave Janssen of Janssen Auto group. "While we don't want to encourage any one to over indulge this New Years Eve we do want to make sure that everyone makes it home safely" continued Janssen...
Need a lift, not another bus
(Letter to the Editor ~ 12/26/14)
Well, Ho-Ho-Ho- Hillcrest has another vehicle to add to the already three or four they have. Why couldn't the fund money be used for something that the residents could really use, like three or four new lifts!? That would really benefit several of the residents instead of waiting 30 or 40 minutes (and they do) for the only one lift they have...
Jurascals (Weekend Menu ~ 12/26/14)
Jurascals (Weekend Menu ~ 12/26/14)
Grant LeRoy Callander (Obituary ~ 12/26/14)
Grant LeRoy Callander June 16, 1951 - Dec. 24, 2014 McCOOK, Neb. -- Grant LeRoy Callander was born June 16, 1951, the first child of Glenn LeRoy and Dorothy (Patterson) Callander at St. Catherine's Hospital in McCook. Grant died on Wednesday, Dec. 24, 2014, at Hillcrest Nursing Home in McCook. He was 63 years old...