Jurascals (Weekend Menu ~ 12/12/14)
Return of Katnip World (Weekend Menu ~ 12/12/14)
Paul Orville Ellis
(Obituary ~ 12/12/14)
CAMBRIDGE, Neb. -- Paul Orville Ellis, age 74, of Cambridge died at his home on Thursday (Dec. 11, 2014). He was born in Cambridge on March 24, 1940, to Orville and Pearl (Roberts) Ellis. Paul graduated from Cambridge High School in 1958.He then attended and graduated from Kearney State College in 1962, later attending the University of Nebraska Pharmacy College and graduating in 1965...
Shirley A. Seeman
(Obituary ~ 12/12/14)
OBERLIN, Kan. --Shirley A. Seeman was born Nov. 14, 1928, in Hitchcock County, Nebraska, to Claude and Edna (Reeves) Myers. She passed away Sunday (Dec. 7, 2014) at the Decatur County Good Samaritan Society in Oberlin, Kansas, at the age of 86. Shirley was reared on a farm near Culbertson, Nebraska, in Hitchcock County and attended a country school near her home. After she completed the eighth grade, her family moved to McCook, Nebraska...
Maxine M. Sauvage
(Obituary ~ 12/12/14)
OBERLIN, Kan. --Maxine M. Sauvage was born July 2, 1927, on a farm north of Kanona, Kansas, to Rudolph J. and Emma (Fiala) Mrstik. She passed away Tuesday (Dec. 9, 2014) at her home in Oberlin, Kansas, at the age of 87. Maxine spent her early years on the family farm near Kanona, where she attended school through the eighth grade. ...
Climate, population change concern for irrigation practices
(Local News ~ 12/12/14)
LINCOLN--For many ag producers in Nebraska, especially in the western part of the state, irrigation is a necessity. "Without irrigation, at least half the state would probably be unable to produce irrigated crops," said Alan Corr, University of Nebraska-Lincoln extension educator for West-Central Nebraska...
Protest is protected; rioting is not
(Column ~ 12/12/14)
There has been a lot of conversation lately about the protests that occurred in Ferguson, Missouri and in cities across the nation in regards to the Michael Brown killing. It's important to remember that peaceful protest has been protected by court rulings for decades but rioting hasn't and rioting is what we see way too much of...
Study shows potential for wind energy
(Editorial ~ 12/12/14)
There are plenty of economic and bureaucratic obstacles to be overcome in the long term, but Nebraska's wind energy industry has immediate potential for even short-term expansion. The Wind Coalition is pointing to results from an official report released today by the Nebraska Power Review Board, which commissioned a study by the Brattle Group as aresult of passage of LB 1115 last legislative session...
Request to use old sheriff's office on commissioner agenda
(Local News ~ 12/12/14)
McCOOK, Neb. -- County Judge Anne Paine and Clerk Magristrate Gretchen Wiebe will meet with Red Willow County Commissioners Monday regarding a request to use the old sheriff's office. That item is on the agenda for 9:45 a.m. Other items include a request from Tom Stritt for approval of an interlocal agreement with Furnas County for veterans' services. That item is set for 10 a.m...
City workers may get half-day off Christmas Eve
(Local News ~ 12/12/14)
McCOOK, Neb. --Monday evening, the McCook City Council will consider authorizing an additional half-day holiday on Christmas Eve for all city employees. The additional holiday time on Dec. 24 was successfully negotiated by the police department during union contract negotiations earlier this year and city intends to extend the benefit to all city employees in an effort to ensure they are treated the same, according to Monday's meeting agenda...
Volunteers needed for Salvation Army
(Local News ~ 12/12/14)
McCOOK, Neb. -- Volunteers are needed to help with The Salvation Army's annual holiday bell ringing campaign, which will be taking place at the entrances to a pair of McCook businesses. The familiar donation kettles will be in place Friday, Dec. 12 through Tuesday, Dec. ...
Arts celebration returning to Norris Avenue (Local News ~ 12/12/14)
New Year's Eve celebration of the arts returns to McCook An alcohol-free, fun-for-all-ages celebration of the arts is slated for New Year's Eve on Norris Avenue. Oh, What A Night! is the same concept as First Night, just with a new name. It is being led by volunteers Janelle Kircher, Community Hospital vice president of patient care services; Andy Long, McCook Community College vice president; and his wife, Kerri Long... -
Post office ready for busiest day Monday
(Local News ~ 12/12/14)
McCOOK, Neb. -- The McCook Post Office estimates 3,000 cards, letters and packages will be mailed on Monday, Dec. 15, making it the busiest mailing day of the year. Nationwide, an estimated 640 million cards, letters and packages are expected to be mailed that day...
'Let It Snow' (Local News ~ 12/12/14)
The Crane River Theater production of "Let It Snow" is set for 3 p.m. Sunday at the Fox Theatre, 412 Norris Ave. in McCook. Narrated by Mary Henning, a well-known artist and storyteller, the performace will feature soloists Kamara Graves, Brian Botsford, Grant Pyper, Ruthea Rodehorst, Steve Barth, Laura Mathis and Ashley West. ...