Return of Katnip World (Weekend Menu ~ 12/20/13)
Cocktails: Shaken, Not Stirred (Weekend Menu ~ 12/20/13)
FAMILY FEATURES --'Tis the season for entertaining, and festive cocktails are in fashion for gatherings large and small. This season, shake things up a bit. Trade in the punch bowl for a cocktail shaker and serve up some easy, fun and delicious egg-based cocktails for guests... -
Don't judge a cat by its cover, at least not from a mile away
(Column ~ 12/20/13)
I was attempting to make a "things aren't always as they seem" comparison to Declan the other day when I became wrapped up in recounting an experience from my Washington state days. The long-winded conversation failed to make the comparison I intended on the topic at the time, but he certainly seemed to enjoy the tale...
Maxine Eleanor Rippen Poore
(Obituary ~ 12/20/13)
Maxine Eleanor Rippen Poore Oct. 27, 1917 - Dec. 9, 2013 SALINA, Kansas -- Maxine Eleanor Rippen Poore, age 96, died Dec. 9, 2013, at the Pinnacle Park Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Salina, Kansas. Maxine was born in McCook, Nebraska, on Oct. 27, 1917, to Elmer and Nancy Lee (Campbell) Shepherd. She grew up in McCook and graduated from McCook High School in 1935. She attended McCook College, where she received her Normal Training Certificate...
JuneLee (Benjamin) Davis (Obituary ~ 12/20/13)
JuneLee (Benjamin) Davis June 24, 1942 - Dec. 20, 2013 McCOOK, Nebraska -- JuneLee (Benjamin) Davis passed away peacefully surrounded by her daughters on Friday, Dec. 20, 2013, at Hillcrest Nursing Home in McCook. She was 71 years old. June was born on June 24, 1942, at McCook to parents, Raymond and Wilma (Broomfield) Benjamin. She graduated from McCook High School in 1960... -
On the record
(Other Record ~ 12/20/13)
This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society. Police activity Activity log...
Seaman birth (Births ~ 12/20/13)
Weston Michael Seaman Ryan and Lisa Seaman of Grand Island, Nebraska, announce the birth of their son, Weston Michael Seaman, who was born Nov. 19, 2013, at Grand Island. He weighed 9 pounds and measured 22 1/4 inches long. Grandparents are Mike and Sally Daffer of Danbury Nebraska, Mike and Traci Seaman of Indianola, Nebraska and Andy and Pam Lahr of Lincoln, Nebraska. ... -
Lytle birth (Births ~ 12/20/13)
Gage Eldon Lytle Brian and Jody Sides-Lytle of McCook, Nebraska, announce the birth of their son, Gage Eldon Lytle, who was born Nov. 4, 2013, at Great Plains Regional Medical Center in North Platte, Nebraska. He weighed 7 pounds 1.5 ounces and measured 19 1/2 inches long. ... -
Rhodes birth (Births ~ 12/20/13)
Harrison Robert Rhodes Lora and Dr. Bob Rhodes of Lincoln, Nebraska, announce the birth of their son, Harrison Robert Rhodes, who was born Dec. 4, 2013. He has one brother, Lincoln, 12 and sister, Sophie, 10. Grandparents are Bob and Joann Nemechek of McCook, Nebraska, Darlene Rhodes of Fort Dodge, Iowa and the late Harold "Dusty" Rhodes... -
Researching your ancestors with the Daughters of the American Revolution
(Community Sports ~ 12/20/13)
By Susan Doak SW Nebraska Genealogy Society McCOOK, Nebraska -- There are two organizations, the Sons and/or Daughters of the American Revolution, whose membership consists entirely of direct descendants of Revolutionary soldiers. Becoming a member requires tracing your ancestors back to prove the lineage. Although that sounds difficult, in this day and age most of the genealogy work necessary has been done for you; you just have to be able to find it!...
Jurascals (Weekend Menu ~ 12/20/13)
Jurascals (Weekend Menu ~ 12/20/13)
A Kola for the road (Weekend Menu ~ 12/20/13)
Here's Kola -- from Stratton, Nebraska -- doing something that she loves ... -
Retirement reception (Local News ~ 12/20/13)
McCook, Nebraska, city manager Jeff Hancock presents a plaque of recognition and appreciation Thursday afternoon to Sue Chipman, retiring director of McCook's Heritage Senior Center. Representing the senior center and city staff, Jo Dike presented a card and a near-tearful hug. ... -
NRDs reach accord on water credit
(Local News ~ 12/20/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- While the concept may be sound, one word in a proposal discussed by Republican River Basin water managers Wednesday afternoon made one manager uncomfortable. The concept, in its bare-bones form, appears simple: Let the local area (NRD) that loses the surface water get the credit for it...
Think you're a drinking pro? Better think again
(Editorial ~ 12/20/13)
People who drink on a regular basis like to joke about "amateur night," before upcoming holidays like Christmas and New Years, times when those who imbibe less frequently may be out and about. We're headed into one today, the weekend before Christmas when many of us will be celebrating at family or office parties...
It's not about free speech
(Column ~ 12/20/13)
The Internet including Facebook as well as public figures and politicians have all expressed their opinions about the Arts and Entertainment network suspending Duck Dynasty's patriarch, Phil Robertson, for his comments made about homosexuality in an interview with Gentlemen's Quarterly magazine. All of them, including this newspaper's editorial in last night's edition, have missed the point...
Chamber announces winners
(Local News ~ 12/20/13)
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Congratulations to all of our "All I Want for Christmas" winners that were drawn last night! We drew each individual gift from the participating merchants first, and the winners were: Brown's Shoe Fit Company - Cheri Putz D & S Hardware - Kent Davis...
Christmas season
(Letter to the Editor ~ 12/20/13)
Dear Editor, How about some poetic fun at Christmas time? Introducing Alexander Pope, who loved to write "rhyming couplets" and use our normal breathing, which requires one breath a line, namely "iambic pentameter," which goes something like this: bar umph bar umph bar umph bar umph bar umph (short, long, five times, and the last word of each two lines of verse rhyming neatly, a pleasantry to the ear, while the content appeals to the reason and/or wit of the reader. To wit:...
Grandview Center needs public support
(Letter to the Editor ~ 12/20/13)
It is difficult for a small community to own and maintain a facility where citizens can get together. Stratton has such a facility named the Grandview Senior Center and the activities listed below are ongoing. Coffee is served six mornings a week. Meals are served at noon five days a week. Last year, 6,800 meals were served. Meals are delivered to Culbertson, Palisade and Trenton once a month. Carry-out meals are available...
Avoid tragedies
(Letter to the Editor ~ 12/20/13)
December is here and it is time to put up the Christmas decorations. Make sure your ladder is safe. Never plug in a 6,000-volt wire into a 2 volt receptacle. This could damage power lines and set your hair on fire. Use common sense when attaching ornaments to the tree. Too much weight could make the whole project fall over and you could be suffocated...
Peace and Goodwill
(Letter to the Editor ~ 12/20/13)
The theme at Christmas is peace and goodwill. When we think of the Plymouth colony in Massachusetts and the Boston Bay Colony we think about peace and good will and religious freedom. They maintained an uneasy but an peaceful relationship with the Wampanoeg, Narragaqnsett, Nipmuck, Pequot and Mohegan tribes. March 22, 1621, leaders from the Plymouth colony negotiated a peace treaty with Massasoit (1581-1661), chief of the Wampanoags...
What's happening?
(Letter to the Editor ~ 12/20/13)
We probably all realize by now that there is no such thing as a fair and balanced news source that mere tells us what happens and lets us draw our own conclusions. When we watch a newscast, we are dizzy and our head is spinning because of the bias of the press...
From the heart (Local News ~ 12/20/13)
Darius Bolli, from left and Dakota McBride get ready to go on the attack, while Vince Lyons seems to be saying, "Bring it on!" at the dodge ball tournament Wednesday at the McCook High School gym. The tournament was part of "White Out" activities this week at the MHS, sponsored by the National Honor Society and FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America). ...